An image back in time
Unfortunately, what you are incapable of understanding is that these are two separate issues and neither are exclusive of others. You can be supportive of law enforcement and understand that they risk their lives every day while still thinking that there needs to be more accountability. You said earlier that the examples I posted were irrelevant. This I think goes to the heart of your problem. People, often innocent people, are being killed and you find them to be "irrelevant" to your life so you don't give a damn.
And no, regardless of how irrelevant you find these lives to be, the solution to cops being killed is not to shoot every person that does not obey an order.
That's your solution for cops being killed is not to shoot every person that does not obey an order?! WOW!
You don't even realize how stupid this statement is. The reason why cops are being MURDERED is because the thugs that are murdering them, REFUSE to obey the law and comply with police orders. Also, the vast majority of the the people who are being shot are THUGS with huge rap sheets that not only have REFUSED to obey the law, and they have not only REFUSED to obey police commands when approached by the police, but they tried to reach into their pockets when told not to, tried to get back into their cars, or tried to grab a cop's gun, all of which was justification for being shot by a cop. I will say this one more time... Obey the law and obey ALL police commands when approached by the police. Your weird statement here saying the cops getting shot are their own fault, is the dumbest statement I have ever seen here at the Hoop by anyone, and it shows just what kind of a person you really are.
Something else to ponder Mr. cop hater, the main reason why a lot of cops are so defensive is because they know when approaching those potential thugs, that their life may end, so stick that in your craw!