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Pats accused of cheating again


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a little fishy at least ? huh?

Wild Card Weekend: The Broncos magically beat the #1 defense in the league, the Pittsburgh Steelers to secure another round of ratings and profit. And for another "coincidence" according the NFL's communications website, NFLcommunications.com, the Divisional round matchups will be rematches of some of the highest rated regular season games of the year. Patriots vs Broncos was the #4 highest rated TV program of the year and NY Giants vs. Green Bay Packers was the #3 highest rated TV program of the year. Each game drawing 30 million viewers. There was video of Steelers LB James Farrior winking at Tim Tebow during the overtime coin toss.This YouTube channel video was eventual pulled by the NFL and Youtube. Why? Why did the NFL force Youtube to pull this video? Why is he winking? Is he saying "don't worry kid, just throw the ball, we will lay down for ya."

The NFL has removed a video from YouTube of the Bengals/Texans game where CBS announcer Jim Nance discusses the Bengals going for it on 4th down as they were lining up in punt formation. He says "And the Bengals will go for it here on 4th down". Then MAGICALLY Houston calls a Time Out and the Bengals come back out onto the field and go for it on 4th down. Dalton gets rushed and throws an incomplete pass. Turnover on downs. Magic.

Divisional Round:
49ers vs. Saints= 0 holding penalties called on the Saints after 60 pass attempts. Ravens = 0 overall penalties vs. the Texans, The Greg Jennings obvious fumble overturned to a "non-fumble". And is it a coincidence that the NFL has teams in Americas top 6 media markets, New York, Chicago, Boston, Baltimore/DC, and San Francisco. Which 4 teams are alive? New York, San Franscisco, Baltimore and New England (Boston).


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
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Jesus ram. I'd almost say this much conspiracy nonsense probably belongs on the politics board.

There is zero chance there is manipulation enough that reaches the player level and NO ONE has ever blown the whistle on it. Winks? The NFL drops players as their whim and they would use them in a massive scheme to earn them more money and expect them to stay silent about it after being disposed of why?


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Jesus ram. I'd almost say this much conspiracy nonsense probably belongs on the politics board.

There is zero chance there is manipulation enough that reaches the player level and NO ONE has ever blown the whistle on it. Winks? The NFL drops players as their whim and they would use them in a massive scheme to earn them more money and expect them to stay silent about it after being disposed of why?

read the entire piece first.
it answers your questions as to how that's possible

Reasons Why The NFL Is Fixed For Profit 03-03-2012-11:41 Covers Blog


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"Pats haven't won shit/Superbowl since spygate" - Any moron who's entire premise erodes with one catch~


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Being a Broncos fan I can admitt they violated the salary cap during there Superbowls. Why cant you grow a pair and admitt the Patriots cheated? Of course Pats fans want to forget. Truth hurts. Just saying.

I have always admitted they broke the violations and BB was fined 500k and Patriots lost a first round draft pick, I have never denied that


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the problem is a lot of current events are shaped by that moment in history. Why are all/most the Super Bowls the last 12 years closer now except for last year ? How is it possible that two brothers coach 2 teams to conference championships 2 years in a row and end up playing each other in a Super Bowl ? and then when the game looks out of hand for SF who was favored or expected to cover that the power goes out at an event that is supposed to be planned and trouble shot for Ad infinitum .

how are all these teams that never sniffed a championship making it to the big game one after the other.
Cards,Seahawks, Panthers,Saints, Bears,Bucs. Its not that those teams aren't good and deserving of wins. The league takes advantage of those teams success and manipulates officiating to make those teams successful to generate interest and revenue for the league and those markets.

it wasn't Belichick's idea to do it, it was the league's idea, that's why they burned the tapes.

Seattle is a good team but lets see if they get all the breaks they got last year. The Ravens and Seattles defense lead or very near the top in penalties the year they went to the super bowl. So in order to be successful you have to be the team disregarding the rules the most ?

as to why last years game was a blowout , I don't know ? might have to think a while to find a narrative for that one :pound:

Ram you seem to 1) live in past esp gif's of players as far back as the 20's 2) life is a video game 3) big conspiracy theorist


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what other teams cheated sonny

SP I already stated that I admire teams accomplishments and dont take away anything from theirs. 4 come to mind quickly , Also if a player is caught used any type of PED that team is cheating because he represents the organization. Dude I'm not a holy roller and have cheated myself, be it in school and have broken violations and have paid for it, so no ta righteous chest pumper

I know the knowledgeable fans know that you usually dont the SB match up usually doesn't play each other in reg season, so how can you tape them?

Pats are the biggest cheaters and remember if you aint cheating you aint trying
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Rex Racer

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Jul 15, 2014
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Wrong. I don't have the time to go over this again read back through the thread but what Belicheat did was wrong on many levels. We proved it over and over. Due to league wide embarrassment over the integrity of the league people intentionally tried to soften it up. After all anything close to having your games fixed doesn't go over too well....for anyone who makes a living in it.
You proved nothing because you are wrong. It's OK that you hate the Pats because they have been destroying the Dolphins for a dozen years or more now, but seriously...........................

Rex Racer

Ireverrent Member
Jul 15, 2014
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Man, this thread sure got interesting.

Did you guys hear that the moon landings were fake?


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Man, this thread sure got interesting.

Did you guys hear that the moon landings were fake?

Rams is researching the grassy knoll this weekend.

I hope Belichick finds a new way to cheat cause I would love to see them win another one before Brady retires. I hope they study the Cleveland and Miami playbooks that Saban gave them, plus anything else.

