Grumpy Old Man
Just rewatched Mountain vs The Viper hoping the result would be different. It wasn't.
Viper never should have taken his eyes off the Mountain
Just rewatched Mountain vs The Viper hoping the result would be different. It wasn't.
Jon snow just took control of the wildlings
Or did he?????
Magic spells can do all sorts of things. Unexpected things.
If this is a book spoiler/reference please don't drop any more "hints".
I thought Danerys looked awfully young last night. Maybe it was the new hair style. She looked much younger than she has in the past few Seasons.
That was a boring hour of television.
Pretty much my thoughts. There were a few more episodes in the early seasons that I dug but last year and (so far) this first ep has been pretty un-engaging to me.Yep, I agree. I like it but its not my favorite show. To me there are 3-4 really good episodes a season and the rest are fair to bad. Last nights was not a good one.
LMAO This! I scream for joy when her mother shows up on the show. Combining it with Roger's moustache is a stroke of genius.Then I followed it by watching Mad Men which was little better. Yes, lets spend more time focused on Megan's family.
Dany's scenes have always been my least favorite and I think I know why, she's pretty much the only one that doesn't have comedic relief/quick talking characters. Stannis at least has the Onion Knight, Kings Landing has plenty of smart asses, Baelish, the Hound, the supporting Night's Watch, etc. They all have somebody to lessen the tension or liven up a scene. Dany doesn't really have that supporting character.
Dany's scenes have always been my least favorite and I think I know why, she's pretty much the only one that doesn't have comedic relief/quick talking characters. Stannis at least has the Onion Knight, Kings Landing has plenty of smart asses, Baelish, the Hound, the supporting Night's Watch, etc. They all have somebody to lessen the tension or liven up a scene. Dany doesn't really have that supporting character.
Dany's scenes have always been my least favorite and I think I know why, she's pretty much the only one that doesn't have comedic relief/quick talking characters. Stannis at least has the Onion Knight, Kings Landing has plenty of smart asses, Baelish, the Hound, the supporting Night's Watch, etc. They all have somebody to lessen the tension or liven up a scene. Dany doesn't really have that supporting character.
Dany's scenes have always been my least favorite and I think I know why, she's pretty much the only one that doesn't have comedic relief/quick talking characters. Stannis at least has the Onion Knight, Kings Landing has plenty of smart asses, Baelish, the Hound, the supporting Night's Watch, etc. They all have somebody to lessen the tension or liven up a scene. Dany doesn't really have that supporting character.
- Khaleesi needing protection after her ruling was a cool, well done scene. Seeing Drogon at the end was also a nice touch.
Really enjoyed last night's episode. Some really cool scenes, they covered a lot of ground with that one and a lot of wheels have been set in motion.
- Love having Bronn back, especially teaming up with Jaime? That is likely going to become my favorite storyline.
- Arya's trip looks like it is going to pay dividends.
- Khaleesi needing protection after her ruling was a cool, well done scene. Seeing Drogon at the end was also a nice touch.
- I could watch an entire season of Varys and Tyrion going back and forth
- Brienne effing shit up was also fun to watch, and Sansa has fallen completely under Littlefinger's spell
-Jon Snow passing up on becoming Lord of Winterfell, gotta be tough, the election was predictable but still awesome. Sam's speech was well done.
Littlefinger is the only person who has shown to actually care about her. She has no one left. I don't think it is as much of his spell as it is her seeing it as her finally being in a place to have a future that's not of torment.