I'm afraid you're right and it's still shitty writing/booking. Why not just restart the match during the PPV???
I think it was intentional and just bad writing. Going for the social media pop and not playing it right. If that was the route they wanted. They should have drug the decision out a week let it escalate.Maybe even have her win the title to create more chaos. If it wasn't intentional I think she cashes in during the PPV.I could see Carmella winning via dumb luck which would now be predictable.Ellsworth got banned from the match on talking smack.
But yeah, this was the WWE trying to cover their giant ass after a huge backlash. They did it wrong. Give Carmella heat, elsworth heat. Don't change the result.
Honestly I would have left Ellsworth in the ring with Charlotte and Becky. Get a payoff from this.
Becky Lynch cut another great promo. Would love to see them take her from the everyone cheats angle to a heel flip. Which would be epic imo. Don't see that happening tho.
Also think they need to cut back on the Orton/ Mahal/ Cena thing. And get Nakamura/Ziggler/Styles in the spotlight more. That match last night stole the show. Nakamura needs more promo work. But the in ring work between those three really doesn't get much better imo. Way too much potential for legendary matches that belong in that spotlight imo