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OT: MCoy Should Just Shut His Mouth and Go To Work


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Aug 6, 2011
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That isn't the world we live in though, fucking twitter is taking over in the celebrity/sports world. Now we hear about everything they say, because the beat writers for those teams relay everything to us.

Thats how we heard that Marcus Vick put a bounty on his head, fuckin twitter and the people who get paid to follow and tell us about it.

I don't want this to come out the wrong way, so please understand that I believe that Cooper first, shouldn't have said anything and I don't agree with what he said. I know feeling that they are the N-word or that it's ok to say it is wrong.

But if no one had spread this, as in the person taking the video never sent it anywhere, there would be fewer people hurt by it. The security guard would be attacked by Cooper and Cooper would never realize his mistake, but fewer people would hear about it.

Having said that, that's absurd, too. It's like saying the wife isn't hurt by the cheating husband if no one tells her. Or that denial is better or that he wouldn't have a more public remark later or that his inner feelings aren't harmful if they don't publicly manifest itself.

It reminds me of the Valerie Plame case where the Bush Administration told a few reporters the identity of a CIA agent and no one reported it except one reporter. Since that reporter put it in their paper, her identity was ruined and she had to end her career as an agent. It was the Administration's fault it was leaked and they deserved punishment, but if the reporter had not reported anything, like the rest didn't, she'd still have her job. Perhaps one could try to sue or charge the Administration for leaking the info in a sealed court hearing, but the odds of winning are low. Incidentally, Bush did NOT pardon the leaker as many suspected he would - but I am not sure if the sentence was lenient.


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Aug 4, 2011
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I don't want this to come out the wrong way, so please understand that I believe that Cooper first, shouldn't have said anything and I don't agree with what he said. I know feeling that they are the N-word or that it's ok to say it is wrong.

But if no one had spread this, as in the person taking the video never sent it anywhere, there would be fewer people hurt by it. The security guard would be attacked by Cooper and Cooper would never realize his mistake, but fewer people would hear about it.

Having said that, that's absurd, too. It's like saying the wife isn't hurt by the cheating husband if no one tells her. Or that denial is better or that he wouldn't have a more public remark later or that his inner feelings aren't harmful if they don't publicly manifest itself.

It reminds me of the Valerie Plame case where the Bush Administration told a few reporters the identity of a CIA agent and no one reported it except one reporter. Since that reporter put it in their paper, her identity was ruined and she had to end her career as an agent. It was the Administration's fault it was leaked and they deserved punishment, but if the reporter had not reported anything, like the rest didn't, she'd still have her job. Perhaps one could try to sue or charge the Administration for leaking the info in a sealed court hearing, but the odds of winning are low. Incidentally, Bush did NOT pardon the leaker as many suspected he would - but I am not sure if the sentence was lenient.

Ha, that is also the world we live in... deadspin seems to thrive on these stories, destroying the images of professional athletes out of jealousy. Everything out of deadspin seems to be this sort of trash that only serves one purpose, damaging a professional athletes image and career. They thrive on humiliating professional athletes, lets be honest, they are the perez hilton of sports reporting.

That doesn't absolve Cooper, its just the reality of tabloid blogs. They pride themselves with this stuff that is destructive.


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He didn't say that to the press, he tweeted it and the press ran with it. That is what I meant when I said this is the world we live in.

Before these guys only had a limited stage when they met with the media at NFL events, now they have a 24/7 stage. Some of them still haven't realized that they can make 100 tweets that nobody gives a fuck about, but if they make 1 tweet on the "soup of the day", it blows up.

For example, Marcus Vick probably tweeted a bunch of stupid shit that nobody ever heard of, but now everyone knows about his stupid bounty tweet.

Tweeting it is the same thing. Your responsibility to your organization is to not take something bad and make it worse. What he said adds more fuel to the fire and should have been kept private.

He handled it poorly.


Aug 4, 2011
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Tweeting it is the same thing. Your responsibility to your organization is to not take something bad and make it worse. What he said adds more fuel to the fire and should have been kept private.

He handled it poorly.

He was honest. Sure, I guess he could have been PC about the whole thing... he wasn't, and he still isn't the bad guy.


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His decision hurt his team. Call him the bad guy or not, that's what it comes down to.


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His decision hurt his team. Call him the bad guy or not, that's what it comes down to.

Hurt the team? The problem is and will be there whether or not McCoy kept it in house or told the whole world. What "hurt the team" was Coopers actions. He single handedly divided the team, with his racial slurs. You have to expect reactions like McCoys after something like this comes to light. Cooper didn't just do something stupid like get a DUI, he went out and offended a race, a race which happens to be the majority of his teammates...

We have seen this time and time again, anyone who chooses to drop racial slurs is subject to public scrutiny. Riley Cooper should count his blessings that he works for the NFL and not the Food Network!


Creedence Fanatic
Jul 2, 2013
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I'll say this, the person who was most impressive in this whole thing and showed the most poise and professionalism was Michael Vick. He gave that excellent "let he who has not sinned throw the first stone" speech and I was very impressed. He could have used the opportunity to fuel the fire but instead chose forgiveness and reconciliation as his approach.

Unlike his idiot brother, Marcus....


