Well-Known Member
Seems obvious but my answer is Good. It hard to find a good fry period, so if it's thick cut and good, or shoe string and good, or waffle cut and good.Question Of The Day: Favorite Type of fry.
For me shoestring
Seems obvious but my answer is Good. It hard to find a good fry period, so if it's thick cut and good, or shoe string and good, or waffle cut and good.Question Of The Day: Favorite Type of fry.
For me shoestring
Moody Blues for me
Tuesday's gone.
Rough Day?????2nd Monday this week.
Yeah, I know I can't take both!
I never really liked Skynard to necky for meYeah, I know I can't take both!
Love them both but ex-wife loved Skynard so I'll go with Tuesday Afternoon!
Don't dislike either, but neither separate themselves either.
So was she!I never really liked Skynard to necky for me
Just leave them alone and they will leave you alone. Snakes don't want to attack humans. We're too large for them. They also don't care for noise (actually vibrations) chances are he/she is long gone.Met my first snake yesterday. My sister in law is looking to buy a place in Florida and there was an Open House so the wife and I stopped to look. Very nice but not worth $521K. I went out onto the lanai and there was a huge gecko on the screen door and against the wall was a baby black snake. The realtor (man) said that it looked dead. I took one step toward it and it took off and the realtor nearly ran over my wife getting out. He said that is could be poisonous. As we left the house I asked him if he was going to tell the people that were stopping by, not to go out to the lanai because there was a snake living out there? Not the best point of sale for an open house but he had four more hours that people could look.
The black snake is good to have around, the ward of other snakes and eat other stuff you may not want around.Met my first snake yesterday. My sister in law is looking to buy a place in Florida and there was an Open House so the wife and I stopped to look. Very nice but not worth $521K. I went out onto the lanai and there was a huge gecko on the screen door and against the wall was a baby black snake. The realtor (man) said that it looked dead. I took one step toward it and it took off and the realtor nearly ran over my wife getting out. He said that is could be poisonous. As we left the house I asked him if he was going to tell the people that were stopping by, not to go out to the lanai because there was a snake living out there? Not the best point of sale for an open house but he had four more hours that people could look.
If this is it, non venomous and eats venomous snakes.Met my first snake yesterday. My sister in law is looking to buy a place in Florida and there was an Open House so the wife and I stopped to look. Very nice but not worth $521K. I went out onto the lanai and there was a huge gecko on the screen door and against the wall was a baby black snake. The realtor (man) said that it looked dead. I took one step toward it and it took off and the realtor nearly ran over my wife getting out. He said that is could be poisonous. As we left the house I asked him if he was going to tell the people that were stopping by, not to go out to the lanai because there was a snake living out there? Not the best point of sale for an open house but he had four more hours that people could look.
That's him.If this is it, non venomous and eats venomous snakes.
Good to have around.
North American Racer
NON-VENOMOUS Other common names Black Racer, Racer Basic description Most adult North American Racers are about 20-56 inches (50-142 cm) in total length. This is a long and slender snake with large and prominent eyes. Adults are black or bluish/black with white or whitish markings on the chin
Black snakes are not poisonous but they are plentiful this time of year. Males looking for females......Met my first snake yesterday. My sister in law is looking to buy a place in Florida and there was an Open House so the wife and I stopped to look. Very nice but not worth $521K. I went out onto the lanai and there was a huge gecko on the screen door and against the wall was a baby black snake. The realtor (man) said that it looked dead. I took one step toward it and it took off and the realtor nearly ran over my wife getting out. He said that is could be poisonous. As we left the house I asked him if he was going to tell the people that were stopping by, not to go out to the lanai because there was a snake living out there? Not the best point of sale for an open house but he had four more hours that people could look.
At that end of the income scale, anything you can do to improve family conditions is admirable - not just acceptable!Morality Question: I knew a guy use to get the old Food Stamps. He stated what he was given was not enough to support his family so two weekends of the month he would set up and sell BBQ. The money he would make from the BBQ would often more than double what he got in stamps.
Do you feel this is morally wrong or are you okay with it?