Lord Shitlord aka El cibernauta
2 givens
1) penny is the closing ceremony flagbearer

De Grasse has a shot at 3 medals now ... 3 BRONZE! medals

2 givens
1) penny is the closing ceremony flagbearer
Chris Cuthbert ... so mean!!! lol
Man, CC roasts Friedman.
/Did you see that?
whatcha mean? did he say something on air too?
2 givens
1) penny is the closing ceremony flagbearer
2)royal cdn mint comes out with a commemorative gold penny
Hey NBC no more Volleyball please. It's not as bad as Curling, but it's getting close.
which one you talking about ... beach or indoor? Im tired of the beach but i think the indoor is great
It's the Olympics. Almost everything is horrible.BOTH!!
NBC has shown so much volleyball it's gotten to point of being ridiculous as far as I'm concerned.
It's the Olympics. Almost everything is horrible.
NBC has shown so much volleyball it's gotten to point of being ridiculous as far as I'm concerned.
It's the Olympics. Almost everything is horrible.
Those events where people have to swim, run, shoot, jump into a volcano, find Hitler's remains and perfect the pour-over make absolutely no sense to me.Up until today, I didn't even know Women's Wrestling existed. It was awkward. Some of these events are ridiculous.
oh man lol