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OT: Winter Is Coming | Game of Thrones Discussion Thread


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That was funny, but overall this was a terrible scene.

"I'm in love, I don't want to leave."
"I don't understand..."

Really? Ya don't? What's there not to understand?

To be fair, her intended isn't a Lannister. That could be confusing to Jamie.


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The past 2 episodes of Game of Thrones feel rushed, like they're trying to cram every storyline into episodes rather than focus on 1 or 2 and go completely in depth with those. I'd prefer that to 2 minutes on this, 2 minutes on that.


Grumpy Old Man
Jul 10, 2014
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Just got to the last episode. What the heck was all of that with Sam and Gilly?

I have to say, I am finding this season, dull and annoying at the same time. If I were a new viewer and/or hadnt read the books, I would take a pass on GoT based on this season.

As others have said, plotlines seem rushed, far too many of them, and I am either bored and/or indifferent to most of them. Far too often "major" characters miss an entire episode.

Jon Snow - turning into the Mahatma Gandhi of the North. Go rescue some wildlings. Yawn.
Sam and Gilly - Seems like they are setting this up for a nasty Sam death in a week or two. And NO that is not a book spoiler. That is me trying to make sense of the last episode. And this will piss me off. Royally.
Sansa and the Boltons - 80s glam rock band? The cruelty angle has been played out IMO. Do something with this. I dont care about Ramsay or his freaky daddy
Brienne - seriously. Get an IPhone or something. Learn to communicate. Sitting being useless while you wait for a candle is just lame. At least you (unlike others) are not taking up valuable airtime doing nothing.
Stannis - Go attack Winterfell and get your arse kicked. Be done with it. You bore me Stannis. And obviously you bore Melisandre. The Winterfell battle is apparently the big, penultimate (episode 9) scene that GoT features every year.
Cersei and Tommen - OMG. The Tommen character is so lame, I want Joffrey back. PLEASE. The only thing I like about Cersei is that she tries to be Daddy's little girl, but she is no good at it. Tywin would NEVER piss off the Tyrells. He knows who is paying the bills.
Put on your walking shoes, My Lady
Jamie - You make Bronn boring. Nuff said.
Bronn - OK I didnt mean it, you arent boring. You and Sandchick were awesome!
Arya - are you still on the show? Hope you arent getting paid for this season.
Danerys - this for me is the definition of "rushed". She walks into a prison cell and says "BTW, I am marrying you." WTF !!! Then this week she is bangin' Daario???? Without dragons, you are just a boring little girl playing Queen.
Tyrion - saving the best for last. I have no idea what your big picture part is in this play, but damned if you arent the best thing on this show. Every scene you are in reeks of awesomeness.

And that is what is wrong with GoT. The length of the list above. And I have left out:

  • White Walkers
  • Wildlings
  • Bran (stuck in a tree somwhere)
  • The Iron Folk/Greyjoys
  • Tyrells
  • The Dornes
  • Myrcella
  • Spider/Varys
  • Littlefinger
  • Jorah Mormont
  • and
  • the 3 Dragons


Unreliable Narrator.
Apr 21, 2010
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Just got to the last episode. What the heck was all of that with Sam and Gilly?

They were having sex, its when....oh I'll send you a PM.

Some thoughts:

Jon Snow - except for having Jon behead the person for insubordination a couple episodes ago.

Sam - They better not kill him, one of the few decent (as in moral) characters. They also need to sprinkle some good things happening in with all the bad. Some episodes or seasons it seems like bad person triumphs over and over. Its good, but gets heavy.

Sansa and the Boltons - I agree. I actually tire of Ramsey, I don't think he is that interesting of a bad guy.

Brienne - just go kick some ass.

Stannis - in a way, at least compared to others on the show, Stannis is decent. Now lets watch him contemplate killing his daughter next week.

Tommen - Send a friggin army to get your woman back.

Bronn - Nice scene with the lovely sand chick. Didn't think she would give him the cure.

Tyrion and Sir Friendzone - nice final scene for them last week.
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Grumpy Old Man
Jul 10, 2014
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They were having sex, its when....oh I'll send you a PM.

Some thoughts:

Jon Snow - except for having Jon behead the person for insubordination a couple episodes ago.

Sam - They better not kill him, one of the few decent (as in moral) characters. They also need to sprinkle some good things happening in with all the bad. Some episodes or seasons it seems like bad person triumphs over and over. Its good, but gets heavy.

Sansa and the Boltons - I agree. I actually tire of Ramsey, I don't think he is that interesting of a bad guy.

Brienne - just go kick some ass.

Stannis - in a way, at least compared to others on the show, Stannis is decent. Now lets watch him contemplate killing his daughter next week.

Tommen - Send a friggin army to get your woman back.

Bronn - Nice scene with the lovely sand chick. Didn't think she would give him the cure.

Tyrion and Sir Friendzone - nice final scene for them last week.

I agree completely re Sam. When he got more than 15 seconds of airtime, my first thought was OMG they are going to kill him off. Then I was sad, then angry (I move through stages very quickly LOL). Either Sam gets offed by Mr. I-Am-In-Charge-While-Jon-Is-Gone-And-I-Am-A-Dick and his two flunkies, OR, Sam and Gilly get out of Dodge. I hope Sam does leave for his own safety, but, he is apparently a little too stubborn to back down.

Was I the only one who heard the theme from Rocky when Sam picked his bloody arse back up and challenged the two goons again? You go Sam Balboa, you can kick Apollo and Creed's @$$e$ !!

