New Member
Pushing someone is assualt as defined by the law.
Slapping someone is battery as defined by the law.
Mixon is not a professional fighter so trying to claim him punching her knowingly would cause such damage is ludicrous. He defened himself from assualt and battery.
You're a tool so go away and spend time trying to deflect from your felow longhorns raping women.
And yet again someone who has no idea what they are talking about, but all too quick to pretend they do. Pushing alone is battery - not assault. Same with slapping.
Next, he doesn't have to "know" how much damage it would cause. He only has to do the act which causes it (unless it was an accident).
Also, I have said 3 times now charge her too. Fine. He was way out of line though.
And finally, I guess here is the difference between you and the Longhorns posters. We did not stand up for our ex-teammates. Not one of us did, including myself. If mixon were on my team, I would not stand up for him either. Some of your OU bretheren have said the same thing. Unfortunately there are bad apples everywhere, and those of you trying to defend him at this point look really bad.