I'll break it down for you..
Sprinters run against the clock. No matter what decade, it's the same clock and same distance.
This is EASY to judge.![]()
Which proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that sprinters today are better than ever before. I used he track example because it is impossible to argue it.
Every sport is the same. Human beings are more athletic today than they were 25 years ago. freaks like MJ stood out even more back then, because the average player was not nearly as athletic as they are today. The further you go back, the more the outliers stand out. Today's best are even better though.
dude...really?It's obvious.. You finger pop assholes
Just because you can sprint a little faster, doesn't mean shit on a basketball floor unless you can control it. Rose is a perfect example of this with 2 blown out knees. You can unleash speed on a bball all you want, but it has to be under control. Lebron does this pretty well besides when he stops on a dime and tries to let it fly from 25'
Just because you can sprint a little faster, doesn't mean shit on a basketball floor unless you can control it. Rose is a perfect example of this with 2 blown out knees. You can unleash speed on a bball all you want, but it has to be under control. Lebron does this pretty well besides when he stops on a dime and tries to let it fly from 25'
a basketball argument devolves into you discussing "finger pop assholes"....you need to take a lesson from the Aesha Curry backlash and just shut it down. Totally and completely- shut it down.
Loosen up the helmet boy !! Just explain to me how Kevin Durant is going to play center 25 years ago? Please I cannot wait for this
Dude. We are talking about athleticism: bigger, faster, stronger. Skill is a whole different debate.
To your center comments, today's centers are as athletic or more so than the guys from the glory days of the 90s. Today's centers don't have anywhere near the same skill level. Perhaps that would explain the disconnect here.
First off, I did not say that. Second, you completely missed Wiggy's point.
If KD were developing his game in the 70s and 80s, he would not have been given the chance to play the 3. Back then, 7 footers were thrown on the block. I am sure KD would have made a decent center because he is tall and extremely coordinated, but he would have been miscast horribly.
So you measure athleticism on a basketball court by sprinting from A-B with no basketball in your hand whatsoever?
I think every sport has different intangibles when you're defining athleticism.
Is there a bo Jackson in football today? Baseball? No
So you measure athleticism on a basketball court by sprinting from A-B with no basketball in your hand whatsoever?
I think every sport has different intangibles when you're defining athleticism.
Is there a bo Jackson in football today? Baseball? No
I don't know about baseball because the best athletes gravitate to football and basketball. But, in football, Yes. They just don't stand out as much because everybody else is bigger, faster and stronger.
Here is my last logical post, then I am done with you. NFL lineman are about 20 pounds heavier today than they were when Bo was playing. 40 times are faster than ever. Yes, Bo was an extreme outlier and he would have been great today for sure, but he would not have been the best athlete on the field by leaps and bounds like he was back then.
Overall athletes are bigger faster stronger, but that just doesn't mean they are better or that they can put the ball in the bucket. You look at the list of the great ones in bball and we only have a few in today's game. The boys back in the day weren't great because of just athleticism alone either.
Not arguing with you about the evolution of athletes. Just don't see a Bird Magic MJ Kobe in the game today. I think there were many great athletes and players in the 80s 90s. On the bench not as much for sure.
This post explains the entire issue. You stated that ATHLETEs were superior in the 90s to ahletes today. Had you said PLAYERS, some would have agreed, some wouldn't, but nobody would have taken serious issue with your comments.
You are confusing the term "athletic" with "skill". In basketball speak, when analyzing a player, there are 2 broad components. Athleticism (bigger, faster, stronger) and skill (what they can do with the ball). If you watched any of the draft last night, you would have heard analysts questioning Hield's athleticism, while saying that Criss is an athletic freak. That does not mean Criss is a better player than Hield, it simply means he is bigger, faster, Stronger.
Taking it 1 step further, LeBron is the greatest ATHLETE ever to play basketball. Curry is the most SKILLED. That does not mean either is best player ever though. IMO, that title belongs to MJ who had the greatest combo of athleticism and skill compared to others in his era.
Curry is the most skilled player ever?I think Magic would have a little something to say on that.
Curry is a great jump shooter with really good court vision.
I think some athletes were superior back then compared to today. But overall, the majority of athletes today are faster stronger etc. Talent wise the 80s and 90s had some really great players. I don't see that today. There will never be another Lebron MJ or Bo Jackson either.
Magic is more athletic than Curry for sure, but not skilled. Curry is a better dribbler, much better shooter and while Magic is probably the better passer, they are pretty close there.
There are 2 players I would say are debatable with Curry in terms of skill level. They are Steve Nash and Pistol Pete. I might be missing somebody from long ago, but nobody else even belongs in the conversation, IMO.
Better dribbler than Magic? Magic could post you up and he could shoot a little from outside. I'll agree that he couldn't shoot it like Curry but he was as good or better in every other category IMO.