New Member
1b]Words are just words and can only cause as much harm as you allow them to. My grandmother once told me, sticks and stones has the possibility to break your bones but names will never hurt you if you dont allow them to.[/b]
The "N" word along with calling a grown black man "boy" was established to have a negative psychological impact. Strong black men who tried to break the psychological bondage of these words, started to use them to show others they are simply words. Basically making a mockery of those who use them to promote hate. This is how you take the power or attraction away. Blacks who continue to allow these simple words to effect them in such a way, only adds to the power and attraction of its usage.
I dont think you understand the intent on why it was used by blacks in the past or how it is used now? Its a slang word in hip hop culture today with a different pronunciation and used by all races in that culture. To say it(slang) has a worse impact used by this culture, than a white person who uses the original word for hateful purposes, is your opinion and something you are entitled to but is not factual.
You can be the smartest person in this thread but until you walk around in black mens shoes, you will never fully understand anything about a black man. So, I dont think you understand the harm blacks do to themselves by allowing a word to continue to hold them bondage and have power. Im not promoting it to be used in slang or any form but at the end of the day, they are just words.
That's not how reality works though. Words do matter, whether you want them to or not. It has been demonstrated time and time again that this is the case.
The intent doesn't matter. The reality is that that word does a hell of a lot of damage. When it comes from a black person, it normalizes its use, and when you combine that with not only it's history but how the gangster rap culture uses the word, the negative connotations that continue to be spread are real, and you can't just shrug it off and say "this word has no power".
The reality is, words do matter.