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'No one wants to play with Kobe'


Sports Hooplah Local Reporter
May 10, 2013
City of Angels
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Despite any straws that people try to grasp in regards to what KD said, he couldn't have expressed himself more clearly. Now some of us here at SportsHoopla could be excellent tabloid writers though. Go get em tigers!!


The Middle of Everywhere: NWI
Apr 18, 2013
Chesterton, IN
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Yes, because with all of that cap space, they're just going to look for 1 FA to pair with Kobe. Then with all of the cap space made available when Kobe retires, they're just going to sit on that money.

At this point, you're just looking to argue.

Alright then, name the potential "multiple" free agents that the Lakers are going to sign that want to play with Kobe. Wait, you can't? It's not that most top-tier free agents are already locked up, you just want to argue. LOL

I'll go ahead and complete that assignment for you just because I could - Two free agents that could potentially look to sign with the Lakers are of the names Rajon Rondo and Draymond Green. Even if that happens, the Lakers are still looking at a borderline Playoff roster in the West at best.

If I'm Green, I'm looking to re-sign with Golden State, where I already know I can win right now. But if the money isn't there, anything is possible.


The Middle of Everywhere: NWI
Apr 18, 2013
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As for your 2nd paragraph, you don't really address anything re: my post. People claim they are "tired of Kobe", yet they can't seem to get enough of him. Like I said in that post, Adrian Wojnarowski has said all he needs to triple the clicks on any article he writes is Kobe's name in the title.

Good for Adrian Wojnarowksi or whatever his name is. Unfortunately for him, I'm not one of his people, though.


Apr 17, 2013
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Paul George wouldn't mind playing with Kobe except that he admits to want to start his own legacy and hopes to play with one team in his career just like Kobe.

Most of todays' youth want to be THE man and not be in a superstar shawdow like Kobe's if they have a chance to sign in L.A. They'd be afraid he'd call them Charmin or something...


Apr 17, 2013
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that last reference was targeted at Dwight


The Middle of Everywhere: NWI
Apr 18, 2013
Chesterton, IN
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Despite any straws that people try to grasp in regards to what KD said, he couldn't have expressed himself more clearly. Now some of us here at SportsHoopla could be excellent tabloid writers though. Go get em tigers!!

Go read my 10 blog entries on sportsblog from the year 2014 and you'd find that none of it is tabloid writing, so try again.

Point is, two or three posters before me had pointed out that the whole "No one wants to play with Kobe" myth was generated by his haters. I was merely offering my opinion on what, as opposed to who, that hate was generated by.

In reference to Adrian "whatever his name is" and the clicks he receives - If you chose to care about what Joe Blow in Wyoming does with his personal time on his computer, then that's your choice. I personally choose not to, though. Attention hogs generate more haters. It is what it is.
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Jul 7, 2013
Scottsdale, Arizona
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If it's bullshit then why does he have nobody to play with? :lol:

Honestly though, they are dumb for letting Pau go. They would've been a much better team if they kept him.


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Apr 18, 2013
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One cash cow ain't going to get it done. You need other talented players in place to attract a legit, All-Star FA. Players today may be young but they're not that stupid. And now that Silver is pushing to no longer allow teenagers into the league anymore, the days of individual cash cows may start to become a thing of the past.

And to continue another one of your arguments: The reason fans didn't grow tired of Kareem during his final NBA season of 1988-89 is because Magic had taken the spotlight from him long before then. That, and the fact that Kareem wasn't a traveling soap opera like Kobe. You could argue that he didn't handle his departure from Milwaukee very well, but Kareem had the benefit of not having to put up with the stupidity of social media websites like Twitter (good for him), a site that tends make dumb human beings look dumber.

Care to go into further depth? I think your issue lies more with the media rather than with Kobe. Times have changed, just look at how much publicity LeBron gets compared to players of the past.

Losing Howard means absolutely nothing given his history, and both Melo and LeBron had their own reasons. Most of the Lakers from last year waited to see what the Lakers were going to do before making a decision, and that includes Pau.

Bottom line is that KD's comments (as well as Paul George's) only reinforces what we already knew, which is that everyone inside basketball believes this is complete BS and the only people pushing this type of garbage are Lakers/Kobe haters and writers who are just trying to get attention.


Watch out for Berniedoodles and Trumpers
Apr 17, 2013
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my god we keep resurrecting this subject? Trojan, in the spirit of your desires, have we not beaten this subject to death?


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2013
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Originally Posted by trojanfan12
As for your 2nd paragraph, you don't really address anything re: my post. People claim they are "tired of Kobe", yet they can't seem to get enough of him. Like I said in that post, Adrian Wojnarowski has said all he needs to triple the clicks on any article he writes is Kobe's name in the title.

Good for Adrian Wojnarowksi or whatever his name is. Unfortunately for him, I'm not one of his people, though.
Actually, you are the perfect example. Someone puts Kobe in the title of a thread and you are all over it. That was his point, not that people are reading Adrian specifically.


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Apr 18, 2013
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my god we keep resurrecting this subject? Trojan, in the spirit of your desires, have we not beaten this subject to death?

Numerous posters have supported the notion, now that the mountain of evidence against it continues to pile up, people are "tired of hearing about it". They were all perfectly content when it was anti-Kobe or anti-Lakers.


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Apr 19, 2013
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Good for Adrian Wojnarowksi or whatever his name is. Unfortunately for him, I'm not one of his people, though.

Numerous posters have supported the notion, now that the mountain of evidence against it continues to pile up, people are "tired of hearing about it". They were all perfectly content when it was anti-Kobe or anti-Lakers.

