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Pats accused of cheating again


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Is this even a debate anymore? They cheated, got caught, and were reprimanded. End of story.

There will always be an invisible astrisk next to their SB titles. 20 years from now we will all be watching NFL films "Spygate" The story of the New England Patriots. It is simply a part of NFL history and unfortunately for Patriot fans, it always will be.

20 years from now??? Hell, we're only 10 yrs in and they're already convinced it was all a giant conspiracy! :L


Sports Hooplah Local Reporter
May 10, 2013
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Is this even a debate anymore? They cheated, got caught, and were reprimanded. End of story.

There will always be an invisible astrisk next to their SB titles. 20 years from now we will all be watching NFL films "Spygate" The story of the New England Patriots. It is simply a part of NFL history and unfortunately for Patriot fans, it always will be.

This is a great point. The problem is if we ever see this mentioned on the NFL network in the future i would be surprised as fuck. Yet in 50 years, no one from that time will give a fuck. LOL


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Cmon people is that all you have?. I want Pats filming, juicing, knocking out their spouses, running people over, killing people ( gj aaron) salary cap violations, piped in artificial noise, stolen playbooks. Kraft and BB don't let me down, we are way over due and those invisible asterisk trophies are lonely


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there are no gifs from the 20s.
I don't live in the past, I just appreciate visuals and history.

what the heck does 'life is a video game' mean ?

I talk about coincidence and probabilities, there is no conspiracy theory here from me.
The article I posted has the NFL admitting they consider themselves an entertainment business (in court) and can therefore display a narrative as they so choose depending what will gain them more interest and money.

Meant half your posts are about Madden,Tecmo etc Dont get your intellivision panties in a bunch


Sports Hooplah Local Reporter
May 10, 2013
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Pops you give me the worst douche chills. Congrats.


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destroying evidence-tapes- is a criminal act punishable by fines and or Jail time and nothing happened to the NFL which means they are legally recognized as an entertainment business and can do what ever they want.


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Meant half your posts are about Madden,Tecmo etc Dont get your intellivision panties in a bunch

LOL I disagree and I've never mentioned tecmo or Intellivision either. I wear boxer briefs


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LOL I disagree and I've never mentioned tecmo or Intellivision either. I wear boxer briefs

Ram I'm sure you only believe 10% of the stuff you post, but you have thick skin and a sense of humour. Your good in my book


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Ya know back in the day when My Cowboys were winning Super Bowls Al Davis told Jimmy Johnson everybody knew the plays you were going to run they just could not stop you.

Kinda sums up the whole cheating thing with the film out today and computers spitting out tendencies like it was bubbles at a 3 year olds birthday party. And Coaches being creatures of habit as in what has worked for them..........

Some may believe in a smear on those championships by the Pats but did anybody take into account maybe just maybe Belichick's staff was just better at picking up tendencies than his opponents.

Just saying


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Ya know back in the day when My Cowboys were winning Super Bowls Al Davis told Jimmy Johnson everybody knew the plays you were going to run they just could not stop you.

Kinda sums up the whole cheating thing with the film out today and computers spitting out tendencies like it was bubbles at a 3 year olds birthday party. And Coaches being creatures of habit as in what has worked for them..........

Some may believe in a smear on those championships by the Pats but did anybody take into account maybe just maybe Belichick's staff was just better at picking up tendencies than his opponents.

Just saying

Shhh CC that's all alot of these sheeple have to hang their hats on. You get a big advantage filming from sidelines instead of in a booth. These low end cameras are only good for like 20 ft nowadays. Your ex coach JJ and Pitt's Cowher both said they did same but didnt get turned in by an ex ratbastard asst like Mangini. His shelf life wasnt long
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Apr 17, 2013
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You know if you ain't cheating you ain't trying to win.

As a fricking Lions fan, I would give two winks at this moment and time had they actually won a SB and a **** all over it.


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You know if you ain't cheating you ain't trying to win.

