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Predictions for 2017-2018 NBA Season

Black Adam

Cowards WILL BE cowards..
Apr 17, 2013
The other side of the mirror
Hoopla Cash
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I could just imagine if the Heat would have just razed it to the ground right when LeBron left like they should have done. Dealt Wade --- allowed Bosh to walk...used their cap space to take on other teams bad contracts to garner additional assets.

They would be stocked with great young players- with plenty of cap space.

Instead- its a collection of mediocre players, with the worst collection of draft assets in the league, totally capped out for the foreseeable future with no avenues to improve. Basically the worst situation you can be in.

i'd take the 2nd half of the Heat's season...

30-11 with a bunch of mediocre players. they sure scared YOU, though...:D


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I mean- so many teams get it right.

Imagine if the Lakers wouldnt have bottom out and gotten Ball and Ingram, and spent every dime on mediocre long term contracts to clog up their cap---- there would be zero talk about anyoneg oing their next summer.

They did what the smart teams do

I mean- unless your goal is to be mediocre with no chance to win anything of substance--- if thats the case- the HEat played it perfectly--- maybe they only had to endure one shitty year instead of multiple shitty years- but it guarantees they never compete with the truly elite teams in the East.

No patience....but thats not surprising from a team with a President in his 70's. Riley was never going to do it the right way. He was always going to try and short change the process because he didnt have the time to do it the right way..and make no mistake- he wont be the one holding the bag when the Heat suck and are turning over a fucking awmazing pick to the Suns for a Goran Dragic in his mid 30's.

If you think Philly and the other teams that have stunk for years and years "did it the right way", I'll pass.
As far as patience, it's not allowed when James is on your roster.
When he leaves, your cupboard of assets is pretty much empty.
It's the price you pay to compete for championships.
Lakers are just another example to support that.
Difference is, Heat can find way to be competitive and eventually compete again.
Cavs, not so much.



Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 42,000.00
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i'd take the 2nd half of the Heat's season...

30-11 with a bunch of mediocre players. they sure scared YOU, though...:D

His diapers are still full.
End of the day, the Warriors put him and all of his smack talk into hiding for 2 months, as we all expected and predicted.

Dec 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 500.43
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His diapers are still full.
End of the day, the Warriors put him and all of his smack talk into hiding for 2 months, as we all expected and predicted.


Oh come on, the poor guy was clearly studying for the bar exam :rolleyes2:


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
Hoopla Cash
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His diapers are still full.
End of the day, the Warriors put him and all of his smack talk into hiding for 2 months, as we all expected and predicted.

I was taking the bar exam...ya know? after graduating law school- the place where your son couldnt hack it.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2014
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Hoopla Cash
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If you think Philly and the other teams that have stunk for years and years "did it the right way", I'll pass.
As far as patience, it's not allowed when James is on your roster.
When he leaves, your cupboard of assets is pretty much empty.
It's the price you pay to compete for championships.
Lakers are just another example to support that.
Difference is, Heat can find way to be competitive and eventually compete again.
Cavs, not so much.

I TOTALLY agree---- when James is on your roster hes not going to allow you to be patient. Its gonna be full speed ahead with whatever assets you got- as it should be when you have one of the all time great players in league history on your team--- if you have bullets left in your gun when he leaves than you did it the wrong way.

and as i have been saying- and you haveno way to refute-- the heat have no avenue to add a Wade like player for years to come. guys have consistently NOT wanted to go there- because they have no chance to win. They have no avenue to compete for years to come since Riley has tried to rebuild on the fly since he doesnt have the time to do it the right way.

enjoy your .500 or so records and first round exits though. sounds great. lol.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I was taking the bar exam...ya know? after graduating law school- the place where your son couldnt hack it.

Couldn't hack it?
Try bored to death.
He's doing just fine in pharmacy school now.
He was given a near full scholarship to University of Miami (LAW).
You prob are is some shit tech school, waiting tables or taking drive through orders on the weekends.
Good luck to you...lol...


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I TOTALLY agree---- when James is on your roster hes not going to allow you to be patient. Its gonna be full speed ahead with whatever assets you got- as it should be when you have one of the all time great players in league history on your team--- if you have bullets left in your gun when he leaves than you did it the wrong way.

and as i have been saying- and you haveno way to refute-- the heat have no avenue to add a Wade like player for years to come. guys have consistently NOT wanted to go there- because they have no chance to win. They have no avenue to compete for years to come since Riley has tried to rebuild on the fly since he doesnt have the time to do it the right way.

enjoy your .500 or so records and first round exits though. sounds great. lol.

End of the day, real life goes on for those of us with a life.
Heat and the NBA will continue to entertain me.
Come June, I'll be watching the same Warriors parade as you and LeBron.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Key West, FL
Hoopla Cash
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i'd take the 2nd half of the Heat's season...

30-11 with a bunch of mediocre players. they sure scared YOU, though...:D

Bruh, I remember when Miami beat Cleveland by 30 (or some shit like that) in Miami without their Big 3. At the end of the game Miami started showboating and JR was pissed. @WiggyRuss promised that Cleveland would get redemption the following game. In Cleveland, with all of its pieces, Miami proceeded to tap that ass again. Then this fuck boy went and started his bull shit regular season games don't mean anything.

@WiggyRuss I'm not going to lie. Don't listen to any of these assholes on here. You keep being you. You're one hilarious ass dude to laugh at.....I mean........ah fuck it, you're fucking stupid and a joke.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I was taking the bar exam...ya know? after graduating law school- the place where your son couldnt hack it.

