warPAINt nation
As you do with collusion. Too funny. Is the tea ready. That black kettle is whistling.So to be have no reason to believe that?
Yet you believe it and share it as the truth?
As you do with collusion. Too funny. Is the tea ready. That black kettle is whistling.So to be have no reason to believe that?
Yet you believe it and share it as the truth?
Yea I guess that counts... I guess ill just never understand why Trump is so hated when all he wants to do is better your american life. Im not asking for a response. We as humans all want the same thing.. we just havent a clue on how to compromise and still achieve those dreams. Its nuts the seperation in how people lean. Guess it will always be... because I dont see it getting any better. Untruths are the standard now from both partys... and were the pawns who listen. Peace
And things you spew are gospel according to EHB5. Gotcha.Its hard to take you seriously complaining about untruths when...
You are defending trump who lies constantly and spreading untruths yourself in this thread.
As you do with collusion. Too funny. Is the tea ready.
Gkekoa certainly doesn't need my back up but how insulting to call him a racist. A racist "hates" a different race. Ive never gotten that impression from him in any post I have read of his. To call him a racist simply because of his passion for a party who wants to pertect the integrity of the country he was born into... is racist in itself to say the least. You don't know anyone on this thread outside these debates we have. Just because we don't view the world as you african americans see it don't mean squat about who we are as a person. You all dislike Gkekoa because he challenges you and disagrees with your views on abortion and christianity and Trump and immigration and everything we talk about. We agree on nothing, and because of that you call him a racist,,, and no doubt all the other Trump supporters on here. You all need to look in the mirror. You are no different than Gkekoa or any of us... we all have a passion... for right or wrong. Everybody has prejudices in them but to call someone a racist because of his stance on certain policies is actually an insult to your own persona. Just saying.
Victimization only appeals to pussies.this politics of victimization is one reason Trump won for those who dont get the reasons
Because the "brown country" is shitty. Shitty culture, shitty conditions mean shitty people bring their shittiness here to ruin this nice place. It's got nothing to do with them being brown. After all NO ONE is opposed to immigrants from India. You make it about race to try and assume a moral high ground on the issue, and the why is obvious- you'd lose the argument, and badly, otherwise. Pretending it's prejudice allows you to feign a moral victory.To be clear, I did not call him a racist.
I merely pointed out the fact that saying I cant be racist cause i have a few black friends, or like these particular black people is rather condescending to say the least. Concepts like telling a black person they are a GOOD example of a black person, or one of the "GOOD ONES" has the implied backhanded comment that most of us are in fact some how bad because we are black. And to be honest the idea of protecting the "Integrity" of the country by stopping or limiting migration based on where someone comes from...
Well thats kinda racist when the integrity you want to stop is brown, while inviting the infusion of Norwegians.
BUt.. carry on
To be honest shark I think your reading way to much into some of the comments here. I was called racist about 30 pages back for referring to someone as black and not african american. I think we all on here are decent people we just have different views, is all. However, those views all round out to the same things... a good life for all people.To be clear, I did not call him a racist.
I merely pointed out the fact that saying I cant be racist cause i have a few black friends, or like these particular black people is rather condescending to say the least. Concepts like telling a black person they are a GOOD example of a black person, or one of the "GOOD ONES" has the implied backhanded comment that most of us are in fact some how bad because we are black. And to be honest the idea of protecting the "Integrity" of the country by stopping or limiting migration based on where someone comes from...
Well thats kinda racist when the integrity you want to stop is brown, while inviting the infusion of Norwegians.
BUt.. carry on
And things you spew are gospel according to EHB5. Gotcha.
Victimization only appeals to pussies.
Heh. I won't argue that.You need to have more respect for pussie.
It can bleed for five days straight and not die, can bring the strongest man to his knees, and actually brought you into this world yet still functions as designed.
You graze a dick the wrong way and a 250lb man is on his knees or in the fetal position.
geez,,, forgive me on wanting equal opportunity for all legal citizens. I give up. Let half of central america come over and flood this country. Good luck on all that in about 10 years. You have the heart of an angle but your not thinking with your head on the immigration crisis thats at hand and will continually be at hand unless we control it and account for those who come here. In case you may have forgotten,,, that open doorway can lead anyone here. .. and not everyone loves americans.... actually so many are "racist" towards us.... theres that word again.To be clear, I did not call him a racist.
I merely pointed out the fact that saying I cant be racist cause i have a few black friends, or like these particular black people is rather condescending to say the least. Concepts like telling a black person they are a GOOD example of a black person, or one of the "GOOD ONES" has the implied backhanded comment that most of us are in fact some how bad because we are black. And to be honest the idea of protecting the "Integrity" of the country by stopping or limiting migration based on where someone comes from...
Well thats kinda racist when the integrity you want to stop is brown, while inviting the infusion of Norwegians.
BUt.. carry on
Dude, you're living in a pipe dream. Wake up. With all do respect. We ALL get our info from the media we see and the net we read. Seriously, your shit needs wiping too at times. I stand by my statement on Hillary unless someone can factually prove me wrong,,, and not with any internet clip. A statement from someone who was there... sorta like the source I got my info from.Well considering that between the two of us you are the only one who is comfortable pushing a lie as the truth...the things i spew look pretty good to what you're putting out.
What happened to caring about the truth and facts and logic?
geez,,, forgive me on wanting equal opportunity for all legal citizens. I give up. Let half of central america come over and flood this country. Good luck on all that in about 10 years. You have the heart of an angle but your not thinking with your head on the immigration crisis thats at hand and will continually be at hand unless we control it and account for those who come here. In case you may have forgotten,,, that open doorway can lead anyone here. .. and not everyone loves americans.... actually so many are "racist" towards us.... theres that word again.
Dude, you're living in a pipe dream. Wake up. With all do respect. We ALL get our info from the media we see and the net we read. Seriously, your shit needs wiping too at times. I stand by my statement on Hillary unless someone can factually prove me wrong,,, and not with any internet clip. A statement from someone who was there... sorta like the source I got my info from.
You debaters are cracking me up tonight.
You are a racist because you believe in equal opportunity. You want the black child's dreams to come true same as the whites.... and every color who are actual citizens of our great nation.
You are a racist because you are against reparations to a large percentage of black people who will gladly take the governments money but don't care one iota about the suffering and injustice that other blacks 100 plus years before them had to endure.
You are racist because you support a president during his failings as well as thru his accomplishments.
You are racist because you don't want your tax dollars to go to those who don't even own a SS number and who don't even pay taxes themselves.
You are racist because you voted republican.
You are racist because you support the military who have sacrificed their lives in many cases so that you and I and every american citizen can live in the greatest country in the world.
You are racist because you are white.
You are racist because you support the men in blue.
and the most telling sign.... You are racist... just because
.... and the list goes on and on
Seriously dude... YOu did not just play the I cant possible be racist cause I love these particular black people card. And then you wonder why some might actually think you might just not like the majority of non white people.![]()
Sure dude.
So then is it not bad to resent a group of people like that or is it concerning that Trump resents Muslims?
Illegal immigration is a non-issue. It's red meat for the ignorant right. Illegal immigration is supported by big business, including some of the biggest republican spenders in the country. Oh, you think ALL the dishwashers, maids, and service workers working for the Koch brothers et al are ALL legally here?
That's like saying that life begins at conception. Pure fallacy.
Then again, the right wing sure does like to be awfully selective in what they choose to believe is true....