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Our First College Football Draft : CHAT


Jul 30, 2010
Southern Calabama
Hoopla Cash
$ 666.00
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There have been way to many players from the schools you have this bias against that have made it to the pros and hall of fame careers, to simple deem them undraftable is silly. Great players are great no matter where they played college ball. With your way of thinking we should only draft from about 25 - 30 schools the rest are garbage, if you really think Middle Tennessee St. or North Texas is loaded with talent compared to Illinois St. or Eastern Kentucky you're cockoo for coco puffs.
This is the difference this isn't about prose or HOF careers. Its the separation from NFL and college football. In college there are different levels. Whether we like it or not the competition levels vastly differ. Teams that schedule FCS teams do it as a bye week and a money grab. FCS can not qualify for a bowl game. They have a separate play offs. The difference between a college career and an NFL/prospect. Its really no different than comparing MLB with AAA. I know you were worried about relating college from pro careers. When looking at this draft its actually easier than I thought it would be. Theres actually some guys that should be long gone OTB that played at much higher levels college career wise. I would love to see a bucket style college draft


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Whether we like it or not the competition levels vastly differ. Teams that schedule FCS teams do it as a bye week and a money grab

Who cares, the title of this draft is college football draft not the whoever you think qualifies draft. The competition levels simply don't have anything to do with this draft. Great is great! It's almost like you're saying great players from FCS teams are inferior simply because of the where they played, yet the two greatest WR's and best RB of all time played for FCS teams, so they sucked in college because of where they played yet once they got to the NFL they were great, weird logic that.

Its really no different than comparing MLB with AAA.

It's literally nothing like that.


Apr 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 89,217.00
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Who cares, the title of this draft is college football draft not the whoever you think qualifies draft. The competition levels simply don't have anything to do with this draft. Great is great! It's almost like you're saying great players from FCS teams are inferior simply because of the where they played, yet the two greatest WR's and best RB of all time played for FCS teams, so they sucked in college because of where they played yet once they got to the NFL they were great, weird logic that.

It's literally nothing like that.

idk... i know nothing about college football, but my strategy in this draft was not just to take the players that were great in college, but also EXPECTED to be very good in the pros... Which i totally based on using the the NFL draft... a player that was not drafted, or drafted in later rounds might have had great college career, but probably found success through weaker competition or whatever...

Clearly not full proof... but jackson 5 was a great child band...


Jul 30, 2010
Southern Calabama
Hoopla Cash
$ 666.00
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Who cares, the title of this draft is college football draft not the whoever you think qualifies draft. The competition levels simply don't have anything to do with this draft. Great is great! It's almost like you're saying great players from FCS teams are inferior simply because of the where they played, yet the two greatest WR's and best RB of all time played for FCS teams, so they sucked in college because of where they played yet once they got to the NFL they were great, weird logic that.

It's literally nothing like that.
All I'm saying is you said pro and HOF careers which would be NFL. This post I'm quoting is citing pro careers.Its not hard to see the distinction between a college career. And an NFL career. This is a college draft so my guess would be its based on college careers. Tom Brady has a ton of talent but he was not a great college QB.....FCS being a lower tier of competition is just a fact. If you take barry bonds and put him against a farm team pitcher. His stats would be inflated. Thats the dynamic of college football. And where I am hoping to see separation from the College and NFL game come voting. I do know there are some players that have been picked that fit the NFL/Combine mold. While theres some elite college players still OTB


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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This is a college draft so my guess would be its based on college careers.

This is where you should have stopped.

Tom Brady has a ton of talent but he was not a great college QB

This has nothing to do with anything i've said, my argument was never we should draft great pro players no matter how they played in college.

FCS being a lower tier of competition is just a fact

Show me where I said it wasn't... I love ya like a brother but I think i'm done trying to explain great is great and players should be viewed on their greatness in college and that level of competition does not automatically mean great players who played for an FCS team are without question inferior.

If you take barry bonds and put him against a farm team pitcher. His stats would be inflated.

Analogy makes no sense, 30 year old Barry Bonds or the 20 year old Barry Bonds who hit .299 with 13 home runs playing minor league ball? If you take 20 year old Barry Bonds and put him in the box against prime Randy Johnson he's going to fail big time, again your analogy makes no sense...


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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See y'all in the morning, God Bless you all, be safe!


Jul 30, 2010
Southern Calabama
Hoopla Cash
$ 666.00
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This is where you should have stopped.

This has nothing to do with anything i've said, my argument was never we should draft great pro players no matter how they played in college.

Show me where I said it wasn't... I love ya like a brother but I think i'm done trying to explain great is great and players should be viewed on their greatness in college and that level of competition does not automatically mean great players who played for an FCS team are without question inferior.

Analogy makes no sense, 30 year old Barry Bonds or the 20 year old Barry Bonds who hit .299 with 13 home runs playing minor league ball? If you take 20 year old Barry Bonds and put him in the box against prime Randy Johnson he's going to fail big time, again your analogy makes no sense...
This is a college football draft. By gauging player on anything other than their college careers. That would be an NFL draft. Or an NFL mock draft at best. Sorry but there is a massive difference between playing LSU,Alabama,Oklahoma,USC,OSU ,Etc..in conference. As opposed to lower competition like The Presbyterian Blue hose. You can see the college picks from the NFL picks pretty easy imo.

