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PG Rankings


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Aug 17, 2011
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With discussions about Jennings and his contract status, as well as now reports that John Wall is nearing a 5 year 80M extension, I was curious to see what everyone's valuation of PG's in the NBA is right now. I picked the projected starters for PG's for all 30 teams and ranked them. My ranking were based purely off of who I feel has more value/talent than the other players for this particular season. Injury history did not factor into this list, but it may factor into yours. I may do future lists with other positions, as it's the slow part of the offseason. Here's my list:

1) Chris Paul
2) Russell Westbrook
3) Derrick Rose
4) Kyrie Irving
5) Deron Williams
6) Stephen Curry
7) Rajon Rondo
8) Tony Parker
9) Damian Lillard
10) Jrue Holiday

Notes: I think the top is pretty standard. Curry may leap into the top 5, but with the assumption of perfect health of everyone, I still think he's right on the edge. Lillard may be the only one a bit high here, but I love his game. If he can develop a bit more as a play maker and defender he could be elite.

11) Mike Conley
12) Ty Lawson
13) Ricky Rubio
14) John Wall
15) George Hill
16) Kyle Lowry
17) Goran Dragic
18) Jeff Teague
19) Kemba Walker
20) Brandon Jennings

Notes: Here is where it gets a bit more subjective. I'm listing these players in one season vacuum, so the above list is how I would take the players for the upcoming season. It could be in the future players fall or rise, but this tier I'm looking for solid guys who would be contributors. Dragic might be the questionable one to some, but I'm probably a bigger fan of his game than most. His shooting percentages dropped last year, but his assists took a big upswing even with a depleted roster. Jennings I had initially lower, but bumped him up. Jennings is a wild card and even though he may cost you a few games, he has the capability to take over games as well. The guys in the next tier don't have that ability.

21) Jameer Nelson
22) Jose Calderon
23) Jeremy Lin
24) Steve Nash
25) Mario Chalmers
26) Isaiah Thomas
27) Brandon Knight
28) Michael Carter-Williams
29) Raymond Felton
30) Trey Burke

Notes: I think the bottom 6 are pretty much standard, though your rankings of them may vary slightly. Nash I think is pretty much done. He's still a solid play maker and shooter, but his past injuries and age have left him a shell of himself with very little left in the tank. Lin had his moments in NY, but I think we've seen what he is: solid lower tier starting PG. With better talent around him he's going to be a guy who does his job, just not much extra.

Attractive and Rich

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Jul 21, 2013
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The great thing is about what a great contract Curry is on compared to those other guys near the top. PG is such a deep position right now in the NBA.

Two guys that are too low on your list to me are Tony Parker and John Wall. Parker is getting up there in age but you saw him in the playoffs and he has to be above at least Rondo, Williams, and Curry in my eyes. I would actually have him top three. John Wall is a top 10 PG who just has not been able to stay consistently healthy. If you watched him at the end of last season he was lighting it up.

I would knock Lillard completely out of the top 10 to make room for Wall.


Jul 18, 2013
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Yeah, #8 is too low for Parker, and I wouldn't put Williams that high. Williams hasn't been that impressive lately and isn't a great shooter. I would like to rank Rondo higher, but he can't shoot the 3 ball, and Wall, while amazing in many aspects, has the same problem, actually even worse than Rondo, so I feel justified leaving him (barely) out of the top 10. Wall doesn't play great D to make up for it either. Lillard might jump next year, but I can't put him that high yet. Conley is underrated, a very good all-around player.

1. Paul
2. Rose
3. Parker
4. Westbrook
5. Curry
6. Irving
7. Rondo
8. Holiday
9. Williams
10. Conley
11. Wall
12. Lawson
13. Lillard
14. Rubio
15. Walker
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Sep 26, 2011
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Parker is to low. Also I would take Curry over D Will and Irving is not better than Curry (yet)


Jul 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Tony Parker is great. Enough said.

John Wall has upside galore.

Curry is outstanding - needs to add discipline.

Rose will be back.

CP3 is the best but in a 7 game series can not be the go to go.

DWill will rise again.

Westbrook is the most fun PG in the league and the most explosive.

Rondo needs to learn how to shoot FTs and if not can not be considered elite.

If you look up "solid" Mike Conley comes to mind.

Ricky Rubio has the most flare.

Felton needs to lose 15 lbs.


72 is my year!
Dec 28, 2011
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Irving is not better then Curry!


Jul 19, 2013
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Love Kyrie. He has less talent surrounding him but I'd say they're about equal though KI is very gifted physically.


Head Idiot In Charge
Sep 30, 2011
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Steph at 11 mil per year belongs in the top 3 in my opinion.

-> Kick Rose off the list until he proves he has the rancheros to step on the court again

-> Cp3 was the standard, but I believe the decline is coming for this guy

-> Westbrook , is a good player, but without Durant wouldn't be though of as highly

I'm a Dubs fan, so El Fuego Man Steph, has to be up there.


Jul 18, 2013
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It's a little confusing because the OP (CitySushi) said he ranked on "value/talent", which, to me, are two entirely different things (sometimes they line up, sometimes not). I just based my list on current talent alone. I mean if you are ranking on value, I'd probably have Irving, Rubio, Lillard, and Kemba Walker on the top.


Jul 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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If Indy had a better PG than G. Hill, I would rank them no 1 in the East. Indy is so rugged and well coached but if you don't have a PG that can either break it down or create their own offense, it's tough to score even if you do have solid inside players.