Lord Shitlord aka El cibernauta
Tim Tebow would make for a great NRA leader
Gee I guess if we were like the Taliban and didn't want girls to go to school there would have been 12 less victims last Friday. The solutions some people come up with are mind boggling at times.
If the solution really is (I don't think it is) to have armed guards in every school in this country, then this country fucking sucks.
I don't think he's trolling and at times I agree with him. I have no problem with him at all and we are all here to debate topics that's what the forum is for.
Hell during the hockey season we have some pretty heated debates between fans of different teams and I've had a couple of times where I have apologized to fans of my own team because things got heated.
It's a message board and we are not always going to agree on a lot of topics. He is more than welcome here and I'm sure most posters feel the same but if we all agreed on every topic it would be a pretty boring place.
Ya see.. we have languages for a reason. Words have meanings that are generally accepted by other speakers of a given language.
When you said you were a guard at a given location it was misleading. What you meant to say is that you are your own personal bodyguard.
That's cool because I am my own guard as well. I don't have a gun but my track record is flawless. I haven't been shot or stabbed or blown to smithereens yet!!
Dang, guys, I'm pretty sire I won't get treated this good at my own funeral
If only there was an armed guard at Fort Hood when Nidal Hasan shot it up.
Obviously, the answer is even more armed guards for places like that.
Like a Militia or something.