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Mr Luck with No Reggie


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
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Point is, we get you don't like him.(Bradford)

Point is.. You got no clue. He's a member where I play golf and the kid is nice, I have no problem with him as a person. He's just not that good of a QB like many of you have thought for the last 3-4 years. Read his numbers all you want and base #8's career so far all on his numbers if that float's your boat. It's comical now and has been for 3-4 YEARS now and 3-4 coaches!! That's where my comparisons come into play. I'm trying to beat some sense into yous.

Yes, I disagree with you, yes, I think you're being a bit over the top. Sure
it's your right to rant and express your opinion. But at the end of the day
that's all it is. You can say what you want about sam but numbers don't lie and
time and time again I've shown his numbers up to week 5 against the numbers of
those (except payton manning) who are 10 ten QB's in the league and he's right
in the middle of it. You are right about one thing, at the end of the day it's
all about winning and unfortunately in the NFL most of the blame gets put on the

Ahh the Numbers! Sam's numbers.. LOL!

I don't believe anybody ever said Sam was better than Luck. Sam would not
have been the #1 overall pick if he was in Luck's draft. Hell he wouldn't have
been the #1 pick or the #1 QB drafted in the year following his draft. Luck is
once every 10-15 year QB and probably the best QB drafted since P. Manning so
comaparing him to Bradford is pointless.

Yes I can see where a comparison of 2 QB's with similar teams/players around him is pointless. Point is many people thought and still think Bradford is really good. And no he's not in Luck ballpark, not many QB's are but they are still both #1 picks.

I'm tired of the excuses for this QB. He's had plenty of coaches, WRs, and RB's and still looks like the same deer in headlights, unless his protection is perfect. He cannot step up in the pocket - due to fear and can't run to save his life or buy time for his WRs.

Don't assume I don't like the guy. But I can tell you I don't like him as a QB and I definitely don't like paying him a boatload of money.


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
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You mean the same team that the Rams smashed and Sam threw for 3TD's against?

This is where you people make me laugh. The defense get 4 turnovers and scores the first TD. Sam goes 11/17 with 170 yards with 3 TDs! It's not like Sam went all the way down the field and scored. His defense put him in position to throw 2 short TD's and 1 good throw to Pettis - I will give #8 credit on that throw. But WOW Sam you are so good! He can score if you gift wrap him field position and give him perfect protection. And garbage time.... #8 is unstoppable!

But you just give no credit to the D at all.

Is this Sam's mom? Jacobarc are you Mrs. Bradford?

How sweet


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Jul 12, 2013
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hahaha come on. Lets not get personal about these things SJ. I'm in no way trying to change your mind about Sammy. I know you dislike his play, and maybe you're right I dunno. I just disagree with your assessment thats all.


Animale rurale
Apr 18, 2013
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Loose women. Yes I am all for that. Maybe we need too do some scouting.


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
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hahaha come on. Lets not get personal about these things SJ. I'm in no way
trying to change your mind about Sammy. I know you dislike his play, and maybe
you're right I dunno. I just disagree with your assessment thats all.

jacobarc... i am not getting personal at all. I will tell you something and Retro, along with others can back it up. For 3-4 YEARS I have been barking about our QB situation. For 3-4 I have been chatting with folks like you on here (Rams fans).

Year 1: We draft Sam. I wanted Suh and pick a game manager like Jason Campbell or Josh McKnown? I stated so many times: WHY WOULD YOU DRAFT A POCKET QB THAT CANNOT RUN ON A TEAM THAT WAS AWFUL IN PASS PROTECTION. All the Bulger haters loved the pick and Bulger laughed. So I dealt with all of it.... Oh Sam is good. ROY. He has a shitty coach, no weapons, Oline sucks, coach is a tranny, Sam's dog died, etc, etc. I think we went 7-9. Horrible in the red zone as usual.

Year 2: The Rams go 2-14? Sam is still good daggummit! Still have Red Zone issues. Different OC comes in so Sam gets a pass. Spags gets fired.