Had the Cavs won, you would have been here 24/7 spewing shit.
Everyone here knows you and your bullshit.
Aren't lawyers supposed to be somewhat intelligent and persuasive?

Fact of the case is you hid like the cu nt you are.
Same as last year when they where down 3-1, but with a different lame excuse.

Black Adam

Cowards WILL BE cowards..
Apr 17, 2013
The other side of the mirror
Hoopla Cash
$ 100.00
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Bruh, I remember when Miami beat Cleveland by 30 (or some shit like that) in Miami without their Big 3. At the end of the game Miami started showboating and JR was pissed. @WiggyRuss promised that Cleveland would get redemption the following game. In Cleveland, with all of its pieces, Miami proceeded to tap that ass again. Then this fuck boy went and started his bull shit regular season games don't mean anything.

@WiggyRuss I'm not going to lie. Don't listen to any of these assholes on here. You keep being you. You're one hilarious ass dude to laugh at.....I mean........ah fuck it, you're fucking stupid and a joke.

lmfao i remember those games. and yeah, he promised a WHOLE lotta ass-whoopin for that second one...

that was comedy gold...:lol:


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
Hoopla Cash
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If you think Philly and the other teams that have stunk for years and years "did it the right way", I'll pass.
As far as patience, it's not allowed when James is on your roster.
When he leaves, your cupboard of assets is pretty much empty.
It's the price you pay to compete for championships.
Lakers are just another example to support that.
Difference is, Heat can find way to be competitive and eventually compete again.
Cavs, not so much.

who's place would you rather be in right now?

Philly's or Miami's?

that is an easy question that requires no intelligence what so ever.

Were those last 3 seasons worth it? One playoff series win. 2 trips to the back end of the lotto. Hey--- if you think that was worth it--- more power to you. If youd rather just kind of be in the middle of the pack- instead of taking a couple big steps back in order to actually be a REAL contender someday- that is certainly your own personnel preference.

If the Cavs would have operated that way and signed a bunch of mediocre free agents like Johnson, Waiters, Olnyk, etc....no way does LBJ ever come back if Irving isnt here and the assets arent here to trade for Love.

but again- id rather take the patient approach and actually compete for a title- rather than wallow in mediocrity---- asi have said ad nausuem- the worst place to be inthe NBA is the middle- not good enough to truly contend- not bad enough to get a stud like a Dwade in the draft unless you get exceedingly lucky.

thats exactly where Miami is

a mediocre team with mediocre players - capped out, the worst collection of draft assets in the league- with no hope of acquiring a star anytime soon- after consistently being skipped over by any elite free agent that is a free agent.
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Dec 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 500.43
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who's place would you rather be in right now?

Philly's or Miami's?

that is an easy question that requires no intelligence what so ever.

Were those last 3 seasons worth it? One playoff series win. 2 trips to the back end of the lotto. Hey--- if you think that was worth it--- more power to you. If youd rather just kind of be in the middle of the pack- instead of taking a couple big steps back in order to actually be a REAL contender someday- that is certainly your own personnel preference.

If the Cavs would have operated that way and signed a bunch of mediocre free agents like Johnson, Waiters, Olnyk, etc....no way does LBJ ever come back if Irving isnt here and the assets arent here to trade for Love.

but again- id rather take the patient approach and actually compete for a title- rather than wallow in mediocrity---- asi have said ad nausuem- the worst place to be inthe NBA is the middle- not good enough to truly contend- not bad enough to get a stud like a Dwade in the draft unless you get exceedingly lucky.

shut the fuck up


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
Hoopla Cash
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Bruh, I remember when Miami beat Cleveland by 30 (or some shit like that) in Miami without their Big 3. At the end of the game Miami started showboating and JR was pissed. @WiggyRuss promised that Cleveland would get redemption the following game. In Cleveland, with all of its pieces, Miami proceeded to tap that ass again. Then this fuck boy went and started his bull shit regular season games don't mean anything.

@WiggyRuss I'm not going to lie. Don't listen to any of these assholes on here. You keep being you. You're one hilarious ass dude to laugh at.....I mean........ah fuck it, you're fucking stupid and a joke.
hey- you hold on tight to those regular season wins...lol...not like you have much else or will have much else anytime soon. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
Hoopla Cash
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i kind of understand it from Rileys POV though

hes in his 70's--- he didnt have time to do it the right way.

but when you short change the process this is what you get.

a capped out mediocre team that owes out most all of their picks for the foreseeable future.

I really hope that those lightly protected/not protected first rounders that you owe the Suns come back to bite the Heat....it was basically a mini Nets/Celtics deal---- dealing first rounders so far into the future with so lite protections is the height of stupidity------ the only reason Riley would do something so dumb is that he knows he wont have to deal with the consequences down the line.

I mean- maybe its not just RIDICULOUSLY stupid if Dragic was a guy taht put you over the top ---- but he hasnt won shit and isnt likely to win shit. It makes it even more perplexing and asinine----until you realize that Riley didnt care--- it wont be his problem.

this is what happens when whats best for the team president- and whats best for the franchise- dont align. Its why Jeanie was so smart to fire Jim---- Jim wasnt trying to make the Lakers great by the end- he was trying to save his own ass.

Riley isnt really trying to do whats best for the Heat in the long term--- he just wants one last hurrah.

to bad he wont even get that since the team couldnt get a major free agent. Instead- AT BEST 5th in the East- at worst- a fringe Eastern Conf. playoff team. Talk about going out on a low note.
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