I pm'ed this to you Rex so nobody can see I condone the cheating and breaking rules to win


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You proved nothing because you are wrong. It's OK that you hate the Pats because they have been destroying the Dolphins for a dozen years or more now, but seriously...........................

This only has to do with the fact that the pats used illegal means to win games during their super bowl years nothing more. Fins vs pats is a whole other matter. Stop deflecting it to other things and be a man and admit that Belicheat wouldn't have risked doing this if he didn't think that it would help his team win. It worked but unfortunately he was caught now only pats fans and a few naive others believe that they won fair and square. I guess you're scared to admit that your bowl wins are tainted I can understand this but the rest of the world isn't buying the BS. If you honestly do believe that your team didn't benefit somewhat from this then I have some nice land in Florida to sell you guys if you're interested...haha !


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Ram you seem to 1) live in past esp gif's of players as far back as the 20's 2) life is a video game 3) big conspiracy theorist

there are no gifs from the 20s.
I don't live in the past, I just appreciate visuals and history.

what the heck does 'life is a video game' mean ?

I talk about coincidence and probabilities, there is no conspiracy theory here from me.
The article I posted has the NFL admitting they consider themselves an entertainment business (in court) and can therefore display a narrative as they so choose depending what will gain them more interest and money.


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Rams is researching the grassy knoll this weekend.

I hope Belichick finds a new way to cheat cause I would love to see them win another one before Brady retires. I hope they study the Cleveland and Miami playbooks that Saban gave them, plus anything else.

I pm'ed this to you Rex so nobody can see I condone the cheating and breaking rules to win

did you read the article/blog ?


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This only has to do with the fact that the pats used illegal means to win games during their super bowl years nothing more. Fins vs pats is a whole other matter. Stop deflecting it to other things and be a man and admit that Belicheat wouldn't have risked doing this if he didn't think that it would help his team win. It worked but unfortunately he was caught now only pats fans and a few naive others believe that they won fair and square. I guess you're scared to admit that your bowl wins are tainted I can understand this but the rest of the world isn't buying the BS. If you honestly do believe that your team didn't benefit somewhat from this then I have some nice land in Florida to sell you guys if you're interested...haha !

NO ONE has a legitimate right to criticize the Patriots for anything. Not the cheating, not the rampant, non-stop excuses, not Robert Kraft being a creepy little man, not for them enabling a serial killer, none of it! You see it all boils down to "you're just butthurt that your team isn't perfect like the Patriots." These delusional whackos pretend like they just won the Super Bowl year-before-last when in reality they haven't won shit since they got busted cheating. And even worse? They've amassed the single-greatest collection of talent ever on one single football team and before they've taken a snap in the preseason they're already formulating the tired old cliche' excuses.

I keep saying it and I'll say it again: there is no counterpart in all of sports to a New England Patriots fan. One can only surmise that it has to do with all those decades of futility followed by the media anointing Tom Brady as Jesus Christ in a helmet.

Beyond fucking belief. :L

"You're just butthurt that the Patriots beat the Titans in 2007." Here it comes... :L

"You're jelly!"


Aug 8, 2013
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This only has to do with the fact that the pats used illegal means to win games during their super bowl years nothing more. Fins vs pats is a whole other matter. Stop deflecting it to other things and be a man and admit that Belicheat wouldn't have risked doing this if he didn't think that it would help his team win. It worked but unfortunately he was caught now only pats fans and a few naive others believe that they won fair and square. I guess you're scared to admit that your bowl wins are tainted I can understand this but the rest of the world isn't buying the BS. If you honestly do believe that your team didn't benefit somewhat from this then I have some nice land in Florida to sell you guys if you're interested...haha !
Is this even a debate anymore? They cheated, got caught, and were reprimanded. End of story.

There will always be an invisible astrisk next to their SB titles. 20 years from now we will all be watching NFL films "Spygate" The story of the New England Patriots. It is simply a part of NFL history and unfortunately for Patriot fans, it always will be.


Sports Hooplah Local Reporter
May 10, 2013
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Being a Broncos fan I can admit they violated the salary cap during there Superbowls. Why cant you grow a pair and admit the Patriots cheated? Of course Pats fans want to forget. Truth hurts. Just saying.

The fundamental truth that is undeniable as fact is the Patriots were caught cheating, and in such a way that is most egregious. This in itself is undeniable. The reasoning why this is still brought up today is not because of the Patriots themselves, but of the arrogance of Patriot fans with respect to banter between fans. Not only have i never once heard a Patriot fan acknowledge the cheating, i usually hear irrelevant arguments to the point. Though some that are of lesser intelligence think they are making a point, "bropoints" if you will, such as, we won 3 superbowls. All of that is irrelevant. Not Tom nor the amount nor however many superbowls were won cheating or not. That is all inference. The issue in itself is the cheating. Now this greatly diminishes the Patriots credibility with respect to wins/postseason wins/superbowls. Numerous reports, both publicly and privately, coaches, players, owners all had suspicions. When the truth came out it was like a, "oooooh that's why" moment. Credibility is lost. Wins and Superbowls are tainted. Whether or not they won because of it, or if it played a big role we will never know. The Particular person you are referring to malibu not only will not address any points and contradict himself in the same sentence, but probably needs to see a neurologist. Since said person likes to say a bunch of sayings (lol), put him out to pasture i reckon its time.


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Man, this thread sure got interesting.

Did you guys hear that the moon landings were fake?


O J Simpson was an astronaut too