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Mr Luck with No Reggie


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
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It was 3-0 Rams after the 1Q my man against San Fran,14-3 49ers at halftime. It was 3-0 Rams after 1Q, then 7-3 hawks at halftime. What are you talking about HOW? Duh

The offense couldn't do squat in the first half of how many games!!??

So let me get this straight, you are saying the entire team came out horrible versus San Fran, even though our D shut them out for the 1st Q... But everyone came to play against Seattle besides Clemens??
Please!!!! ! C'mon!

You do know the defense kept us in MANY games last year right? That gets a little frustrating when you stand there doing your job, and the offense continuosly can't do jack and is led by a little boy! Not to mention Bradford (the QB) looked awful in the San Fran game and even admits it himself! Or are you putting the entire game on the Rams? Because Bradford came out in that game and looked like he did last year versus the Jets and Vikings.

My goodness graciousness. :wtf2:
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Jul 12, 2013
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ugh. I give up. talking to you is like talking to a brick wall. We disagree simple as that and we'll never agree.


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
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That's the weak way out that a few of you take on here when your dead ass wrong. Back to the shell for some denial pizza.

Sam missed bad in that game. Wide open TDs. San Fran dropped many INTs. Go back and watch the tape. Go back and read the articles on it. It's all there. Lol. Go back and listen to the commentators... "And Bradford makes another bad throw".

Our D has kept us is games a lot!! You try standing there on the sideline, while the offense can't score in the first half in consecutive games.

It's all true man. Lol. Don't get upset at or blame it on me.


Apr 17, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona
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As I have already stated SJ76, you're fine and I have already removed a couple of posts by a few folks. We all know how you are and that is fine too and like I stated before, you'll hear from me if things get too out of hand. But right now, this all good and everyone is doing just fine. The whole thread is an interesting read from a number of perspectives and highly informative. Enough stated.


Politically Incorrect
Oct 11, 2013
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You have to figure SJ, in any crowd you're going to have some homers. It's not just reserved to this board. Look at some of the other boards---they'd support Hitler if he was playing for their team. I think the majority of fans have now seen that Bradford isn't all that we thought he was. But there will always be a select view that will cling to their myopic viewpoint and hope for affirmation from somewhere--maybe the player they're supporting, or from other fans. You and I continue to beat a dead horse on Bradford. Of course some others continue to "ride" that same dead horse, not being able to see that it's deceased through their rose colored glasses that they bought at "Fisher and Shottenheimer's LSD Imporium"

I try to be objective in my evaluations. Are there some things I'd like to believe are otherwise from what I observe? Certainly!...... I'd love to see Bradford come back and set the league on fire and prove that I don't know a damn thing about football. What happens then? I lose credibility from posters on a Rams board?!? Boy, I'll lose a lot of sleep over that. But as much as I'd like to see it, unfortunately reality tells me that that isn't going to happen. Bradford is mediocre, and will continue to be mediocre. I even expect him to come back from this injury with even more nervousness in the pocket, and even more of a penchant for panic when facing difficult decisions. That's his mentality. He's not coming back improved, he'll becoming back with even more of a need for adult sized diapers. Sorry, like it or not it is what it is. I don't give a damn about being politically correct, so if it riles the audience so be it. As you say SJ, I also just call them as I see them.


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
Hoopla Cash
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I agree Bos and I waste too much time on some of these guys. Bradford is average and Clemens is a little better than bad. If he continues to manage the game and not make mistakes, we might win some more games.
I even expect him to come back from this injury with even more nervousness in
the pocket, and even more of a penchant for panic when facing difficult

This is a really good observation. I'm sure the homers (who believed he was awesome and having a great year) will not believe this, but you and I and a few others know it.

Luck is now 2-1 without Reggie Wayne Btw. 23/36 for 236 last night with 31 yards rushing and a TD. The Colts got the W against a Titans team with QB issues.


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Jul 16, 2013
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Not sure why you have to label people as homers that can simply look at stats and see that Sam was having his best year to date before the injury. His best QB rating (90.9, 9th in the league), his best completion percentage (60.7, 18th in the league), close to his best QBR (48.0 to last year's 50.3, 21st in the league), his best TD/att % (5.3%), his best INT/att % (1.5%), etc.

For Sam, he was having his best season. He's not a world-beater; he's an average NFL QB. We all agree he's overpaid, which is really the crux of the issue. Not much can be done about that however, as he was drafted under the old CBA. Can the Rams even cut him loose without taking a huge cap hit?


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
Hoopla Cash
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We all agree he's right around an average QB and over paid. He was getting better as well. I've never really been a stats guy and in his case I do think he had some help with garbage time and his TD's mostly were short ones too. What his stats don't say are that he was pretty bad in the 1st half of games this year, which = .. sorry being down and facing prevent D.