You know I'm not trying to be a dick.And I love ya like a brother. But I do want to see the voting pure to college football as opposed to an NFL draft or NFL mock draft


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Nov 20, 2018
Hoopla Cash
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I just tried to pick the best college pkayers. Like FWA all time team member Randy Moss.


Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2018
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Notre Dame - 4
Arizona St. - 2
Alabama - 1
Baylor - 1
Georgia Tech - 1
Louisiana State - 1
Louisiana Tech - 1
Marshall - 1
Miami - 1
Michigan - 1
Michigan St. - 1
Mississippi - 1
Nebraska - 1
North Carolina - 1
Penn St. - 1
San Diego St. - 1
Tennessee - 1
USC - 1

and I hate Notre Dame.


Not Mebert's Alt
Apr 20, 2013
Salt Lake City
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$ 22,700.00
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Can I get David Pollack moved to DE on my team? he never played linebacker in college


Finger Poppin Dat Pussy
Oct 18, 2012
Hoopla Cash
$ 506.35
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Big fish small pond. Thankfully their are teams like SC and the 2 others. That will not play minor league teams. Would love to do a college bucket draft using teams who can actually gain bowl eligibility tho. College drafts are definitely doable just a little fine tuning next time imo

That's why if we do a bucket it can be fun. Maybe a number of players from 5 major conferences. You can select one independent or wildcard but no FCS. There have been some FCS players that turned out to be nfl greats but the level of competition from FCS to FBS is HUGE. It's not close.


Finger Poppin Dat Pussy
Oct 18, 2012
Hoopla Cash
$ 506.35
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Notre Dame - 4
Arizona St. - 2
Alabama - 1
Baylor - 1
Georgia Tech - 1
Louisiana State - 1
Louisiana Tech - 1
Marshall - 1
Miami - 1
Michigan - 1
Michigan St. - 1
Mississippi - 1
Nebraska - 1
North Carolina - 1
Penn St. - 1
San Diego St. - 1
Tennessee - 1
USC - 1

and I hate Notre Dame.

You need to change your priorities lol. Yeah, I had chances to draft scUM players and I just couldn't, even if they were great. I am still pissed I drafted one Florida player but he was a Brown as well so he gets a pass.


Finger Poppin Dat Pussy
Oct 18, 2012
Hoopla Cash
$ 506.35
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Show me where I said it wasn't... I love ya like a brother but I think i'm done trying to explain great is great and players should be viewed on their greatness in college and that level of competition does not automatically mean great players who played for an FCS team are without question inferior.

I am not agreeing with or disagreeing with you but tell me this. Why were Rice and Moss drafting in the 1st and 3rd round playing inferior competition, yes they were great but there are WR's that were just as dominant in college that played much better competition and still put up BIG numbers. For example, Crabtree, who I got in the 5th, or Blackmon who Meebs got in the 7th. They had to go in pretty much every week and play legit pro prospect CB's. Like I said, I have no problem with Rice and Moss being drafted higher but if they were nobodies in the NFL they wouldn't have been drafted as high imo. I am not saying they are undraftable bc that is crazy, just not as high. This is a good debate though, we will save it for the voting.

There have also been players that haven't been drafted that had amazing careers with at least one dominant season, nobody knows them that's why but if they became good NFL players I guarantee they would have been drafted.


Apr 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 89,217.00
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I am not agreeing with or disagreeing with you but tell me this. Why were Rice and Moss drafting in the 1st and 3rd round playing inferior competition, yes they were great but there are WR's that were just as dominant in college that played much better competition and still put up BIG numbers. For example, Crabtree, who I got in the 5th, or Blackmon who Meebs got in the 7th. They had to go in pretty much every week and play legit pro prospect CB's. Like I said, I have no problem with Rice and Moss being drafted higher but if they were nobodies in the NFL they wouldn't have been drafted as high imo. I am not saying they are undraftable bc that is crazy, just not as high. This is a good debate though, we will save it for the voting.

There have also been players that haven't been drafted that had amazing careers with at least one dominant season, nobody knows them that's why but if they became good NFL players I guarantee they would have been drafted.

I have noticed that it is easier to quantify how good more recent players are because there are more awards.. Most of the awards came around the 1990s...


RIP WLK Loving father, husband, & friend to ALL
Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,145.45
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I took Brian Urlacher who played at New Mexico. I feel if he made the college hall of fame then he was a pretty good college player.


RIP WLK Loving father, husband, & friend to ALL
Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,145.45
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I have noticed that it is easier to quantify how good more recent players are because there are more awards.. Most of the awards came around the 1990s...

What you mean Fred Biletnikoff never won the Biletnikoff award? :omg:


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 500.66
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This is a college football draft. By gauging player on anything other than their college careers. That would be an NFL draft. Or an NFL mock draft at best. Sorry but there is a massive difference between playing LSU,Alabama,Oklahoma,USC,OSU ,Etc..in conference. As opposed to lower competition like The Presbyterian Blue hose. You can see the college picks from the NFL picks pretty easy imo.

You know I'm not trying to be a dick.And I love ya like a brother. But I do want to see the voting pure to college football as opposed to an NFL draft or NFL mock draft

At no point have I said players should be judged on their NFL careers, that's not at all what my side of this conversation has been about. My point has always been the guy who played for Alabama isn't 100% of the time the better player than the guy who played for Jackson St., for some reason you seem to think he is, that no FCS players could possibly be as good, that's just ridiculous.