Grumpy Old Man
Oh yeah, I thought it felt like that. At the same time the use of the dragon didn't seem "fair" and I wanted it stopped but I also didn't want it to be killed.....
Kinda like Secretariat at the Belmont.
Oh yeah, I thought it felt like that. At the same time the use of the dragon didn't seem "fair" and I wanted it stopped but I also didn't want it to be killed.....
I dunno, Daario cut off the heads of the other Second Sons leaders to join up with Dany, you think he'd cave?
Did anyone else notice the chalk all over Jon's hands when he showed Danery the "ancient" cave drawings?
When that one dothraki said to Tyrion "your people can't fight" I wanted him to say "fucker do you not see that dragon?"
I loved the Sansa-Arya reunion. I thought it was well written and acted. Both have changed so much since Season 1 and Kings Landing, but when they first meet, they default to their last memories of each other. Totally correct. Eventually they hug it out. Awesome. And Littlefinger thinks he has everything right where he wants it. He has no idea what Arya is capable of, and is just getting a glimpse of what Bran knows or might know. The Winterfell scenes may be short on excitement, but will be long on drama and suspense!
She left him behind and was a little cold about it. So yeah, I think its possible![]()
Does anyone have any grasp on Littlefinger's angle? He's obviously up to something but with each new variable (and Bran the mind reader) it seems like any gameplan he had needs to change on the fly. He lingered quite a bit during that Briene/Arya sparring session.
Great episode! I'm sure nitpickers will mention a few things at the end (where did Bronn come from? How did the lake get so deep suddenly....alright I guess I just did), but that was fantastic!
Is it just me or did Daenerys seem like the antagonist in that last sequence? They didn't give her a line, had her go up against fan favorite Bronn, semi fan favorite Jaime, and they even built up Sam's brother a bit to be a likeable guy. Not to mention she ignored the advice of the 2 other main protagonists. She seems like she could pull an Episode 3 Anakin Skywalker and turn to the dark side! I don't see it happening but would love it if she did.
I also really enjoyed the episode overall... except the ending.
Was Jaime's death certain? Or are they leaving it open? If they were filming a death sequence, it should have been longer and more definitive. If they were trying to leave it open, that is kind of lame.
Jamie should have been burned by the dragon. It would have been a true death for a knight, something that has been questioned about him the entire series. And Tyrion would have seen the impact of his choices, even if they were the right ones. Meanwhile, Bronn slips away from the battlefield, back to who he was all along - a scavenger, a survivor.
9 episodes left and a cliffhanger? ...Ain't nobody got time for that.
Yeah I can't see Jaime being dead at all. Because as you said, if they were going to kill him off this episode then he should have been fried. Might be hard to swim with all that armor and one hand but someone will help him out. I think he and Bronn will be taken prisoner and perhaps eventually switch sides.
I did like how Jaime and Bronn both looked at each other after Poppa Tarly suggested whipping the men to speed things up with a "that guy is way too intense even for us" glance.
Yeah I can't see Jaime being dead at all. Because as you said, if they were going to kill him off this episode then he should have been fried. Might be hard to swim with all that armor and one hand but someone will help him out. I think he and Bronn will be taken prisoner and perhaps eventually switch sides.
I think the Dothraki and what's left of the "good guy" Greyjoys will prove to be incompetent miners and Daenerys, Jon, and Tyrion will realize they need Cersei's cooperation to bring in some miners from the Westerlands.