warPAINt nation
You're quite wrong here. It's almost impossible for a teacher to be in the right when there's a classroom disruption. Kids will always be in the right... and there lies the problem. School officials will never take the side of the teacher. My wife has a friend who is.. correction...was a teacher. Her class room of 5th graders were not responding to her attempts for them to quiet down. She made the remark "You guys sound like a zoo in here"... well, a couple of the kids went home that night and told mommy and daddy God knows what.,, fluffing the story. The next day she was fired for calling these children zoo animals and the N word... even though she never did... or would. She simply made a reference that the classroom sounded like a zoo that day.i agree with what you are saying here . no one wants to take accountability for their own short comings
that being said and playing devils advocate my question who want to play the white american card is why do you elect the same ash and trash that gives you crappy schools and poor teachers . your democratic candidates are beholden to teachers unions and have no interest in improving your kids lot in life at all unless its to keep them poor and keep voting democratic
school choice and vouchers are solutions to terrible inner city schools , yet your elected leaders are opposed to them , why ? because unions dont want teachers principals held accountable for what they do , its almost impossible to fire a bad teacher
if public schools had to actually compete for govt dollars a lot of this BS would be solved . but we are in the indoctrination business now not the education business .
i am not and fan of devos , one of trumps poorer selections
we have put trillions of dollars into education and we still get poor results and poor solutions , core and no child left behind as well as just tossing money at the problem
but all of what i have said is contingent on good parenting and family values .
Teacher's like cops are being forced to stand down when a conflict occurs. Do not take chase when they run and do not discipline a child when they act up. This world is filled with disrespect-able kids who then grow up to be disrespect-able adults. if children arent taught respect at home it doesn't matter what school you send em too. They're just gonna grow up to be assholes... or democrats