Year 3: Rams go 7-9 again. Fisher's defense was solid. Greg Z had a great year. Offense stalled in the red zone as usual. No weapons for Sam as usual. Sam gets a pass.

Year 4: Rams look decent with a win versus AZ. Then get pummled against Dallas, San Fran, and ATL. Defense looked lost and so did offense until they got down by 20 versus ATL. San Fran and Dallas everyone looked awful. Jacksonville we squeaked one out and at Houston was just a miracle that we caught them down and Schaub was horrible - everything went perfect in this game. Carolina was another offensive struggle against a good D, then Sam got hurt. Was Sam looking better? A little. Was the defense better? Much. Did we find a RB? Yes. Was Sam "managing" the game? Yes.

In no way am I trying to attack you. Alot of what I say goes back a few years and I finally get to say... :) you fockers were wrong! Because whether some of you like it or not, Sam is nothing more than a game manager that cannot run and needs great protection (time) to succeed. he doesn't have Manning or Brady's vision. He doesn't have what a pocket passer needs... That's making quick decisions and vision. He's never had it. And he's not coming off IR to flip the switch and miraculously push the button and be a good QB. He's not any better than Joe Flacco, who had a hot run at the end of last season and good playoff run - with a good defense and running game. Sam is a pocket passing, game manager.


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I still haven't seen a realistic scenario where someone can come in and replace Bradford and actually improve the team.


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Apr 18, 2013
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I still haven't seen a realistic scenario where someone can come in and replace Bradford and actually improve the team.

Rep + 1000000000000000000


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Jul 12, 2013
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jacobarc... i am not getting personal at all. I will tell you something and Retro, along with others can back it up. For 3-4 YEARS I have been barking about our QB situation. For 3-4 I have been chatting with folks like you on here (Rams fans).

Year 1: We draft Sam. I wanted Suh and pick a game manager like Jason Campbell or Josh McKnown? I stated so many times: WHY WOULD YOU DRAFT A POCKET QB THAT CANNOT RUN ON A TEAM THAT WAS AWFUL IN PASS PROTECTION. All the Bulger haters loved the pick and Bulger laughed. So I dealt with all of it.... Oh Sam is good. ROY. He has a shitty coach, no weapons, Oline sucks, coach is a tranny, Sam's dog died, etc, etc. I think we went 7-9. Horrible in the red zone as usual.

Year 2: The Rams go 2-14? Sam is still good daggummit! Still have Red Zone issues. Different OC comes in so Sam gets a pass. Spags gets fired.

Year 3: Rams go 7-9 again. Fisher's defense was solid. Greg Z had a great year. Offense stalled in the red zone as usual. No weapons for Sam as usual. Sam gets a pass.

Year 4: Rams look decent with a win versus AZ. Then get pummled against Dallas, San Fran, and ATL. Defense looked lost and so did offense until they got down by 20 versus ATL. San Fran and Dallas everyone looked awful. Jacksonville we squeaked one out and at Houston was just a miracle that we caught them down and Schaub was horrible - everything went perfect in this game. Carolina was another offensive struggle against a good D, then Sam got hurt. Was Sam looking better? A little. Was the defense better? Much. Did we find a RB? Yes. Was Sam "managing" the game? Yes.

In no way am I trying to attack you. Alot of what I say goes back a few years and I finally get to say... :) you fockers were wrong! Because whether some of you like it or not, Sam is nothing more than a game manager that cannot run and needs great protection (time) to succeed. he doesn't have Manning or Brady's vision. He doesn't have what a pocket passer needs... That's making quick decisions and vision. He's never had it. And he's not coming off IR to flip the switch and miraculously push the button and be a good QB. He's not any better than Joe Flacco, who had a hot run at the end of last season and good playoff run - with a good defense and running game. Sam is a pocket passing, game manager.

See I have a different outlook.....while I respect your opinion it's in my opinion that you're off.

