Sportster 72
Well-Known Member
If you understood my point you would have addressed it. Again my claim was not that there is mud slinging on only one side, of course that goes both ways. It's not that if you disagree with said position you are ignorant. No the point was the right seems to follow a pattern of lumping people as liberals simply because they hold certain liberal views while retaining conservative or in my case moderate positions on other issues. I never claimed it is done by every Trump supporter, I'm just pointing out a clear pattern that I have seen from the right, a pattern I have not seen from the left nearly as often.
I can't be any more clear about what I am saying. . If you still don't get it you just ain't gonna get it.
How many times can I say I understand your point and believe it is half a point. You have said the same thing 349853985574747547676 times now and so have I.

By the way DGF I really do get it. I am a fairly smart person and politically aware. What am not is an extremist. I don't always agree with others but I respect their right to have that opinion. That is what our government is about. Freedom of thought. I agree people may not be letting you have free thought without categorizing you. I voted for Trump because I hate HRC. Does that make me a Nazi, white supremacist, a racist? Certainly people are being lumped into those categories.
Maybe you are talking about one forum and what people say to you. I am talking the US as a whole. Both sides. Fox News thinks Trump never did anything wrong, CNN and MSNBC thing he hasn't done anything wrong. Insert Obama and switch the rolls the media played in each case. This is what scares me, we need independent thought and a willingness to compromise. We must know how to, if you are married you have certainly compromised or you would never get to see her birthday suit again or you would in divorce court giving up half. Round about way of saying we need to all get along and stop the name calling.