ND 14 UM 45

23 Banana Boat sunscreen products pulled from market due to risk products will ignite on person's skin
Energizer pulls several Banana Boat sun products for fire hazard | Reuters
23 Banana Boat sunscreen products pulled from market due to risk products will ignite on person's skin
Energizer pulls several Banana Boat sun products for fire hazard | Reuters
Well, that's a quick way to get a tan...
"The Eye of the Mormon"
The Petoskey News-Review reports that Mark Wayne Williams, a.k.a., the “Petoskey Batman,” refused to leave state police troopers alone while they searched with dogs for a driver who fled an accident on Boyer Road in Bear Creek Township.
Williams was charged with resisting and obstructing police in an investigation. He was not carrying any weapons, but his costume was confiscated.