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I don't think black people understand the harm they do every time they use that word. The negative psychological impact on their race of them saying it just once is far worse than if it comes from a white person. Now multiply that by millions of people using it habitually and wonder why people notice what color you are.

Words are just words and can only cause as much harm as you allow them to. My grandmother once told me, sticks and stones has the possibility to break your bones but names will never hurt you if you dont allow them to.
The "N" word along with calling a grown black man "boy" was established to have a negative psychological impact. Strong black men who tried to break the psychological bondage of these words, started to use them to show others they are simply words. Basically making a mockery of those who use them to promote hate. This is how you take the power or attraction away. Blacks who continue to allow these simple words to effect them in such a way, only adds to the power and attraction of its usage.

I dont think you understand the intent on why it was used by blacks in the past or how it is used now? Its a slang word in hip hop culture today with a different pronunciation and used by all races in that culture. To say it(slang) has a worse impact used by this culture, than a white person who uses the original word for hateful purposes, is your opinion and something you are entitled to but is not factual.

You can be the smartest person in this thread but until you walk around in black mens shoes, you will never fully understand anything about a black man. So, I dont think you understand the harm blacks do to themselves by allowing a word to continue to hold them bondage and have power. Im not promoting it to be used in slang or any form but at the end of the day, they are just words.


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McCoy has every right to say what he did and also McCoy is their best player, Cooper is a no body


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Sep 10, 2011
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I'm having a hard time understanding how this whole news story started exactly... please fill in parts I may have missed:

*Cooper was at a Kenny Chesney concert when someone decided to record him acting hard and began recording Cooper just in time to catch him say "I will come over this fence and fuck up all the nyccas here"

*Shit goes viral. Marcus puts out a bounty; Michael does his best Rodney King (re: "Can't we all just get along?"); McCoy is flabbergasted

My question in all of this is..... Does anyone know the context of the situation in which Riley Cooper began spouting off at the mouth? It is hard for me to believe that someone like Cooper whose been playing football most of his life (meaning hes had to rely on/trust/support/work with black teammates) would be a two faced secret racist on the low.

From what I've seen, I'm guessing there was some shit talking back and forth between Cooper & an unseen group of people, they probably started calling him names, saying they'd whoop his ass, and Cooper got hyphy and puffed out his chest to look hard when security was already there to stop things before they started.

All I know is that the only video of the incident I could find was the 6 second clip where Cooper walks up to the guardrail and says that inflammatory, possibly racial shit, but it just seems way too convenient.... Is Cooper really just walking around starting fights and calling people nyccas? I doubt it. But who knows, athletes can be pretty effin stupid.


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TT...IMO, it's unfortunate, but this really isn't that big of a deal...a guy called some people a derogatory name (Paula Deen's situation was much worse imo)...Riley has created a hell hole for himself, of course the media is going to probe to get team reaction, that's their job. He opened the can, gotta get the worms out now.

I applaud McCoy for putting his name to it actually.


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Unlike his idiot brother, Marcus....
True on both accounts, both Toby's and yours, but Vick is coming from an entirely different place...where everybody deserves a second chance...somewhat predictable for him to take the position he did.

That said...he still spoke like a true leader...his brother is a fool.


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Apr 17, 2013
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Hurt the team? The problem is and will be there whether or not McCoy kept it in house or told the whole world. What "hurt the team" was Coopers actions. He single handedly divided the team, with his racial slurs. You have to expect reactions like McCoys after something like this comes to light. Cooper didn't just do something stupid like get a DUI, he went out and offended a race, a race which happens to be the majority of his teammates...

We have seen this time and time again, anyone who chooses to drop racial slurs is subject to public scrutiny. Riley Cooper should count his blessings that he works for the NFL and not the Food Network!

By commenting on it, he added to the frenzy. His actions were not as harmful as coopers, but they were actually pretty close.


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Aug 4, 2011
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Do you actually think you scored some kind of point with that statement. Do you really? McCoy should not have discussed it because he is a member of the team and it should be kept in house. It was unprofessional. We as outsiders should discuss it at length otherwise we get clowns like you who would have us believe that you have not a biased bone in your body.

I'm not trying to score points. I'm pointing out the idiocy of your position. You say we should take advantage of this to have an open and frank conversation about inherent bias. That's great. But you start the thread by telling someone who is openly and frankly sharing his opinion to shut up. That is contradictory.

Perhaps the greater irony is that you are the one who started this thread. There was not a Riley Cooper thread on this board until you initiated it, to complain about how everyone is making such a big deal about it.

As for bias, I agree that we are all biased in some ways. Again, though, I don't see how telling McCoy to shut up facilitates an open dialogue.


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Aug 4, 2011
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Would have been great if Riley walked buy during the interview and said ...."Ni%^$ Please!"

It is appropriate for the rest of the team to say that 500x a day.. why not Riley?

In certain contexts and before this incident, it very well might have been. Let's not pretend that's how Cooper was using the word.


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Aug 4, 2011
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Yep. But you and I have played and been members of teams. Crimson and IMAC have not and can't be expected to understand.

Well it clearly wasn't a football team as you think Terrell Suggs doesn't use his legs....