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politics thread

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warPAINt nation
Jul 3, 2013
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Does one who voted Republican for the majority of his life count?? Because truth be told, what is going on now is not the Republican party.. its the cult45
Yea I guess that counts... I guess ill just never understand why Trump is so hated when all he wants to do is better your american life. Im not asking for a response. We as humans all want the same thing.. we just havent a clue on how to compromise and still achieve those dreams. Its nuts the seperation in how people lean. Guess it will always be... because I dont see it getting any better. Untruths are the standard now from both partys... and were the pawns who listen. Peace


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Truth be told neither party is a shadow of their former selves.

Agreed. But as i have stated before... I have never in my life time as an adult felt that a President was actively trying to divide the country. So I dont really think Trump is a Republican.


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Agreed. But as i have stated before... I have never in my life time as an adult felt that a President was actively trying to divide the country. So I dont really think Trump is a Republican.

I thought the same of obummer, and looks like he kept it going even after leaving the wh from the witch hunt on trump


The Libtard is the new Covid.
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Truth be told this entire thread makes me sad. I come here to talk about football …. I look over at the alerts and see multiple posts about politics and little about football.

Not trying to get the subject closed. Clearly it is popular with some. Just not what I come here for.
so learn some self control and stop clicking on the topic... perhaps you need a law to force you into control?


ESPN Cast Off
Jul 2, 2013
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Yea I guess that counts... I guess ill just never understand why Trump is so hated when all he wants to do is better your american life. Im not asking for a response. We as humans all want the same thing.. we just havent a clue on how to compromise and still achieve those dreams. Its nuts the seperation in how people lean. Guess it will always be... because I dont see it getting any better. Untruths are the standard now from both partys... and were the pawns who listen. Peace
C'mon dude, lets not make Trump some innocent saint. Trump first and foremost wants what is best for Trump. Don't delude yourself. It just a happens that what he might think is best for the country is usually something good for Trump and his interests.

Has Trump been hammered mercilessly by the press for stupid shit? Yes. But he brings the vast majority on himself.


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C'mon dude, lets not make Trump some innocent saint. Trump first and foremost wants what is best for Trump. Don't delude yourself. It just a happens that what he might think is best for the country is usually something good for Trump and his interests.

Has Trump been hammered mercilessly by the press for stupid shit? Yes. But he brings the vast majority on himself.

Yes it’s whats best for him, cuz he campaigned on everything thing he is doing. Something most politicians never do


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Aug 7, 2013
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So you are pro life now?

I'm pro, stay out of other people's business with your (generic your) religious BS. Personally I'm against abortion and had my time to assert that stance with my own children or any that we decided not to bring to term. The question of pro or con with respects to abortion essentially asks the courts to pick a side. This is wrong in a country where the rights of everyone must be protected. The position of the court must always be "No Standing" with orders to provide safe places where these procedures can be done and for those electing not to...to ignore.


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Not sure why I lose credibilty by rather voting for one party over the other. The party's caused that... nothing I did. I voted for Obama twice if you can believe that. I have no reason to lie to ya, but something happened to me over a one night period back in November of 2015. I saw the true colors of the losing party... and ive been seeing it ever since. ill clue ya in on something partner,,, it aint pretty,,, but you yourself im sure have seen that by now. While I agree that both partys are dumbfucks one side has lost all reasoning. Probably don't need to tell you which one.

It's funny, I can assure you that you have already decided on your vote in 2020. It'll be a democrat... any democrat... yet I doubt that you feel that YOU'VE lost credibility despite choosing one side over the other.... just me. Hey,, just like a democrat. Weird how that works out like that. Not sure if you just proved my point here or not regarding my stance on liberal hypocritical party... I think you did though.

You're responsible for yourself, choosing one failing party over another equally failing party if you're as logical and user of common sense as you claim to be has to lead you to the logical, common sense conclusion that the best choice is...neither. You seem locked in to a particular party based on your posts so calling a skunk a skunk, when he is one, and one that you support, just doesn't pass the logic nor common sense test.

Honestly, if neither Weld or Kasich run against and defeat Trump, then my vote won't go to the current incompetent dumbass in office. So you're right about that. I'd actually love to see a 3rd party candidate make a push for the office, but the entrenchment of the two party system prevents that right now. I'm an independent so my credibility remains intact, thank you!

BTW: my voting history
Nixon (twice)
Reagan (once)
Obama (twice)
All other times I voted against the others.


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sty that is just a dodge , if you are going to bitch about trump then hold the same damn standard to your people too.

its called core values

call it both ways or not at all

I hope that you noted the "funny" emoji that I gave your post. Why?...well... because that's exactly what you did in trying to justify the current e-mail and /or national security potential threats going on now. If you read my post correctly, you might note that I admitted that what HRC did was wrong. I called it both ways!