As a fricking Lions fan, I would give two winks at this moment and time had they actually won a SB and a **** all over it.

Gandy now I feel real bad that Patriots are the only team cheating. I don't know if they could send anything your teams way. Maybe a couple of light felons that don't make the roster, they keep the hardcore ones


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Now Sonny is making light of Robert Kraft enabling a mass murdered. :L

"He was a most likable young man. I was duped!"



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Now Sonny is making light of Robert Kraft enabling a mass murdered. :L

"He was a most likable young man. I was duped!"


Now HD I wasn't aware he gave Aaron the gun, safehouse or whatever his littleman's involvement was. Now I wonder if Carolina's owner enabled Rae to have his pregnant GF killed.

I know Kraft was duped into putting those sneakers on at Law's induction


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Ya know back in the day when My Cowboys were winning Super Bowls Al Davis told Jimmy Johnson everybody knew the plays you were going to run they just could not stop you.

that can also mean advantage is swayed in other ways for other reasons.
Dallas was dumping one of the most famous coaches in the league from a team that was nationally popular and generating millions in profit,but they also hadn't been to a SB since 78. They had to make them a winner again to make people forget Landry and keep Dallas profit up. They get 3 super bowls, the three amigo's retire.Dallas hasn't done anything since then. The league is a cash cow from all sides and doesn't need Dllas to be successful every year.

you think the FBI and the NFL didn't know about the "white house" the entire time it existed. They knew about it. They just didn't do anything till the public found out because the players screwed up big time.

they haven't won for years but they get one of the most elaborate domes/stadiums ever seen ?

both the Rams and the Ravens win a SB a short time after they move to a new city. Yes,3 and 4 years are a short time.

The Ravens were a success on the field, winning the Super Bowl four years after arriving in Baltimore, but financial problems caused Modell to sell a minority share of the team to Steve Bisciotti in 1999, then give up control of the team to Bisciotti in 2004.

winning a SB is a convenient way to generate profit.
the Ravens win a SB while in financial trouble with a QB who throws 12 TDs and 11 ints in 8 games. LOL no defense can pick up that much slack no matter how you bend it.

same with the Bears and Rex Grossman 23 TDs and 20 ints. and they reach a super bowl ? really ?
That happened while the not enough black coaches debate was heated. So the league can say " see, we are an equal opportunity employer"

more than a few times coaches use the term ,'the three year plan'. Seems to be the formula for waiting for a team to be good so the league can plan the narrative.


Aug 8, 2013
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Ya know back in the day when My Cowboys were winning Super Bowls Al Davis told Jimmy Johnson everybody knew the plays you were going to run they just could not stop you.

Kinda sums up the whole cheating thing with the film out today and computers spitting out tendencies like it was bubbles at a 3 year olds birthday party. And Coaches being creatures of habit as in what has worked for them..........

Some may believe in a smear on those championships by the Pats but did anybody take into account maybe just maybe Belichick's staff was just better at picking up tendencies than his opponents.

Just saying

If you are taking a class and you go to class every day, take notes and study hard you will probably do pretty well on the final. Now, if you got to class every day, take notes, study hard and somebody gives you a copy of the final before you take it, odds are you will do much better. Do you see the difference?

Just saying.


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If you are taking a class and you go to class every day, take notes and study hard you will probably do pretty well on the final. Now, if you got to class every day, take notes, study hard and somebody gives you a copy of the final before you take it, odds are you will do much better. Do you see the difference?

Just saying.

been there done that and it don't always work out the way you think

sometimes the smartest guy in the room just wins PERIOD


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been there done that and it don't always work out the way you think

sometimes the smartest guy in the room just wins PERIOD

My son is going to be a Ssr in HS and plays DE. They use HUDL software and there are 2 films they can study, usually by Monday following Fri night game. One is theirs, with coach notes pointing out mistakes or props. the other is the upcoming team they will be playing. They won the State title 4 years in a row Div one but theirs have a silent astersik next to their titles. On second thought, the other teams do same