Bradford 1st year.
Has a good year with below average receivers. Yes, you're right drafting a pocket QB while having a terrible offensive line is mind boggling. But whats done is done.
Still Bradford got OROY which was nice to see. I actually like Shurmer for OC he played to the teams strengths. He knew the Oline sucked so he Ran SJ39 and played the short passing game.

Bradford 2nd year.
I don't blame this year on him at all. You conveniently left out some VERY IMPORTANT facts.
No training camps because of the CBA. New OC, which I might add was a terrible idea for this team. Mcdumps has proven he's only a decent Ocoord when he has Billcheat and Brady at the helm. Hell I'd be a good coord with those two backing me up.
Oline still sucked and Daniels likes to call a 5 - 7 drop system. Not what the rams were built for.

Bradford 3rd year.
Rams change entire Regime. From FO on down.
Another OC 3 in 3 years. Went back to the basics as Shurmer did with overhauled OLine.
Still same crappy WR's. Improved Defense and special teams.
Bradford has his best season as a Ram 21 TD 8 INTS. While i agree those are no staggering numbers but the Rams looked to be on the up and up.

Bradford 4rd year.
You're right they came out of the gates swinging against AZ. 350 yards and 3 TD's would of had 4 but Cook had that bumble fumble on the 1 yard line. Against the Falcons I completely and utterly disagree with you. Yes, the Rams stunk it up int he first half. What it was 21 to 3 by half time? Well the Rams came roaring back in the 2nd half. call it what you will Garbage time.....If history serves me right, Wasn't it the Falcons M.O. to get up big by half time and then almost blow it in the 2nd half???? Ya pretty sure I'm right.
I hardly call a 7 point game a blow out. lol.
Yes, Dallas and the SF were EMBARRASSMENTS! On all sides of the ball. Bradford stunk it up, Oline,Dline WR's, and ST. I have no excuses for those games. Zero, Ziltch, nothing.
Jax and Houston games are not flukes at all. You don't think Jax came in there and said hey we might be able to beat these guys when they're down. No.... we outplayed them. Other than the stupid TD by Blackmon we played a solid game.
Houston, we beat the crap out of on all sides of the ball. Say what you will about Bradford in this game but he did exactly what he's supposed to do when the Defense creates a turn over. TURN IT INTO POINTS! It's almost like you give him no credit at all for doing his job. I don't get it.
Carolina 1st half. Bradford was so-so. He did lay the ball into some nice places and our WR's flat out dropped those passes. Brian Quick comes to mind. But i guess thats Sams fault right? Sigh....
BTW Bradford still has more TD's than Luck and Brady.......Why do the Colts and the Pats have better records then? BECAUSE THEY HAVE F*CKING BETTER TEAMS AROUND THEIR QBS!!!!!!!!! JEZZZZZZUS

This year has been a down year for the Rams on all sides of the ball except Stacy, Hecker, and Zerline up until last game. I would throw bradford in there but getting hurt is part of having a down year.
We have the 2nd most dropped passes in the league in 25, and Tavon Austin is tied for 1st with 7, and cook has the most dropped for a TE. Thats all on Bradford right?
My point is if the team around him did their jobs and played better ball we'd have one or two more wins. Hell we might even had a winning season.........

Oh and 3rd in penalties.....and first in Penalties on ST's.

You seem to ignore all the other aspects of the game.
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I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
Hoopla Cash
$ 31.28
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What kind of scenario are you looking for? And how hard would it be to improve on a team that consistently loses? LMAO

I guess we could improve in The draft? Free agency? Because if that's the scenario you are looking for, then it's not very realistic if your expectations are to win now.

Do you think Sam would have led the Rams to victory over the Seahawks or Tennessee? Because I certainly don't. And the guy we had in there actually had a chance to win both I believe. And you can say all you want that Sam beats Seattle this year, but Sam can't escape a collapsing pocket at all. Clemens threw 2 picks, but he avoided alot of pressure in that game. Not to mention Greg Z kicked 4-5 FGs last year in a win versus the Seahawks. He would won the game this year too if he hadn't missed one, but you cannot depend on your kicker all the time.

