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Predictions for 2017-2018 NBA Season


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Apr 17, 2013
Key West, FL
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hey- you hold on tight to those regular season wins...lol...not like you have much else or will have much else anytime soon. :lol:

You hold onto your 2nd place participation trophy.

Nothing like getting to the Finals and getting butt raped.But hey, it's Cleveland. I know you guys have low expectations so making it is probably good enough.

Black Adam

Cowards WILL BE cowards..
Apr 17, 2013
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i kind of understand it from Rileys POV though

hes in his 70's--- he didnt have time to do it the right way.

but when you short change the process this is what you get.

a capped out mediocre team that owes out most all of their picks for the foreseeable future.

I really hope that those lightly protected/not protected first rounders that you owe the Suns come back to bite the Heat....it was basically a mini Nets/Celtics deal---- dealing first rounders so far into the future with so lite protections is the height of stupidity------ the only reason Riley would do something so dumb is that he knows he wont have to deal with the consequences down the line.

I mean- maybe its not just RIDICULOUSLY stupid if Dragic was a guy taht put you over the top ---- but he hasnt won shit and isnt likely to win shit. It makes it even more perplexing and asinine----until you realize that Riley didnt care--- it wont be his problem.

this is what happens when whats best for the team president- and whats best for the franchise- dont align. Its why Jeanie was so smart to fire Jim---- Jim wasnt trying to make the Lakers great by the end- he was trying to save his own ass.

Riley isnt really trying to do whats best for the Heat in the long term--- he just wants one last hurrah.

to bad he wont even get that since the team couldnt get a major free agent. Instead- AT BEST 5th in the East- at worst- a fringe Eastern Conf. playoff team. Talk about going out on a low note.

STILL trolling the Heat...?

must be a slow day...

Black Adam

Cowards WILL BE cowards..
Apr 17, 2013
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You hold onto your 2nd place participation trophy.

Nothing like getting to the Finals and getting butt raped.But hey, it's Cleveland. I know you guys have low expectations so making it is probably good enough.

never seen this kind of arrogance from a "fan" who's team only has one title to it's name...:L

Black Adam

Cowards WILL BE cowards..
Apr 17, 2013
The other side of the mirror
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damn, WiggityWack. at least go ahead and troll another team you hate. us Lakers fans are starting to feel left out...:lol:


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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who's place would you rather be in right now?

Philly's or Miami's?

that is an easy question that requires no intelligence what so ever.

Were those last 3 seasons worth it? One playoff series win. 2 trips to the back end of the lotto. Hey--- if you think that was worth it--- more power to you. If youd rather just kind of be in the middle of the pack- instead of taking a couple big steps back in order to actually be a REAL contender someday- that is certainly your own personnel preference.

If the Cavs would have operated that way and signed a bunch of mediocre free agents like Johnson, Waiters, Olnyk, etc....no way does LBJ ever come back if Irving isnt here and the assets arent here to trade for Love.

but again- id rather take the patient approach and actually compete for a title- rather than wallow in mediocrity---- asi have said ad nausuem- the worst place to be inthe NBA is the middle- not good enough to truly contend- not bad enough to get a stud like a Dwade in the draft unless you get exceedingly lucky.

thats exactly where Miami is

a mediocre team with mediocre players - capped out, the worst collection of draft assets in the league- with no hope of acquiring a star anytime soon- after consistently being skipped over by any elite free agent that is a free agent.

1. 3 years? That's actually the time frame just since LeBron blindsided them. Let's also conveniently exclude what happened to Bosh.

2. 28, 10, 18, 19, 34, 35. That's not tonight's powerball. It's Phillys wins the last 6 seasons.
Last 15 years they've missed the playoffs 10 times.

3. Heat over the same 15 seasons. 11 playoff appearances. 3 titles. 2 Finals losses.

4. If Embiid was on Miami, you'd only be talking about his injuries. I hope he stays healthy but I doubt it.

5. Heat will win more games this season then Philly.

Black Adam

Cowards WILL BE cowards..
Apr 17, 2013
The other side of the mirror
Hoopla Cash
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1. 3 years? That's actually the time frame just since LeBron blindsided them. Let's also conveniently exclude what happened to Bosh.

2. 28, 10, 18, 19, 34, 35. That's not tonight's powerball. It's Phillys wins the last 6 seasons.
Last 15 years they've missed the playoffs 10 times.

3. Heat over the same 15 seasons. 11 playoff appearances. 3 titles. 2 Finals losses.

4. If Embiid was on Miami, you'd only be talking about his injuries. I hope he stays healthy but I doubt it.

5. Heat will win more games this season then Philly.

i'd suggest making this a bet, but you know how much of a pussy Wiggy is in THAT regard...


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2014
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1. 3 years? That's actually the time frame just since LeBron blindsided them. Let's also conveniently exclude what happened to Bosh.

2. 28, 10, 18, 19, 34, 35. That's not tonight's powerball. It's Phillys wins the last 6 seasons.
Last 15 years they've missed the playoffs 10 times.

3. Heat over the same 15 seasons. 11 playoff appearances. 3 titles. 2 Finals losses.

4. If Embiid was on Miami, you'd only be talking about his injuries. I hope he stays healthy but I doubt it.

5. Heat will win more games this season then Philly.
Heat won those titles because they drafted big time talent at hte top of the draft who attracted other big time talent

youd think they would have learned from their past. lol

but again like i said- didnt have the time to do it the right way--- Riley is over 70...hes not gonna do it the right way.

when the needs of your team PResident and the needs of your franchise dont align- this is the kind of shit that happens--- you trade off first rounders with little ot no protection well into the future- and then go out and sign a bunch of mediocre free agents.

