ND 14 UM 45
How cool would it be to have a gun turret (similar to those found atop a B-17 Flying Fortress*) built on the roof of one's house?
*B-17 Flying Fortress
*B-17 Flying Fortress

All of my posts are too raunchy and offensive for the internet, if you read between the lines what I didn't say.Do you ever have to edit or not submit a post, because you know it's too raunchy and offensive even for the internet?
Do you think anal sex was discovered on "accident"?
Why did God, in all His wisdom, give men nipples?
second mention, same thread.
you lose the internets
Fuck. Fuckity fucking fuck.
Next time I'll read all the random thoughts before generating my own random thoughts.
Was the B-17 turret on top of a house also already mentioned?
that was pure brilliance.
you are forgiven your previous misgivings
Was the B-17 turret on top of a house also already mentioned?