Self-proclaimed Asshole
No need to be childish. I simply testing what you believe to be the most likely event.
I don't think anyone is arguing with you on that point.
No need to be childish. I simply testing what you believe to be the most likely event.
No need to be childish. I simply testing what you believe to be the most likely event.
I dare ya, I dare ya!
you sound like a little kid on the playground.....
Hey, I understand if I were Texas fan, I'd want to deflect from all the shit going down in Austin, and I'd be all over this, but I've seen posts that are down right lies, as far as I can tell.
I just want to know what really happened before I throw this kid under the bus.
WTF is wrong with that?
I have not deflected. Your mentioning that is clearly a deflection from our discussion. I am one of the few none OU fans to say I do not know if he is guilty of a crime. I just find the evidence out there to be quite convincing he hit her. Does not mean he is a criminal, just that the most probable thing in this case given the information at hand is he hit her.
Funny. I've already asked him if he was a 13 year old girl in the last day or so.
Then again it could have been Charlie. They're both equally dumbasses.
I have not deflected. Your mentioning that is clearly a deflection from our discussion. I am one of the few none OU fans to say I do not know if he is guilty of a crime. I just find the evidence out there to be quite convincing he hit her. Does not mean he is a criminal, just that the most probable thing in this case given the information at hand is he hit her.
Charlie is OK, but I find I could GAS about coda and anything he posts, anymore. he's got that Texas 2 step down pat....
So Wheat, you a big train buff?
so you're ready to convict him on that? Really?
I don't think anyone is disagreeing with you.
Did you not read the part where I said I had no idea if he committed a crime? If not, go back an read my posts.
I've been accused of that in the past.
My gramps retired from the railroad back in the early 60's. My dad worked for them for a few years in the 60's. I've got 5 buddies that all work for the railroad today.
My mom is a railroad nut. She follows one of the old steam engines around whenever they've got it out and about.
#844 and Centennial 6936 come through here once in a while.
Omaha displays these two as you come into the city.
ya I had a grandfather and a great grandfather who worked for railroads, back in the day, so I've always had an interest. I went out to western Kansas a couple of years ago when the UP was running the 844 out on the high plains and took a lot of photos and video. Pretty cool to see them in action. They've got a Big Boy, the largest steam locomotive in the world, in Cheyenne, Wyoming that they're going to rebuild over the next X number years and run it somewhere on the system. It had been sitting at a museum in California for the past 50 plus years and they moved it to Cheyenne a few months ago. Would be pretty neat to see that monster running down the tracks