We also all agree this horse is way dead.


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Jul 12, 2013
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We all agree he's right around an average QB and over paid. He was getting better as well. I've never really been a stats guy and in his case I do think he had some help with garbage time and his TD's mostly were short ones too. What his stats don't say are that he was pretty bad in the 1st half of games this year, which = .. sorry being down and facing prevent D.

We also all agree this horse is way dead.



Politically Incorrect
Oct 11, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Not sure why you have to label people as homers that can simply look at stats and see that Sam was having his best year to date before the injury. His best QB rating (90.9, 9th in the league), his best completion percentage (60.7, 18th in the league), close to his best QBR (48.0 to last year's 50.3, 21st in the league), his best TD/att % (5.3%), his best INT/att % (1.5%), etc.

For Sam, he was having his best season. He's not a world-beater; he's an average NFL QB. We all agree he's overpaid, which is really the crux of the issue. Not much can be done about that however, as he was drafted under the old CBA. Can the Rams even cut him loose without taking a huge cap hit?

Those lovely stats you're quoting didn't come when the game was in doubt, they came after the defense was thinking what beverage they'd be having after the game. As SJ has pointed out SO many times, Bradford has stunk up the joint when the game was undecided. Only afterward did he make himself look statistically significant with garbage time inflation. Please, lets just try to compare apples to apples here already. :attention:


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
Hoopla Cash
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He's still playing!! LOL

His O-line? WRs? RBs? Not all that.

Show me them stats!! LOL But look at the W's and Indy's still playing.

THE WILL TO WIN. The really good ones have it. And it's contagious!

Sorry I had to


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Sep 13, 2013
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How's Andrew doing with no legit #1 WR? Not much running game? With a Decent colts defense? I know you all love my comparisons. Lol

Luck made TY Hilton look awesome with Reggie out. On the road I might add. Have you noticed his WR core? It's laughable. And yes Luck would make Givens look the same as TY. He would make Pettis look good too because he can catch.

Blame it on the OC. Blame it on the Rams WRs. Blame it on the Rams O-Line. Blame it on the lights too while you're at it. Awhile back when I compared the colts and rams situation, everyone said that Reggie Wayne was why Luck was succeeding. Please go look at Luck's WR core!!

Bottom line: Luck makes plays and makes his WRs look good!
Can't say that about Sam can we?

Ever. Not once.

Luck is a once in a generation QB and the best QB to come out of college sine P. Manning. All young QB’s pale in comparison to this guy. I guess every other team in league is stupid for sticking with their young QB if Luck is the standard. :doh:


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Sep 13, 2013
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Please. Come ON!!

TY is just as good as Givens. He's got speed and Good QB.

Look at the rest of Luck WRs. Sad!


My oldest son is a huge Colts fan so I pay pretty close attention to that team and Hilton is a much better WR than Givens. However, you are correct in saying that Luck pretty much is that team (along with Mathis). Their defense is just OK, they’ve had o-line problems and their running game is terrible. If not for Luck they would be a less than .500 team.


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In this case with Luck, the evidence is pretty clear.

Exactly and it's unfair to compare other young QB's to this guy because he is just that much better than the reast of them. That team won 2 games the year before they drafted him and he has almost singlehandedly turned that team around. They really aren't that good if they don't have him and it's shown. When ever he struggles a little bit they get their asses kicked.


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
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TY Hilton has become a good WR. Having Luck (no pun intended) definitely helps tho.

But the comparison was for any QB, with hardly any weapons at WR, no running game, O-line problems. Some QBs just have that X factor to get it done.

It's in the pudding that a QB can get it done with some pieces missing and the Will to win. It's contagious and other players feed off this. I've never seen it from Sam.


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Sep 13, 2013
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TY Hilton has become a good WR. Having Luck (no pun intended) definitely helps tho.

But the comparison was for any QB, with hardly any weapons at WR, no running game, O-line problems. Some QBs just have that X factor to get it done.

It's in the pudding that a QB can get it done with some pieces missing and the Will to win. It's contagious and other players feed off this. I've never seen it from Sam.

No the point is very few QB's can get it done with little to no help around them. It takes a special QB and Luck is one of those. There are only a few guys in the league you can put in the catagory and the others have been in the league for quite some time.


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
Hoopla Cash
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Actually I started this thread and the overall comparison and point was 2 different #1 overall draft picks and the weapons/offense around them. I get Luck is a special QB making other players around him good. That's what the great QBs do.

It can be done. We all have heard excuse after excuse for Bradford with nothing around him.

Luck would take the Rams offense right now and I'm sure would love to have another shot at New England.