Perhaps we could just kick FGs like we did the 1st part of last season to win?

The scenario for this team to improve is to get a stud WR and an O-line with our 1st 2 picks, improve through the rest of the draft on D, and get another RB... --- seems like I say the same thing every year. :)


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Jul 12, 2013
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What kind of scenario are you looking for? And how hard would it be to improve on a team that consistently loses? LMAO

I guess we could improve in The draft? Free agency? Because if that's the scenario you are looking for, then it's not very realistic if your expectations are to win now.

Do you think Sam would have led the Rams to victory over the Seahawks or Tennessee? Because I certainly don't. And the guy we had in there actually had a chance to win both I believe. And you can say all you want that Sam beats Seattle this year, but Sam can't escape a collapsing pocket at all. Clemens threw 2 picks, but he avoided alot of pressure in that game. Not to mention Greg Z kicked 4-5 FGs last year in a win versus the Seahawks. He would won the game this year too if he hadn't missed one, but you cannot depend on your kicker all the time.

Perhaps we could just kick FGs like we did the 1st part of last season to win?

The scenario for this team to improve is to get a stud WR and an O-line with our 1st 2 picks, improve through the rest of the draft on D, and get another RB... --- seems like I say the same thing every year. :)

I do think he would of helped the Rams win AT least one of those two games. He wouldn't of thrown two horrible INT'S i'll tell you that. and lets not even compare bradford to clemens please.

Totally agree with you about the OL WR and RB. completely 110%. You know the Rams tho, they'll take a slot WR in the 1st lol.

And I didn't expect us to have a big year this year. If bradford stays healthy i expected us to have another year like the last 6-8 wins. Why? because of the inexperience of the team. As I explained before. 3rd in penalties, 2nd in drops, and 1st on ST penalties is mostly due to having a bunch of rookies on the field.
Blame that on Fisher and FO tho, it was their choice to go so "YOUNG". It boggles my mind.


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What kind of scenario are you looking for? And how hard would it be to improve on a team that consistently loses? LMAO

I guess we could improve in The draft? Free agency? Because if that's the scenario you are looking for, then it's not very realistic if your expectations are to win now.

Do you think Sam would have led the Rams to victory over the Seahawks or Tennessee? Because I certainly don't. And the guy we had in there actually had a chance to win both I believe. And you can say all you want that Sam beats Seattle this year, but Sam can't escape a collapsing pocket at all. Clemens threw 2 picks, but he avoided alot of pressure in that game. Not to mention Greg Z kicked 4-5 FGs last year in a win versus the Seahawks. He would won the game this year too if he hadn't missed one, but you cannot depend on your kicker all the time.

Perhaps we could just kick FGs like we did the 1st part of last season to win?

The scenario for this team to improve is to get a stud WR and an O-line with our 1st 2 picks, improve through the rest of the draft on D, and get another RB... --- seems like I say the same thing every year. :)
There are a number of scenarios where the Rams could have beaten the Seahawks and Titans. I do think Bradford would have led the team to a win in both scenarios. Bradford's DVOA is just over 7% and Clemens is -40%. That means football outsiders thinks that Bradford is 7% better than the average replacement while Clemens is 40% worse. Bradford has a much higher QBR and a much higher passer rating. Even the most minor of upgrade would have helped. The Seahawks game in particular was probably the best defensive performance the Rams have had in awhile.


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
Hoopla Cash
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I don't blame this year on him at all. You conveniently left out some VERY
No training camps because of the CBA. New OC, which I might
add was a terrible idea for this team. Mcdumps has proven he's only a decent
Ocoord when he has Billcheat and Brady at the helm. Hell I'd be a good coord
with those two backing me up.

Oh I see. NO training camp, so Sam gets a pass but the OC in New England now who Bellicheat thinks is good - you think sucks? OK!!! Again, same bullshit different day!