Why won't you just admit that one of the greatest shooting guards to ever play the game has destroyed one of the most storied franchises of all time and now no one will ever want to play for him or the team again! Face it, it is Kobe who has single handedly, through his greed, caused Armageddon for the Laker franchise.:omg:


Apr 18, 2013
Los Angeles
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my god we keep resurrecting this subject? Trojan, in the spirit of your desires, have we not beaten this subject to death?

It's a relevant topic when a superstar is quoted like KD was.


Apr 18, 2013
Los Angeles
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Alright then, name the potential "multiple" free agents that the Lakers are going to sign that want to play with Kobe. Wait, you can't? It's not that most top-tier free agents are already locked up, you just want to argue. LOL

I'll go ahead and complete that assignment for you just because I could - Two free agents that could potentially look to sign with the Lakers are of the names Rajon Rondo and Draymond Green. Even if that happens, the Lakers are still looking at a borderline Playoff roster in the West at best.

If I'm Green, I'm looking to re-sign with Golden State, where I already know I can win right now. But if the money isn't there, anything is possible.

Any available FA next summer is a potential FA for the Lakers to sign. Doesn't mean they will, and it doesn't mean that they don't want to play with the Lakers because they didn't sign with the Lakers. Multiple FA agents last summer didn't sign with 29 other teams in the league. Does that mean they didn't want to play with the players on those teams?

Until a free agent flat out says they didn't sign with the Lakers because of Kobe, then there's no reason to conclude such. Again, it's a hater driven notion. The hate is not driven by his longevity, it's driven by his success. Just take a look at Reggie Miller's quote. I'm sure his opinion of Kobe has nothing to do with losing in 2000.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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Actually, you are the perfect example. Someone puts Kobe in the title of a thread and you are all over it. That was his point, not that people are reading Adrian specifically.

Wow, really?!? Please tell me that you understand the difference between those who claim to be tired of him reading and commenting about him and those who have never said that doing so. The point is that people claim to be tired of Kobe, yet they are constantly reading anything and everything they can about him and then commenting on it. The Woj quote was just to back up that point.

I have never claimed to be tired of Kobe, so it has nothing to do with me. It's about people who claim to be tired of him, but can't seem to stop commenting about him. There are 2 or 3 of those in this thread alone.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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Why won't you just admit that one of the greatest shooting guards to ever play the game has destroyed one of the most storied franchises of all time and now no one will ever want to play for him or the team again! Face it, it is Kobe who has single handedly, through his greed, caused Armageddon for the Laker franchise.:omg:

I guess I gave you too much credit in my previous post. Amazing how other superstars can come out and refute the claims that no one wants to play with Kobe and then you post this.

It looks like you are the perfect example of supposedly being "tired of Kobe" yet can't stop yourself from reading and commenting about him.


Apr 18, 2013
Los Angeles
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I detected some sarcasm in that last post by Logic TF12.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2013
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Originally Posted by logic
Actually, you are the perfect example. Someone puts Kobe in the title of a thread and you are all over it. That was his point, not that people are reading Adrian specifically.

Wow, really?!? Please tell me that you understand the difference between those who claim to be tired of him reading and commenting about him and those who have never said that doing so. The point is that people claim to be tired of Kobe, yet they are constantly reading anything and everything they can about him and then commenting on it. The Woj quote was just to back up that point.

I have never claimed to be tired of Kobe, so it has nothing to do with me. It's about people who claim to be tired of him, but can't seem to stop commenting about him. There are 2 or 3 of those in this thread alone.

Sorry for the mixup trojanfan, I tried to include two quotes in one. My response was to the second one, which was Hurricanes that was in response to yours. He was the one that I was referencing saying he wants nothing to do with Kobe, yet jumps on every thread (which is what Woj says happens).

And the second response was pure sarcasm----give me a little credit--I am an ex-Laker fan after all.


The Middle of Everywhere: NWI
Apr 18, 2013
Chesterton, IN
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Any available FA next summer is a potential FA for the Lakers to sign. Doesn't mean they will, and it doesn't mean that they don't want to play with the Lakers because they didn't sign with the Lakers. Multiple FA agents last summer didn't sign with 29 other teams in the league. Does that mean they didn't want to play with the players on those teams?

Until a free agent flat out says they didn't sign with the Lakers because of Kobe, then there's no reason to conclude such. Again, it's a hater driven notion. The hate is not driven by his longevity, it's driven by his success. Just take a look at Reggie Miller's quote. I'm sure his opinion of Kobe has nothing to do with losing in 2000.

The whole notion of the Lakers failure to land quality free agents in recent seasons doesn't begin and end with who does and doesn't want to play with Kobe the man or the basketball player. So, in that sense we agree.

The whole point here is that the guy has been with the same franchise for 19 years. Because he's been there so long, the Lakers will always be his team regardless of what comes about. Because of that, free agents are hesitant about signing on a team that has a 36-year-old franchise player who has a limited future.

I'm not saying KD is right or wrong in his comments, but for free agents that spurn the Lakers, it's not necessarily a personal vendetta against Kobe. It's just business, that's all.

Though it would be nice if Laker fans could come up with different reasoning other than "Kobe is great" and "Hollywood is great" as to how their team can attract free agents. Because it hasn't worked for them the last two years.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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I detected some sarcasm in that last post by Logic TF12.

Sorry for the mixup trojanfan, I tried to include two quotes in one. My response was to the second one, which was Hurricanes that was in response to yours. He was the one that I was referencing saying he wants nothing to do with Kobe, yet jumps on every thread (which is what Woj says happens).

And the second response was pure sarcasm----give me a little credit--I am an ex-Laker fan after all.

:doh: Dammit!! We really need a sarcasm font. :lol:

That's on me. It's not like we haven't posted enough together for me to have known that too. Please disregard previous snarky post.:suds: