Dammit, it happened again. When I was a little kid my parents would watch Maude. For a kid it was boring except when I saw Adrienne Barbeau.
I went to bed wishing I could have a night with her. I forgot all about it for 45 years until my phone rang this morning. It was Adrienne.
"I'll be over tonight" she said, "around 6 because I can't drive after dark. Are you a mask household or not?"
Remember that episode of Star Trek The Next Generation where Wesley got caught smoking and was made to work overnights in engineering? When down there he discovered that instead of using dilithium crystals to power the ship they were instead burning huge numbers of tribbles to keep the ship running. When Geordie, covered in blood and fur, explained that every day the tribble cages were overflowing so it just made sense. I think in the B story Data learned about cultural appropriation.