BTW: continued support of Trump does show the so-called "core values" that people who do that have. However, time will have to convince them of the folly of their ways!


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why the hell do you keep posting left wing sites and call them good but if i trot out brietbart , then that is unacceptable ?

mob rule leads to tyranny. history has shown that over and over again

now if you want to do away with the constitution and the republic , then do away with the house and senate and have people vote directly for every piece of legislation directly

and see how minorities fair now and in the future

Facts are where we find them. Your issue is, the out of hand dismissal of anything that doesn't support your POV. I've written time and again about the game that's being played on the masses, you've dismissed it and that's ok, but that doesn't change the truthfulness of my charge. Look man, I consider you a friend and B&G family member that won't change but as such I have to tell you that your positions are pretty extreme. I will demonstrate this using your post that I'm currently responding to.

You wrote..."mob rule leads to tyranny" relating this to the pro popular vote movement correct? Yet in every other elective case popular vote is the norm. Note that you've labeled one person one vote as "mob rule" when history tells us that there have ONLY been 5 times when the winner of the popular vote lost by EC count. The last two were Bush and Trump. For the record, popular vote is NOT "mob rule."

You further wrote... "now if you want to do away with the constitution and the republic , then do away with the house and senate and have people vote directly for every piece of legislation directly."

To this I'll simply ask, what's the point of constitutional amendments? Nobody has taken the position to rid the country of the constitution nor a denouncement of the "republic" aspect of this hybrid nation. Your position, if I can be frank, is akin to the wife asking to redo the kitchen with a response from the husband being "sure, fuck it, tear the whole house down!"

I'll not respond to your "minorities" comment as that's subject to change.


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and you are totally wrong about why people voted for Trump and you are still nursing on the TIT of the MSM and the democratic party in your flawed analysis

OK, to be fair, why did people vote for Trump?

(Maybe your answer will give you some clarity on the Tit that you're nursing on. I'm an independent, not a democrat.)


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and you are totally wrong about why people voted for Trump and you are still nursing on the TIT of the MSM and the democratic party in your flawed analysis

Oh BTW; "flawed analysis?" let's compare facts/notes, that is, if you're willing to do so with an open mind. Something that would be contrary to what you've done to date!


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1- I didn’t miss anything. You claimed abortion laws were based in science. Then you posted something not based in science but in politics.

2- Explaining to you that God gave us free will but still sets rules would waste our time. It is best if you don’t try to explain scripture to me because I have no respect for your stance on the subject.

3- I can see where you believe it comes from but there is literally no justification for it. Yes slavery here is like no other...it lasted only 87 years before it was vanquished, led by Christians.

4- You just compared murder of a three year old to adults committing suicide. Talk about the absurd. I will defend the innocent...adults are not and have free will.

1. So you admit that you've missed it.

2. OK fair enough, just as long as you realize that belief isn't factual. Do I believe in forces greater than ourselves in the universe, yep! but to humanize that force or forces is plain stupid! BTW: if you don't want me to explain scripture to you...STOP asking!!

It is interesting that you had no response to my answer to your challenge. Yeah, I did notice your silence on the clear and direct answer to your question. Truth hurts huh?

3. I agree, there is no current justification for it, however, that doesn't negate the justification that was indeed used to support it. We still use the language that was at the heart of this justification. All you have to do to prove this to yourself is look up the words black and white.

4. I don't know what you read but I took a stance against killing 3 year old children. Did you NOT read that?
Beyond that, the question that you presented was related to preservation and loss of life. I merely pointed out the flaw in your position.

position when the subject revolves


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Hahaha wait I missed this.

Isnt this just straight up admitting he only cares when democrats do it?

Yep! Turns out those "core values" doesn't always apply to those without...well...core values!


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Of course it was directed at you. I respect many of your opinions but find your stance against “white people” full of bias and resentment.

Loving the use of those quotation marks! Good work!:suds:


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Im curious if there is an African American on this forum that supports the republican party. Please come forward.

Depends on who's representing it but as a party, HELL NO... (Dems either)


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1- I didn’t miss anything. You claimed abortion laws were based in science. Then you posted something not based in science but in politics.

2- Explaining to you that God gave us free will but still sets rules would waste our time. It is best if you don’t try to explain scripture to me because I have no respect for your stance on the subject.

3- I can see where you believe it comes from but there is literally no justification for it. Yes slavery here is like no other...it lasted only 87 years before it was vanquished, led by Christians.

4- You just compared murder of a three year old to adults committing suicide. Talk about the absurd. I will defend the innocent...adults are not and have free will.

Wow, I almost missed it...87 years, in what country? Certainly not this one! I am curious though, where are you getting this information, please post a source!

BTW: good to know that "Christians" were so self correcting. This is so Trump like in concept as he continues with..."look I created an issue and now I want credit for fixing it!"
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