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Once again…


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Apr 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I used to love to watch the Kings/Lakers games in the early 2000's, the Bulls/Pistons used to be almost religious for some people so that was always fun, and of course the Lakers/Spurs/Celtics and the Suns/Lakers games used to always be televised nationally to watch Nash and Kobe battle it out.
But this proves my point, these were just great teams that played each other. You didn't tune in for the rivalry, you tuned in for the basketball. Rivalries mean something to the fans of those teams and keep them tuning in even when their teams are not good. By reducing these you would be taking something away from the fans. Sure, maybe the Pistons and Dallas will develop something for a couple of seasons some day, but nothing could ever replace the loathing there is for Cleveland that I relish 4 times a year and hopefully into the playoffs. And your system not only removes some of the regular season, but decreases the probability of it occuring in the playoffs where it is the most heated.
Which leads to my point…. --------> There are no great rivalries anymore. Get rid of conferences, schedule teams to play each other 2-3 times a year and let the best 16 teams in so new rivalries can be born. You're not losing anything… besides shitty playoff basketball in the first round.
These new rivalries would still matter to no one outside the fans of those teams. The system is not really broken now, so why mess with it. The first round would be no better if the Suns and NOLA were getting crushed by the Hawks and Warriors than the Bucks and Celtics losing to the Hawks and Cavs.

Also, more late west coast playoff games means fewer eyes on the games as a 10:30 start is too late to much of the east coast audience and the NBA never does something that could hurt the bottom line.


Jul 7, 2013
Scottsdale, Arizona
Hoopla Cash
$ 811.96
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But this proves my point, these were just great teams that played each other. You didn't tune in for the rivalry, you tuned in for the basketball. Rivalries mean something to the fans of those teams and keep them tuning in even when their teams are not good. By reducing these you would be taking something away from the fans. Sure, maybe the Pistons and Dallas will develop something for a couple of seasons some day, but nothing could ever replace the loathing there is for Cleveland that I relish 4 times a year and hopefully into the playoffs. And your system not only removes some of the regular season, but decreases the probability of it occuring in the playoffs where it is the most heated.
These new rivalries would still matter to no one outside the fans of those teams. The system is not really broken now, so why mess with it. The first round would be no better if the Suns and NOLA were getting crushed by the Hawks and Warriors than the Bucks and Celtics losing to the Hawks and Cavs.

Also, more late west coast playoff games means fewer eyes on the games as a 10:30 start is too late to much of the east coast audience and the NBA never does something that could hurt the bottom line.

Are you kidding? Warriors-Suns & Hawks-Pelicans series' would be so much fun to watch. The Brow & friends vs ATL and two great offensive teams running up and down… that's entertainment. They'd both lose but at least they'd put up a fight and be much more entertaining to watch.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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My point is which rivalry is so precious that it needs to be played 4 times a year? Each team would still get each other at least 2-3 times a year and the 1 or 2 less games against each other during the reg season would just add more hype to it since it's less occurring.

I feel like rivalries in the NBA RIGHT NOW is at an all-time low… could be just me, but there aren't any games I look at coming up in the next few weeks and think "OH WOW, I BETTER TUNE IN TO THIS ONE" unless it's two tops teams playing each other.

However, there are cross conference rivalries that would be lessened because they would be playing more often under a balanced schedule. Part of what makes the Lakers/Celtics rivalry special is because they only play twice a year unless they meet in the finals.

I can't say because I'm not a fan of either team, but considering they've met in the finals for the past 2 years and the intensity of those 2 series, I'd imagine there's a bit of a rivalry developing between the Heat and Spurs.

Bottom line, it's very unlikely that your idea will ever happen. This discussion comes up whenever there has been a significant difference in quality between the 2 conferences and nothing gets changed because the pendulum always swings back the other way.

The Derski

No Fat Chicks
Jul 11, 2013
Tucson, AZ
Hoopla Cash
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Butt hurt heat fans can't accept the fact that the east sucks. Not sure why they care so much anyway. Makes it easier for you to make the postseason.


Jul 7, 2013
Scottsdale, Arizona
Hoopla Cash
$ 811.96
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82 game season. 29 teams to play every year… that means each team could face each other head to head 3 times a year besides 5 teams. So you'd play 24 teams 3 times and 5 teams 2 times over the course of the season in theory. Really don't see what the problem would be there.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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82 game season. 29 teams to play every year… that means each team could face each other head to head 3 times a year besides 5 teams. So you'd play 24 teams 3 times and 5 teams 2 times over the course of the season in theory. Really don't see what the problem would be there.

Not. Gonna. Happen.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Repeat after me.

Not. Gonna. Happen.
More games in closer time zone = more eyes on tv sets = more advertising revenue to broadcaster = more money to the nab for tv rights.


Most Popular Member
Apr 16, 2013
New York, NY
Hoopla Cash
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Butt hurt heat fans can't accept the fact that the east sucks. Not sure why they care so much anyway. Makes it easier for you to make the postseason.

Who's butthurt? And who said the east doesn't suck? Learn how to read


Most Popular Member
Apr 16, 2013
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Hoopla Cash
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I'm talking about Flague on the first page. This seems to be a really sensitive topic for him.

He clearly gave a more thought out answer last night if you went through the whole thread.

At the end of the day this will never pass because I don't think there is a east coach who would vote for it and I think western teams who are consistently at the top and are making the playoffs are just fine with the current system as well.

If I had to take a guess, I would assume the vote would be 17-13 or 18-12 in favor of the current system


Most Popular Member
Apr 16, 2013
New York, NY
Hoopla Cash
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There isn't one good reason for any coach out east to vote for this.

If you're a top team why vote for it so you would have a much harder first round opponent? And if you're consistently fighting for a bottom 3 spots almost yearly as Charlotte and Milwaukee usually would do why would you vote for this system which all but guarantee you won't make it?


Jul 7, 2013
Scottsdale, Arizona
Hoopla Cash
$ 811.96
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I'm not worried. Know why?


Wait for it....

Not. Gonna. Happen. :dance: