That's possible. And it may not seem fair. Hell, it may not be fair. Though I would also contend that as far as racial slurs go, the n-word has particular significance.[/QUOTE]
How so? Is a slur more offensive when its used against one group rather than another? Because if that is what you are saying, I would consider that a racist statement. If you call me a chink or a spic is that better than you calling me a ****er? Just stop while you still have some credibility.
Dude, I am going to assume you are a white male so stop me if I am wrong. If you cannot see that these other groups ("chinks", "spics", "neegurs") have been seriously and terribly oppressed in this nation and are therefore justifiably very sensitive the racial slurs, then you need to give it some more serious thought.
Has anyone of your class ever been hung from a tree by a lynch mob in this country just for looking at a woman of another skin color? Been refused admittance to restaurant because of their skin color? Been denied their personal freedom because of their skin color? I didn't think so.