Now- Philly just learned--- you need stars--- and not only do they have a guy like Embiid- but if he got hit by a truck tomorrow- they have guys like Simmons and Fultz- who you wouldnt trade for any 5 guys on the Heat roster--- becuase star power is what wins in the NBA. Not bullshit which Miami has a lot of. I mean- i get it- if you are going for a title- bring in a guy like Kelly Olnyk--- but what the fuck does this guy do for you? lol....take you from a 42 win team to a 43 win team?

it just makes no sense--- but i guess when y ou get rejected you gotta sign someone.

still waiting for the mythical draw of Miami to bring anyone there---- lol.....LeBron and Bosh went to play for titles. No one is going there while they are also-ran Eastern Conference playoff fodder for the REAL contending teams.

Ill GUARAN FUCKING TEE you Philly makes another Conference Finals/Finals before Miami does---- I mean- as i have said- Miami has no avenue towards getting a star player, and star players are what win in the NBA- ESPECIALLY in the playoffs. When you have no cap room and no draft assets- you obviously cant sign a guy- you cant trade for one if one becomes available.

this is shit you guys know though.


Commerce Comet
Jun 27, 2014
North Carolina
Hoopla Cash
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Heat won those titles because they drafted big time talent at hte top of the draft who attracted other big time talent

youd think they would have learned from their past. lol

but again like i said- didnt have the time to do it the right way--- Riley is over 70...hes not gonna do it the right way.

when the needs of your team PResident and the needs of your franchise dont align- this is the kind of shit that happens--- you trade off first rounders with little ot no protection well into the future- and then go out and sign a bunch of mediocre free agents.

Now- Philly just learned--- you need stars--- and not only do they have a guy like Embiid- but if he got hit by a truck tomorrow- they have guys like Simmons and Fultz- who you wouldnt trade for any 5 guys on the Heat roster--- becuase star power is what wins in the NBA. Not bullshit which Miami has a lot of. I mean- i get it- if you are going for a title- bring in a guy like Kelly Olnyk--- but what the fuck does this guy do for you? lol....take you from a 42 win team to a 43 win team?

it just makes no sense--- but i guess when y ou get rejected you gotta sign someone.

still waiting for the mythical draw of Miami to bring anyone there---- lol.....LeBron and Bosh went to play for titles. No one is going there while they are also-ran Eastern Conference playoff fodder for the REAL contending teams.

Ill GUARAN FUCKING TEE you Philly makes another Conference Finals/Finals before Miami does---- I mean- as i have said- Miami has no avenue towards getting a star player, and star players are what win in the NBA- ESPECIALLY in the playoffs. When you have no cap room and no draft assets- you obviously cant sign a guy- you cant trade for one if one becomes available.

this is shit you guys know though.
What's up Wiggy ?

Long time no see


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Heat won those titles because they drafted big time talent at hte top of the draft who attracted other big time talent

youd think they would have learned from their past. lol

but again like i said- didnt have the time to do it the right way--- Riley is over 70...hes not gonna do it the right way.

when the needs of your team PResident and the needs of your franchise dont align- this is the kind of shit that happens--- you trade off first rounders with little ot no protection well into the future- and then go out and sign a bunch of mediocre free agents.

Now- Philly just learned--- you need stars--- and not only do they have a guy like Embiid- but if he got hit by a truck tomorrow- they have guys like Simmons and Fultz- who you wouldnt trade for any 5 guys on the Heat roster--- becuase star power is what wins in the NBA. Not bullshit which Miami has a lot of. I mean- i get it- if you are going for a title- bring in a guy like Kelly Olnyk--- but what the fuck does this guy do for you? lol....take you from a 42 win team to a 43 win team?

it just makes no sense--- but i guess when y ou get rejected you gotta sign someone.

still waiting for the mythical draw of Miami to bring anyone there---- lol.....LeBron and Bosh went to play for titles. No one is going there while they are also-ran Eastern Conference playoff fodder for the REAL contending teams.

Ill GUARAN FUCKING TEE you Philly makes another Conference Finals/Finals before Miami does---- I mean- as i have said- Miami has no avenue towards getting a star player, and star players are what win in the NBA- ESPECIALLY in the playoffs. When you have no cap room and no draft assets- you obviously cant sign a guy- you cant trade for one if one becomes available.

this is shit you guys know though.

Per usual, lots of words, no content.
Fuck the whys, the Heat has been terrific for most of the time, for a long time.
Philly isnt winning shit.

You betting who wins more games this season?


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2015
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A thread that has been hijacked by people's distaste for Wiggy? Not here on tHoop. Never.


Most Popular Member
Apr 16, 2013
New York, NY
Hoopla Cash
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Predict the top 8 in both conferences and please predict how you think the playoffs will end up. Also please include your predicted regular season records when ranking the teams 1-8 in both conferences.

Just a reminder of the OP since wiggy killed my thread with his miami heat garbage


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Just a reminder of the OP since wiggy killed my thread with his miami heat garbage

The usual.
I read he was banned from threads/ leaving.
Guess not.

Anyway, you see how confident he is in Philly being good.


Most Popular Member
Apr 16, 2013
New York, NY
Hoopla Cash
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The usual.
I read he was banned from threads/ leaving.
Guess not.

Anyway, you see how confident he is in Philly being good.

I really wish there was an way where whoever starts a thread can choose which posters they don't want posting in that thread. Would save the board of Wiggy doing what he did today to this thread