Well-Known Member
So am I the only one that has like all 5 episodes this year? Nothing happens but things are happening.
I like them too but I do agree that things are a bit slow. With Stannis on his way to Winterfell, the fighting pits opening up, Jorah and Tyrion getting closer to Mereen, Jamie and Bronn landed in Dorne, the Sand Snakes introduced and wanting to avenge their father, Cersei fucking shit up in King's Landing, the table is pretty much set and I think some shit is about to go down very soon.
Not to mention Arya is in Braavos training to be a faceless assassin and Meryn Trant just happens to be escorting Lord Tyrell to Braavos to meet with the Iron Bank. Not a book spoiler but I'll be surprised if Arya doesn't run into Ser Meryn and cross a name off her list.