Rams change entire Regime. From FO on down.
Another OC 3 in 3 years. Went
back to the basics as Shurmer did with overhauled OLine.
Still same crappy
WR's. Improved Defense and special teams.
Bradford has his best season as a
Ram 21 TD 8 INTS. While i agree those are no staggering numbers but the Rams
looked to be on the up and up.

Oh the same crappy WR's that are: Amendola on the Pats, Gibson on the Dolphins, and DX who was killin it in San Diego... Was Brandon Lloyd on this team too.. LOL OK!! m Oh and did I hear another coaching change? And not Bradford's fault?? OK!!!! :)

You're right they came out of the gates swinging against AZ. 350 yards and 3
TD's would of had 4 but Cook had that bumble fumble on the 1 yard line. Against
the Falcons I completely and utterly disagree with you. Yes, the Rams stunk it
up int he first half. What it was 21 to 3 by half time? Well the Rams came
roaring back in the 2nd half. call it what you will Garbage time.....If history
serves me right, Wasn't it the Falcons M.O. to get up big by half time and then
almost blow it in the 2nd half???? Ya pretty sure I'm right.

Yeah the Rams came out swinging, not scoring hardly at all in the 1st half. Got back in the game and won. Yes. ATL was up big YES. And that's their MO??? Seriously dude? Isn't it every team's goal to get a large lead? LOL PLEASE. And YES the Rams were down again big early.

Why do the Colts and the Pats have better records then? BECAUSE THEY HAVE

Jesus won't help you here dude. WHAT A JOKE!! You say I ignore all aspects of the game??? The Colts do not have any better team than the Rams have!! They do have a way better QB though. Make sure you watch Luck this week. Watch how he makes good, quick decisions and escapes the pocket when it collapses. AND YES! All with some WR's worse than Sam has EVER had. You are a joke man... I mean Mrs. Bradford.

I don't blame this year on him at all.

I understand Mrs. Bradford.
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I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
Hoopla Cash
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I do think Bradford would have led the team to a win in both scenarios.
Bradford's DVOA is just over 7% and Clemens is -40%. That means football
outsiders thinks that Bradford is 7% better than the average replacement while
Clemens is 40% worse.

BWAHAHAHA!!!! I love how Bradford's DVOA would have gotten the win for the Rams against that Seattle D! Hilarious. Please pull more stats out your ass.


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Ok agree to disagree. lol.


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
Hoopla Cash
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The Seahawks game in particular was probably the best defensive performance the
Rams have had in awhile.

That Seattle D was pretty good too, but good thing Bradford's DVOA is good! I'm sure it would have helped us out in the red zone versus Seattle!!

Thanks for the laugh.
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May 17, 2012
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BWAHAHAHA!!!! I love how Bradford's DVOA would have gotten the win for the Rams against that Seattle D! Hilarious. Please pull more stats out your ass.
Sometimes there are things you can dismiss as 'just stats'. There is no metric that suggests Clemens is even close to the QB that Bradford is. You can't dismiss the notion that the Rams would be in the middle of a playoff chase with a healthy Bradford


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
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Disagree?? LOL

More like you are out of you tree.. But that's cool. You'll get it someday man.


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
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Sometimes there are things you can dismiss as 'just stats'. There is no metric
that suggests Clemens is even close to the QB that Bradford is

And no one ever said that. Go back and read. I did say that Seattle's D is stout. But I'm sure Bradford's DVOA would have made up for it. For real. :whistle:


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SJ it doesn't matter what anyone of us think really........lol, take that!


Politically Incorrect
Oct 11, 2013
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You might as well give it up SJ. Stop beating your head against the wall. We're never going to convince them, and they aren't going to convince us on the Bradford issue. These guys would think Jack the Ripper was wonderful if he played QB for the Rams. Objectivity is lost on the delusional. In two, maybe three years when this all becomes academic because Bradford is sitting on the bench behind another QB somewhere, hopefully not here, we'll have our definitive proof on Bradford. But of course nobody will want to argue about it or admit they're wrong by then. We're just beating a dead horse right now. :deadhorse: