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NFL General Board Mock Draft


I don't give a fuck
Jul 9, 2013
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Hoopla Cash
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Hey guys. We are doing a Mock Draft on the general board and I think you guys should come be apart of it. Come check out the thread and see if your team has been taken yet:


And if they have, don't worry, I'm sure the person picking won't mind coming to the team board and discussing picks with you. The team boards will be like the war rooms for each team. This should be very fun for everyone. Many boards have done this before and it was a great experience. Especially if you love the draft, this is something you should for sure check out.


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2013
Rochester, NY
Hoopla Cash
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Hey guys. We are doing a Mock Draft on the general board and I think you guys should come be apart of it. Come check out the thread and see if your team has been taken yet:


And if they have, don't worry, I'm sure the person picking won't mind coming to the team board and discussing picks with you. The team boards will be like the war rooms for each team. This should be very fun for everyone. Many boards have done this before and it was a great experience. Especially if you love the draft, this is something you should for sure check out.

Invalid link.


the SoCo kid
Apr 29, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I do a draft like this on another site where there is a lack of Rams fans. I'm all for letting someone more knowledgable do this since my draft knowledge isn't the best this year but I'd love to have a thread where we all give input towards 1 decision making member.


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2012
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Oh, Im drafting on the main board. I took Sammy Watkins at 2 because I couldnt get a trade down, its what most Rams fans want and I assumed that an OT would fall. Naturally, Matthews, Robinson and Lewan all went in the top 8.


the SoCo kid
Apr 29, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Oh I didn't realize this had already started. I'll go look at it.


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Watkins is not the top priority for this team.

Clowney would have a much bigger impact on this team from day one than Watkins will. Even the OT's would have a bigger impact than Watkins.

Some of you guys are so impatient, not willing to wait and let all these young receivers develop. For crying out loud, Pettis is the veteran of this group having just completed his 3rd season.

What in the world are you guys going to do when Watkins has a similar season to Austin this year? Go look to find another true #1 WR next year?



I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
Hoopla Cash
$ 31.28
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Lol. Yeah let's draft a DE that won't start, when we don't have a #1 WR.

Sammy Watkins is lightning in a bottle and 210 LBs. Not 5'7 175.



Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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neh its an ok pick. ive been kind of wanting barr if we traded down but whatever.


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
Hoopla Cash
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Starting OLB is ok with me. But I think we need help on offense.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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well....mr. clayton made an interesting move


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2012
Hoopla Cash
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well....mr. clayton made an interesting move
Yeah, Im just having fun out there. If you can get what will likely be the #1 overall pick at #9, you go for it


Apr 17, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona
Hoopla Cash
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If we don't help the offense, we will be right back here next year, only this time we will have the overall number 2 just by our own record!


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Lol. Yeah let's draft a DE that won't start, when we don't have a #1 WR.

Sammy Watkins is lightning in a bottle and 210 LBs. Not 5'7 175.



I didn't say they had to draft Clowney. I was just stating he would have more impact than Watkins. Plus, when are you guys going to realize that the Rams will not be able to afford Long's contract after this season. Clowney may not start at DE this season, but he would play in plenty of packages and many experts have said he could even play some at LBer. Then, when the Rams can't afford to keep Long the following year, they start Clowney.

And, Seattle just proved to the entire league that you don't need a true #1 WR to win. So, enough with this "we need a #1 WR" crap when Seattle just proved otherwise.

Like I said, what are you guys going to be saying after next year if the Rams take Watkins and he turns in another Austin year? He may not be Austin's size, but he doesn't have Megatron's, Green's, etc. he's not going to win battles downfield against Seattle's DB's, is he? He doesn't have the size. Also, he's never been a deep threat which is what the Rams really need.


the SoCo kid
Apr 29, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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So if Watkins plays in STL then what WRs do you put on the field? There's Watkins and Austin who you've invested way too much into despite 10 of the top 13 WRs in the NFL last year in yards were 6'3" or above. Then Givens who lead the WRs in yards last year. So are we essentially giving up on Bailey or just accepting that we all like him but he won't play? Then we have 2 WRs with actual size that will never see the field in Pettis and Quick.


Politically Incorrect
Oct 11, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I didn't say they had to draft Clowney. I was just stating he would have more impact than Watkins. Plus, when are you guys going to realize that the Rams will not be able to afford Long's contract after this season. Clowney may not start at DE this season, but he would play in plenty of packages and many experts have said he could even play some at LBer. Then, when the Rams can't afford to keep Long the following year, they start Clowney.

And, Seattle just proved to the entire league that you don't need a true #1 WR to win. So, enough with this "we need a #1 WR" crap when Seattle just proved otherwise.

Like I said, what are you guys going to be saying after next year if the Rams take Watkins and he turns in another Austin year? He may not be Austin's size, but he doesn't have Megatron's, Green's, etc. he's not going to win battles downfield against Seattle's DB's, is he? He doesn't have the size. Also, he's never been a deep threat which is what the Rams really need.

How long has it been since we've been hearing the cry in St. Louis that we need a #1 receiver? 3 years? 4 years? I'm sure it's just coincidence that we haven't had a decent receiver since Bradford became our QB. We've been trying to address this supposed need all this time without success while other teams in the league that have this problem seem to be able to resolve it rather quickly. I am of the same opinion Angelakerams. Why draft yet another receiver with yet another high pick? We have enough damn receivers on the team right now. Now am I supposed to believe that of all the receivers we've had/still have that none of them....NONE is capable of stepping up and becoming the leader?? Sorry, maybe you can sell it to the same person that bought your swamp land in Florida, but I ain't buying it here. The rules as they are in the game today, my grandmother could get open in this league. And with the ball-control, run first mentality, and glorified hand-off type passing game offense the Rams want to play with deer in the headlights Shottenheimer and kitten Bradford, WR's importance is even further diminished.

Clowney is a difference maker. He is as the Texans owner stated, "a once in every 10 year player" With his athleticism and speed he is exactly the type of player we need to combat the mobile QBs in our division. He may not start immediately, but I would expect it to only take him a season to displace an over-rated and over-paid Chris Long. And as much as we've all become enamored with Long jumping off-sides in critical situations, (whether it's in his hurry to get into the enemy backfield, or the locker room before he gets pancaked again) we could trade him while he still has value. In the meantime, our pass rush would be absolutely miserable for opponents, with a blitz happy DC like Williams calling the shots. Can you imagine what he'd be able to do with the combination of Quinn, Clowney, and the rest? Hell, we'd score more points with our defense than our offense.

It's a mute point regardless. I'm becoming more and more convinced that the Rams are determined to trade out of the spot, and as Retro pointed out in another thread---get a boatload of "good" players while failing once again to get an impact player we really need.


Politically Incorrect
Oct 11, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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Best possible scenario is that we trade our 2nd to Cleveland for their 4th and something else, and with all the QB needy teams ahead of us, we are able to get something substantial from Cleveland for that trade and STILL get Clowney. Of course I realize the real world doesn't work like that...at least most of the time, but it would be great if it worked out that way. We'd still have our 13th pick to take the best OL available, or yet another WR.


Unofficial board GM
May 9, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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NO NO NO NO NO to Clowney. #1, he has an issue with taking plays off. That is a BIG turn off to me, and will be to Fisher. #2, we simply do not need a DE. This is not to say Clowney will not be a stud in the NFL, but he just does not fit our needs now.

And sorry SJ, NO NO NO NO NO to Watkins. Again, not that the kid is not going to be a stud, but he is not the WR we need. When our tallest WR is actually our TE, we have an issue. Watkins cannot truly stretch the field like Jones,Marshall,Green etc. He is a YAC guy. He will make a 5 yard pass turn into a 20 yard gain. Problem is, we have THREE guys like that already on the team.

The way things are shaping up, it would not surprise me if Fisher and Snead went heavy on the defense and added an OT, OG and a QB as well as a bigger WR late in the draft ( Cody Hoffman?? L'Damian Washington??)


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
Hoopla Cash
$ 31.28
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Clowney would make a bigger impact than Sammy Watkins? WOW. Where from the bench?

Some of you people are clueless. 1st off, you draft Clowney and he doesn't start you're in trouble. Did you seem him take last year off?!!

2nd, You're going into ANOTHER season hoping that everything FINALLY comes together on offense. AGAIN. :L We need offense. MY GAWD! We need a backup QB to push Bradford. We need a #1 WR and he's sitting there just waiting to be picked in the top 5/10. Sammy Watkins is a beast people. He's got the entire package. How the fuck are you going to assume he's going to have the same season as Tavon last year? He's 6'1 210!! And polished! Are you going to pray all offseason that Givens and Quick wake up? That Bailey might be a #2 WR and Tavon gains 20 lbs? That Pettis gets his "magic shoes" and gets quicker/faster?? LMAO Did you all vote for Obama too, because HOPE seems to be your philosophy.

And Seattle doesn't have a #1 WR huh? Did you see what Percy Harvin did in the super bowl? Doug Baldwin made sick catches and was a pin ball until he scored. It's a mindset people. Tough, hardnosed players. If you really think Quick and Givens are the answer, then put all your money on black and let it ride.

And you can reference Seattle all you want, but we don't have 2-3 beast RBs at 5'11 225, a lightning quick QB with a high IQ, AND the sickest secondary in the league. So stop comparing. Seattle's GM has done an amazing job. 2 of Seattle's O-lineman were hurt early in the year and they still dominated. That team is deep and hardly has any holes.

I love the pound it and play hard-nosed D philosophy, but our FO screwed that up with they drafted a pocket QB with no speed. They drafted last year and wanted to spread it out last year until they realized it wasn't going to work, so they started to pound it and won some games with Clemens. To compete in the NFC West you need to have a great D and be able to run the ball, but most importantly, your QB better be able to make quick decisions. Bht why in the hell would you draft a 3rd DE at #2 overall, when Fisher is notorious for finding stud D-lineman from all over. Our 5th DE last year from Ole Miss got picked up by someone and even he looked like a beast.

So maybe #8 has held the WRs back? Maybe he needs a #1 WR?

We're not going to know until we pull the trigger. And we have a freebee pick at #2 overall. Maybe Cleveland trades with us, maybe they don't. Either way we need to get some beasts.

And to say Sammy W isn't a polish beast is crazy. As a freshman in college he lit up the NCAA. He's going to be redonk in this league. He's definitely not 5'7 175 :nod:


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
Hoopla Cash
$ 31.28
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Watkins cannot truly stretch the field like Jones,Marshall,Green etc. He is a
YAC guy.

You're out of your mind. So because you are tall, you can stretch the field??? LOL Wait till his combine and tell me he cannot stetch the field. Just because defending CBs gave him 8-9 yards so they wouldn't get beat deep, doesn't mean he can't go deep. Anyone that watched him knows he can get it all done.

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I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
Hoopla Cash
$ 31.28
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Sammy Watkins is one of 4 NCAA athletes in the history of college football to be a 1st team all-american as a freshman.

So to say he's coming in the NFL in his first year has a Tavon like year is just....
