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Proof Stafford isn't the problem.


Half Woke Member
Jul 3, 2013
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So in your opinion, me saying he is the same exact talented yet undeveloped player today he was when drafted = all is well with him?

Is that what you got out of my post?

No. It just read as if you're absolving him of any responsibility for his play. Many of the points you made are legit. His decision-making can be partially attributed to his lack of options and inadequate coaching/bad scheme. But Staff isn't 10 years old. Regardless of who the coaches are or what sort of offense they run, he needs to get better at throwing the short stuff. He needs to work on his touch and accuracy in the screen to 10 yard range.... not throw everything 100 mph. That stuff should be automatic for a quality NFL QB and he struggles terribly with it. He must know that part of his game needs work, unless he's a complete moron which he clearly isn't. The fact that he says that working with a QB coach "would not be beneficial to him" I find troubling. Even if it was just lip service he could have at least said "I'll do whatever & work with whomever the coaches want". Because he sure as hell isn't getting any better trying to work it out on his own.


Apr 28, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Stafford is taking this firing really hard. I like it. I hope it hardens him up and makes him a man. 25 year kid should be like this. Hopefully this pisses him off/wakes him up enough that it motivates him and makes him great.

Asked what he traits he wanted to see in the next Lions coach, Stafford said he hasn’t thought that far ahead.
“I’ve never been through this before and hopefully don’t have to do it again,” he said.

Matthew Stafford would like to help decide who Detroit Lions hire as next head coach | Detroit Free Press | freep.com

He also says "ya, sure." if he'd like input on next HC but doesn't have any expectations "not sure that will happen or not."

But imo the real story here is how hard he is appears to be taking this, like a kid losing his mentor. I really feel like this is going to be good for him. You can tell he cares. Good sign imo.
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Apr 28, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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No. It just read as if you're absolving him of any responsibility for his play. Many of the points you made are legit. His decision-making can be partially attributed to his lack of options and inadequate coaching/bad scheme. But Staff isn't 10 years old. Regardless of who the coaches are or what sort of offense they run, he needs to get better at throwing the short stuff. He needs to work on his touch and accuracy in the screen to 10 yard range.... not throw everything 100 mph. That stuff should be automatic for a quality NFL QB and he struggles terribly with it. He must know that part of his game needs work, unless he's a complete moron which he clearly isn't. The fact that he says that working with a QB coach "would not be beneficial to him" I find troubling. Even if it was just lip service he could have at least said "I'll do whatever & work with whomever the coaches want". Because he sure as hell isn't getting any better trying to work it out on his own.

I honestly feel like Schwartz was telling him the whole time all that stuff in bold was fine. "Keep doing what you're doing" was the message he was getting from his coaches, so naturally he was going to feel the same. Now if the new HC comes in and all this stuff continues, I'll be wrong. But I don't believe Schwartz tried to fix these things and Stafford simply couldn't do it. I don't think they were ever addressed.


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Apr 19, 2013
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I love choose your own adventure. But my football fan adventure was chosen for me. Then extended for some fucking reason.

When isnt it? Have you ever chosen your own adventure?


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Didn't care. Both would be off the books now, so it wouldn't matter. (I preferred Curry, wanted them to trade down.)

You seriously would prefer not having anyone over a guy that very well could be a franchise winning qb? Theres some serious hate going on here and I do not get it.


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Blame that on Mayhew. Titus Young and Ryan Broyles were absolute PUKE picks. I said that on draft day both years.

You arent the only one. I remember I lived in fort wayne at the time and was hanging out with all colts fans and we drafted titus young and I was just like wtf.


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Apr 19, 2013
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I was Dolphin/Redskin fan growing up in DC. I chose to become a Lion fan. WTF??? I am not sure why? However I chose this great adventure.

Dude, you suck at choosing adventures.


Apr 17, 2013
Land of Confusion
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Dude, you suck at choosing adventures.

There was other rides at Adventureland though
Bullets for Pistons...yes I said Bullets It had its perks for awhile
O's for Tigers... good at this moment
Capitals for Wings
Go Blue now except bball. still Terps. Fear the Turtle baby!! Lenny Bias and Lefty got me hooked, can never leave.


Hopefully the NEW coach will get on Chubs ass to slim down and get in game shape.

Dr. Evil-er

Mayhew for President 2016
Apr 18, 2013
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You arent the only one. I remember I lived in fort wayne at the time and was hanging out with all colts fans and we drafted titus young and I was just like wtf.

:wtf2: I live in Fort Wayne. How in the hell did we not know we were in the same town and could have laughed at that pick together and ordered shots to try and make the pain go away? Were you here when they drafted Broyles? Cause that one was an even bigger WTF moment.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2013
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:wtf2: I live in Fort Wayne. How in the hell did we not know we were in the same town and could have laughed at that pick together and ordered shots to try and make the pain go away? Were you here when they drafted Broyles? Cause that one was an even bigger WTF moment.

Ha nice, small world. I was so pissed when they drafted him. I remember looking at my buddy and saying what the fuck are the lioms doing drafting this guy? And he just laughed because well hes a fan of the colts and they actually do things right. I was not there when broyles was drafted but had the same feeling. Anytime the lions trade up to draft a wr or a rb with multiple question marks will cause me to be pissed. I was there when charlie sheen had his melt down though and saw that one of his ladies was from fort wayne. Lol.


Banned in Europe
Apr 19, 2013
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You seriously would prefer not having anyone over a guy that very well could be a franchise winning qb? Theres some serious hate going on here and I do not get it.

Not having anyone would mean you are free to persue anyone. It is only after we've lost everything that we are free to do anything. Please keep providing us with excuses for why others are guilty of Staff having a fourth disappointing season. What's hard to understand about not liking Stafford's performance/contract/attitude/leadership?


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2013
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Not having anyone would mean you are free to persue anyone. It is only after we've lost everything that we are free to do anything. Please keep providing us with excuses for why others are guilty of Staff having a fourth disappointing season. What's hard to understand about not liking Stafford's performance/contract/attitude/leadership?

I havent made any excuses, he sucked. There were many problems with this lions team and he was a big one. Im not willing to sell a potentially elite quarterback down the river at the age of 25 though, because qb development. Hey, I might end up being wrong. But, Im not ready to give up on him and ive been watching the lions long enough to know how many god awful qbs we have had that had no potential to be great, and I dont want to see that for the next ten years.


Basketball School
Aug 24, 2013
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Lions and the fans are just going to have to live and die with Stafford.. It's just the right move..


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Apr 18, 2013
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I dont have a problem with Stafford right now. Yes he has regressed rather than progressed, but I dont think it is his drive or abilities that are the problem. When it has been so rare for ANY player to progress under Schwartz, I wont blame Stafford because he couldnt do it. I have been saying for years that the Lions won some games in spite of coaching and not because of it. I think the games were won by talent coming through and not because the coaches put them in a place to succeed.

Good coaching and a good scheme could turn Stafford into a great QB. He has the drive and he has the ability to be the leader of the team. He has the arm strength and when he is not in panic mode, he can be very accurate. But I think the Lions scheme forces him to go through his reads and get the ball off too quickly and doesnt allow him to settle into a rhythm.

Watch other good teams and you will see receivers get wide open with nobody around them several times a game. Lions WRs are rarely wide open. Stafford needs to fire the ball in tight quarters almost every play. Watch the good teams and their QBs often have a quick out in case they are pressured. The lions never do. Stafford has to go through his reads and if he is under pressure, he needs to fire the ball at Bush or a TE five yards down field. I think this scheme keeps so much pressure on Stafford that as the game goes on, and especially as the season goes on, he starts getting anxious. He starts rushing throws when he doesnt need to. He starts throwing off his back foot when he has time to set his feet. Even though he is not sacked or hit a whole lot, the scheme makes him feel pressured.

I think good coaches will make a huge difference, not only to Stafford, but to the entire team.


Apr 17, 2013
Land of Confusion
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Proof Stafford was part of the problem... the fact Caldwell presented himself as watching every pass he threw. Seems he saw where some of the problem lies.


Banned in Europe
Apr 19, 2013
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Who's the last OC, other than Caldwell, to fail to score an offensive TD against the Mighty Lions D?
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Apr 17, 2013
Land of Confusion
Hoopla Cash
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Who's the last OC, other than Caldwell, to fail to score an offensive TD against the Mighty Lions D?

I am not pro Caldwell. Just used him and his interview technique to my calculated scientific post... You know the untold truth that is actually a factual opinion. Fuck, I might have just sold myself on Caldwell, let me do another hypothesis and I will get back to you Smitty.