I have to say though, when the two turds show up and try to r*pe Gilly, I said "we havent seen Ghost in a while", and almost like I wrote the script, VOILA.

Tommen was screwed when he backed down on the steps of the Sept a few weeks ago. He should have had his guards cut him a path to the High Septon. Instead he turned tail and ran. Tommen is too young to realize it, but he wont be gettin' any from Margery ever again. :nono:

I originally thought the sandchick was far too mannish, and unattractive. Whoa, was I wrong. I guess I am a sucker for a little mammary action.:thumb:


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This is not a book spoiler but I'll be very surprised if Sam dies this season. Gilly on the other hand? Maybe? It doesn't give any characters names but based on descriptions of new characters (yet to be cast) for next season, it appears very likely that we'll be meeting more Tarleys, including Sam's dad that we've heard so much about as well as his mom and siblings. Of course Oberyn died before we met any more Martells so that doesn't necessarily mean Sam lives to be reunited with them, especially since he's at the Wall anyway. But this last episode really foreshadowed a potential trip from the Wall.

I didn't mind that scene where Sam showed some backbone, even if it was kind of cheezy. I'm sure I'm in the minority here but I was really hoping for Alliser Thorne to come to Sam and Gilly's aid instead of Ghost. He seems to be slowly turning into a good guy and thought that would have been a cool twist after his comment about Sam losing all his friends.

Theon is the wildcard at Winterfell. But it will be interesting to see if Sansa can continue to manipulate Ramsay against his father by killing or attempting to kill the baby.

Hard to say what is up with Brienne and Pod, except I consider them most likely to bump into Rickon and Osha, or at least hear of Rickon's whereabouts.

A man found Jaquen H'Gar and Ary's storyline more interesting in Season 2 at Harenhall.
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Jul 6, 2010
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Thank God Bronn didn't die in that prison cell. He deserves way better. I'll reiterate my disappointment with the Dorne storyline. I thought it was going to be the best thing this season. Two smart ass characters buddying up to run a covert rescue mission in enemy territory. Instead it's just been rushed scene after rushed scene.

The Sand Snakes are supposed to be these all time badasses, when they finally meet up with Jaime and Bronn it's a complete dud of a fight and it's over in 30 seconds.

Jaime talking to his daughter/niece, "You have to come with us", "No I love him", "Ok". Exhilarating stuff.


Unreliable Narrator.
Apr 21, 2010
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That was pretty awesome. The Tyrion - Daenery scenes were great. The pow wow in the tent was cool. The a great battle at the end.
Great episode


Scotchy Scotch Scotch!
May 9, 2010
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That was not only the best Game of Thrones episode I've ever seen, but maybe the best hour of television for that type of show. Incredible....


Grumpy Old Man
Jul 10, 2014
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Peter Dinklage is the only actor on the show the directors can trust with closeups. He has the Tyrion part so perfected. Every nuance, grimace, "mindless facial hair rub" conveys a message. You could watch that scene with Danerys with ho sound and and STILL get half of it, just by watching him.

Only one other comment. I am glad to see the directors keeping some focus on what I consider "the big picture". The eventual fight with the White Walkers. GRRM goes books without even mentioning them, and while reading the books, it has always confused me as to why. I really thought all of the skirmishes between the 7 Kingodms, etc were preludes to what was the real fight, White Walkers v. Mankind. I had this idea that all of the (surviving) characters will have a crucial role in that final war. For example, that is why I thought we even have the Bran storyline. And the dragons will be needed to finally beat the WW. And we will need 3 with Targeryan blood to ride them, etc. I like that the WW are brought up more prominently.


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awesome episode.

jon and tyrion are the two most interesting characters, so any episode that follows the two of them for most of it, is a good episode.


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That Tyrion/Dany scene just reminded me how badly Tyrion has been lacking from this season. We need way more of that moving forward.

Sam cannot carry a scene.

Loved everything North of the wall. So does Valyarian steel kill walkers or is there somehow dragon glass in the sword?


Grumpy Old Man
Jul 10, 2014
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Loved everything North of the wall. So does Valyarian steel kill walkers or is there somehow dragon glass in the sword?

I am guessing the former. AFAIK there is no dragon glass in the steel. I dont recall the specifics from the episode where Tywin has Ned's old blade melted down into 2, but I think there is something special about the steel and its composition, just not dragon glass.

I am in no way a Westeros geek, and dont know the purported history going back to the First Men. But it seems like the connection comes from: Valerya is where the Targeryans come from. Targeryans can master dragons, and "dragon glass" (obsidian) also kills white walkers. All of this suggests that Danerys and her dragons will be key down the road if/when the people of Westeros take on the WW.


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I am guessing the former. AFAIK there is no dragon glass in the steel. I dont recall the specifics from the episode where Tywin has Ned's old blade melted down into 2, but I think there is something special about the steel and its composition, just not dragon glass.

I am in no way a Westeros geek, and dont know the purported history going back to the First Men. But it seems like the connection comes from: Valerya is where the Targeryans come from. Targeryans can master dragons, and "dragon glass" (obsidian) also kills white walkers. All of this suggests that Danerys and her dragons will be key down the road if/when the people of Westeros take on the WW.

Yeah pretty much since dragons were introduced I assumed they were the answer to the white walker problem.

And based on the old man in the tree last year telling Bran he'll never walk again but he'll fly I'm assuming Bran will control a dragon at some point and save the day.