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Possible Giants-Bills proposed trade?

Fountain City Blues

Love Everybody
Jul 2, 2013
The Gates of Hell
Hoopla Cash
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Context is important. They benched him after he put up 9-18-50 and 1 INT in 3 quarters vs the Saints, a game in which Peterman came in and threw 7-10-79 and 1 TD in mop-up duty. Bills almost didn't bring Taylor back last offseason, so he was on thin ice already. They decided they wanted to see what Peterman could do in a start, and unfortunately their line got destroyed by San Diego's pass rush and Peterman made bad decision after bad decision in a historically bad performance.

So Tyrod Taylor walks into a building with a stout Pass D billed by Lattimore, Crawley, Marcus Williams, et al and does poorly with little receiving help. Bench him? I am a little incredulous to this. I understand it wasn't just one game, but there's being aggressive and being unrealistic about Peterman can do, just my two cents.

So, because your team made a trade for a QB that hardly saw the field in year 1 but you are sold on (but Buffalo didn't want), you assume they will make a bad choice of their own?
No, but feelings often aren't the most reliable. Hard not to be cynical with the Bills.

As for Mahomes, I have said for a while I have more faith in Reid to develop Mahomes than I do Mahomes to develop Mahomes per se; I like those chances, I'll admit to that. Now if the Bills draft Josh Allen, then yeah I will be all over the Bills made a terrible choice taek from day 1. Do I think Mahomes is going to end up better than these cats? Yeah, I do. Will I trash the Bills for drafting Mayfield or Rosen, no I won't. I am more confident than I am sold on this.

Not drafting Watson was a mistake, but that's in hindsight (although the Watson doubters were out in full force last year).

It sucks, but that's how it is going to work. It may not look hot, it is not fair, but that is how it's gonna look to the masses. That's more so what I am talking about in that comment. After getting past the knee-jerk reaction, there's a lot we don't know. I think there's good reason to be suspicious, but enough good sense to know there's no reason to condemn anything yet.

Of course, if they weren't sold on Tyrod moving forward, Watson does share some attributes with him (albeit with more talent), and perhaps they didn't want to invest in someone who's floor might have been Tryod essentially. I don't expect them to pursue Lamar Jackson for much the same reason; I believe they want a true pocket passer.
I don't disagree and is a big reason I think the Rosen rumor is legit. Though I find the Tyrod to Watson to Jackson comparison somewhat weird, personally.


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2013
NE Metro ATL
Hoopla Cash
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I don't see where he separated himself enough from the other top guys to where he's a top 5 pick and the rest are day 2 picks or later. So, overrated.

Shop...I don't watch enough CFB to really know these players..sure I've seen a lot of Chubb and Michele, but that's extent of it.

I will say it's a safe play to call almost any top 5 prospect overrated. Especially a RB.


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2013
Rochester, NY
Hoopla Cash
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Though I find the Tyrod to Watson to Jackson comparison somewhat weird, personally.

It's the whole mobile QB thing. Watson being the least apt to actually run of the 3 of course, but they are all also not built to take the hits (all in that 6'1-6'3, 210-215 range).