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Mozgov to the Cavs


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The Heat weren't nearly as bad without Lebron.

Mecca of the “B” Team

Jun 26, 2014
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Is this for real?

The Cavs will be professional hostages if they go this route with a 2nd guy.

Love is unlikely to sign long term this summer because of the salary cap. He is expected to opt out of his current contract at the end of the season for cap purposes, but he might only sign a one-year deal to line up for what is expected to be a significant cap spike in the summer of 2016. Akron Beacon Journal

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Apr 17, 2013
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The Heat weren't nearly as bad without Lebron.

The current Heat roster could beat this Cavs roster minus James in a best of 7 IMO.
Love/ Irving aren't winning/ beating anyone.


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Jul 22, 2013
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Is this for real?

The Cavs will be professional hostages if they go this route with a 2nd guy.

Love is unlikely to sign long term this summer because of the salary cap. He is expected to opt out of his current contract at the end of the season for cap purposes, but he might only sign a one-year deal to line up for what is expected to be a significant cap spike in the summer of 2016. Akron Beacon Journal

Cavs mailbag: What to do with Matthew Dellavedova and Kevin Love?s future - Cavs - Ohio

in think its highly likely love bails after season. possibly lebron bails too. post season success being the key here.


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Jul 17, 2014
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JR Smith played like shit in the playoffs that year. He is the reason why Indy dominated them

Indy dominated them because Jr Smith has absolutely ZERO business being the #2 option a team that is trying to get to the Eastern Conference Finals.

that year Jr Smith was the #2 scorer on the Knicks averagining 18.1 ppg, 5.3 rebounds and 2.3 assists- The Knicks won 54 games in the regular season and made it to the 2nd round of the playoffs- farther than they had gone in a long long time.

Smith won the 6th man of the year award- and got a fairly reasonable extension of about 3 years and 20M (approximately)

His stats have been extremely similar to Dion's when you consider minutes/shots/role.

unlike on the Knicks- Smith does not need to be the 2nd or 3rd best player in order for the team to thrive. He is probably some where between the 6th and 9th best player on the Cavs.

If he can give the Cavs even a poor imitation of the performance he did on the Knicks the year the Knicks were legit contenders it would be a big help.

Does anyone want to make the argument that Waiters fits the Cavs better than JR Smith? I would LOVE to hear that argument.

My argument for Smith-

While Smith has had problems with coaches in the past- he gets along and is respected by teammates. He accepted his bench role and thrived in it. He has a better outside shot than Dion to spread the defense and give room to LeBron and Irving to operate. He has proven that he can flourish in a bench role. While he takes too many shots- he does not believe he should be"the man" and that he deserves more shots than Love and Irving. He is a vet with playoff experience.

Smith does not need to do anything he has not already done to be a more effective player for the Cavs than Dion Waiters.

Smith has a player option worth 6.5M next year. Dion was going to be a restricted free agent after next year and require a long term contract that would likely be more than 7 million- something the Cavs were EXTREMELY unlikely to pay with the offensive options they have.

Smith makes more sense because he is a better fit, his contract is more palatable and he will be off the books after next season, he has playoff experience, he gets along with teammates, he can spread the floor better than Dion, he has more length than Dion being a few inches a taller and he has proven he can accept a bench role.

If anyone wants to make an ACTUAL case for Dion besides just saying Jr Smith does not get along with his coach and takes too many shots (albeit being on a team berift of offensive for him to defer to) I would gladly read their argument with an open mind


What Me Worry?
Jun 25, 2014
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in think its highly likely love bails after season. possibly lebron bails too. post season success being the key here.
Nobody wants to play for Cleveland.


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Will be surprised if the Cavs win a game on this roadtrip without Lebron.....this is bad


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Apr 17, 2013
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LeBron last another 1/2" of hairline watching his boyzzz tonight.


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Jul 17, 2014
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Is this for real?

The Cavs will be professional hostages if they go this route with a 2nd guy.

Love is unlikely to sign long term this summer because of the salary cap. He is expected to opt out of his current contract at the end of the season for cap purposes, but he might only sign a one-year deal to line up for what is expected to be a significant cap spike in the summer of 2016. Akron Beacon Journal

Cavs mailbag: What to do with Matthew Dellavedova and Kevin Love?s future - Cavs - Ohio

LeBron signed the deal he did for the same reason- once the new CBA kicks in the salary cap will shoot up significantly and he will get a lot more money.

As for Love resigning- its impossible to even predict it right now. You can speculate all you want- but it really does not matter.

The facts are that Love can get signficantly more money from the Cavs than anyone else- and Love is guaranteed to be on a contender if he stays with LeBron James.

I dont even know where Love would go. Many of the teams that he might consider do not have the cap space to sign him.

Many of the teams that do have cap space- are awful- and he would be right back in the same situation he was in while playing for Minnesota.

2 high profile teams- the Knicks and the Lakers will both have cap room- but even with Love neither team is a contender to win anything- and while the Knicks would likely make the playoffs- the Lakers would still probably not even make the playoffs in the West. Boston will have cap room but they are a long way from contending. The Suns will not have the cap room. The Mavs will not have the cap room. Chicago does not have the caproom. The Clippers dont.

The only team that I think has a legit chance to be in the mix is possibly Houston..

but when it comes down to it- Love has stated his main objective is to win. In Cleveland he would get that chance and get the biggest deal.

No other team can offer those things on a level that the Cavs can.

DJ Fieri

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Meanwhile.....without Kobe, the Lakers are only down by 5 vs the Blazers.


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Apr 17, 2013
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lol...your right

no one besides LeBron and Kevin Love.....

not too mention Mike Miller and Shawn Marion....and forget about Kyrie Irving sign a max extension,

I mean....just wow.....

You need to give it up Wiggy.
Players want to play with James EVEN in Cleveland.
No way on Gods green earth Miller, Marion, Love would be there if James wasn't.

You forgetting that Miller was saying he needed back surgery last year when he heard the Cavs might claim him off waivers?

Also, give up the JR Smith arguments.
You sound as silly as some of us Heat fans did when we were celebrating Mike Bibby.


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Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
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Meanwhile.....without Kobe, the Lakers are only down by 5 vs the Blazers.

DJ- the Lakers probably have the least talent in the league- still owe draft picks to other teams- and free agents refuse to take their money.


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DJ- the Lakers probably have the least talent in the league- still owe draft picks to other teams- and free agents refuse to take their money.

And within 2-3 years will have a brighter future then the Cavs.:nod:


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
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You need to give it up Wiggy.
Players want to play with James EVEN in Cleveland.
No way on Gods green earth Miller, Marion, Love would be there if James wasn't.

You forgetting that Miller was saying he needed back surgery last year when he heard the Cavs might claim him off waivers?

Also, give up the JR Smith arguments.
You sound as silly as some of us Heat fans did when we were celebrating Mike Bibby.

I never claimed Smith was the next coming of Ray Allen

I just said he fits the Cavs better than dion waiters- which is absolutely 100% indisputably true.

if you would like to say how waiters is the better fit id be happy to listen to an ACTUAL argument that includes more than hyerbole that he is a coach killer- an analysis that actually examines the situation instead of talking in unfounded generalizations.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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DJ- the Lakers probably have the least talent in the league- still owe draft picks to other teams- and free agents refuse to take their money.

That has been explained to you over and over and you keep posting that shit. At this point, you're trolling. Next time, you're gone and you won't be back. Your stupidity is already wearing thin with other posters....again. I wouldn't recommend responding this post either.