ND 14 UM 45
The irony of this conversation/debate occurring in this thread is just lovely.

The irony of this conversation/debate occurring in this thread is just lovely.
This was from 2010
Nothing off limits in scrum at the bottom of NFL pileup |
I seriously doubt it was worse 30 years ago compared to today.
I agree on having to have a serious policy on cheap shots that go along with it.
To the last question, without a cup, definitely rather be punched. With a cup, tough call. Still probably rather get punched, but it was 10 punches vs. a nut shot with a cup, you can smack my jimmies, WW.
Overall, you see less cheap shots in football after the play*.
Then let's meet in the middle, agree it's all Obama's fault, shake hands on it and move on. Deal?
*Statement does not include Detroit Lions and Suh
Sorry WW
In all seriousness, I'm willing to bet that cheap shots and intent to injure is at an all time high in the NFL in the past few years now.
You can't go 1 week during the Season without hearing about someone hurt or injured by a cheap shot, or a player that has been fined or suspended by the NFL.
Not to mention the whole "bounty scandal" that took place recently.
I don't think so. I think the awareness of it has increased, the concern for it has expanded, and the desire to place rules and curb the behavior has increased. Hence it is shown more often and talked about more. 30 years ago, they just went back out and played with the concussion they got from a head shot the week before and had no idea what it was or it's dangers. And there was no public concern because we didn't know either and there wasn't a 24-hour sports channel/radio that needed something to talk about all day long.
I wonder if all the nut spearing is a generational thing. I remember high school, and all the hockey players loved going around and smacking each other's sacks as a prank. Those guys would all be the same age as today's crop of NHL stars.
Has 'sacking' always been a thing? Or did previous generations have more respect for the babymakers?
Mind you, this shit is super tame next to the antics I used to see (but for the most part avoided) in waterpolo
I think it has to do with society and the way we are today compared to 30 years ago.
Players today are bigger, stronger, faster, and most of the time lack good sportsmanship. Players today have grown up in a World where manners and common sense are going the way of the dinosaur, and they stop at nothing in their pursuit to win or cheat. Players are being taught at a young age how to injure and hit other players without getting caught.
The game today is a whole nother animal than it used to be. Players in the old days had a code and didn't seem to get caught up in all the BS you see in today's players.
Yep, in fact I found some old clips of players displaying the code
I know this is a hockey board and thread, but I was talking about in the NFL not the NHL.
I'm sure you could still find some neat Youtube vids on that still?