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Mr Luck with No Reggie


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Sep 13, 2013
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Actually I started this thread and the overall comparison and point was 2 different #1 overall draft picks and the weapons/offense around them. I get Luck is a special QB making other players around him good. That's what the great QBs do.

It can be done. We all have heard excuse after excuse for Bradford with nothing around him.

Luck would take the Rams offense right now and I'm sure would love to have another shot at New England.

"Bottom line: Luck makes plays and makes his WRs look good!
Can't say that about Sam can we?

Ever. Not once."

Actually, as you can see by what I copied and pasted above. You started the thread as yet ANOTHER bash Sam thread.


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
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Awwww... It's not fair to compare Luck and Bradford? C'mon man. I haven't bashed Bradford, just calling it like it is. Geez a guy cannot bring up facts about Bradford and another #1 overall pick QB with similar talent around them both, without someone yelling BASHER!! WTF

Even I have no problem giving #8 one more shot with MORE help. lol

"It's not fair to compare Luck and Bradford".. LOLOL


Don't cry


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
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"Bottom line: Luck makes plays and makes his WRs look good!
Can't say
that about Sam can we?

Ever. Not once."

I can see the truth hurts. It is what is it. If you call that bashing, I'm sorry I hurt your feelings Mrs. bradford.


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Awwww... It's not fair to compare Luck and Bradford? C'mon man. I haven't bashed Bradford, just calling it like it is. Geez a guy cannot bring up facts about Bradford and another #1 overall pick QB with similar talent around them both, without someone yelling BASHER!! WTF

Even I have no problem giving #8 one more shot with MORE help. lol

"It's not fair to compare Luck and Bradford".. LOLOL


Don't cry

It's a bad comparison because we all know Luck is better so what's the point? Of course he's also beter than any of the guys drafted in the last several years. You're not bringing up anything new or telling us something we don't know. You don't like Bradford, fine we get that. Good Lord give it a rest.


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I can see the truth hurts. It is what is it. If you call that bashing, I'm sorry I hurt your feelings Mrs. bradford.

You didn't hurt my feelings at all. It just gets old. I've said many times on this forum in that I'm in the middle on Bradford. He's not as good as some think he is and he's not as bad as you and others say he is. The difference is that some of us can be objective.

Too many people just assume he should be one of the best in the league because he was drafted #1 overall and he makes a lot of money. It doesn't work that way. He took advantage of the money being paid to rookies at that time and it was a good draft for him to come out early. He wouldn't have been the #1 overall pick the next year. The guy is a good QB not a great QB but the Rams could win with the guy. Just as the Ravens won with Flaco. Some have to realize that he is not going to win games and stop expecting that to happen and stop letting his salary cloud their judgement.


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You didn't hurt my feelings at all. It just gets old. I've said many times on this forum in that I'm in the middle on Bradford. He's not as good as some think he is and he's not as bad as you and others say he is. The difference is that some of us can be objective.

Too many people just assume he should be one of the best in the league because he was drafted #1 overall and he makes a lot of money. It doesn't work that way. He took advantage of the money being paid to rookies at that time and it was a good draft for him to come out early. He wouldn't have been the #1 overall pick the next year. The guy is a good QB not a great QB but the Rams could win with the guy. Just as the Ravens won with Flaco. Some have to realize that he is not going to win games and stop expecting that to happen and stop letting his salary cloud their judgement.

Oh, the Mrs. Bradford coment.....Real clever. My 14 year old special needs son could come up with something better than that.


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
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I C.. I thought I hurt someone else's feeling for comparing 2 #1 overall QB draft picks.

I am in the middle too btw, but willing to give him another year. Even though I would be fine with Josh McCown as a FA and drafting Boyd or maybe Carr if they fall to the 2nd round.

The guy is a good QB not a great QB but the Rams could win with the guy.

He's average. Always been average, never wowed anyone. I would love to know in what games he was "good".

Some have to realize that he is not going to win games and stop expecting
that to happen and stop letting his salary cloud their judgement.

If he's not going to win games, then why the hell is he out there? Clemens won 4 out of 9..? Granted his D and running game were pretty good during those 4 games, but he got it done. I don't expect anything other than a players best. And if that's the best Bradford has, it's time to accept being a back-up or a rotating starter.

And you can give me all of Bradford's garbage stats all you want and say he was on his way to the best season yet. But I know what I watched this year. The team looked alot better with a game managing QB after he went down.


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I am also on the fence with bradford and have been there since we drafted him but in his defense, the Rams did play better with Clemens, defense stopped the run, we got a running game and Saffold went inside to guard. None was with Bradford, maybe it was Shotts being simple with Clemens or maybe he got a brain.


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
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We definitely ran the ball more with Clemens. And you know how I feel about the Pass happy OC's. Balance is key, but someone has to take the Bull by the balls and lead a team too. I think the team responded to Clemens gritty toughness and will to get it done. I don't know if Sam can lead a team? I don't know if he will take chances downfield either? There were definitely options, but you have to pull the trigger and not checkdown all the time.

Either way, Andrew Luck has shit for an offense. He would take our offense minus Sam all day.


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I C.. I thought I hurt someone else's feeling for comparing 2 #1 overall QB draft picks.

I am in the middle too btw, but willing to give him another year. Even though I would be fine with Josh McCown as a FA and drafting Boyd or maybe Carr if they fall to the 2nd round.

He's average. Always been average, never wowed anyone. I would love to know in what games he was "good".

If he's not going to win games, then why the hell is he out there? Clemens won 4 out of 9..? Granted his D and running game were pretty good during those 4 games, but he got it done. I don't expect anything other than a players best. And if that's the best Bradford has, it's time to accept being a back-up or a rotating starter.

And you can give me all of Bradford's garbage stats all you want and say he was on his way to the best season yet. But I know what I watched this year. The team looked alot better with a game managing QB after he went down.

Should have read win games by himself.


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
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I'm either not getting the sarcasm or downplaying something? Who should have read "win games by himself"? Clemens or Sam? I would say neither.


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I'm either not getting the sarcasm or downplaying something? Who should have read "win games by himself"? Clemens or Sam? I would say neither.

Neither but the comment was concenring Bradford. I typed he won't win games for you and left the "by himself" part out. There are only 3-4 QB's in the NFL who can win a game with very little help around them so that's not a knock at Sam. It's just that those guys are few and far between and Luck can be one of those guys.