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Miami Heat vs Chicago Bulls Series Thread


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"Every game is a must-win in the playoffs.”
A quote from LBJ today after practice. As of right now, after game 1 - They need to stop all the talk and go out and show it on the court.

I agree. I'm remaining pessimistic until this team shows me something....Don't worry fellas I'm just staying consistent from last season :-/


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And yes....Lil Wayne IS the biggest dick rider there is.


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I agree. I'm remaining pessimistic until this team shows me something....Don't worry fellas I'm just staying consistent from last season :-/
I missed something in my previous post. Not only do our guys need to stop the talking and go out and show it on the court, but also do it on a more consistent basis. What they are missing is consistency. Now is not the time for inconsistencies and lapses even for the smallest of stretches.

As for remaining pessimestic... I am with you on that one... Until they show consistency and until they accomplish their ultimate goal I will remain as such.

As for Lil Wayne, he can just suck it.


Apr 16, 2013
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Hey fellas. Big win by the Bulls...but I am not going to gloat even a little bit. The facts are Miami played pretty turrible, and Chicago played out of their minds...and still it took 4 quarters to barely win. I seriously doubt the Heat will have another game like that this series...I can see the Bulls getting blown out by 20.

So now the talk about Rose coming back for game 3 is really ramping up. My guess is he will probably dress and go through warmups...and maybe get 15-20 minutes IF he plays. More than likely it will be to get the crowd really into it...and nothing more.


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Hey fellas. Big win by the Bulls...but I am not going to gloat even a little bit. The facts are Miami played pretty turrible, and Chicago played out of their minds...and still it took 4 quarters to barely win. I seriously doubt the Heat will have another game like that this series...I can see the Bulls getting blown out by 20.

So now the talk about Rose coming back for game 3 is really ramping up. My guess is he will probably dress and go through warmups...and maybe get 15-20 minutes IF he plays. More than likely it will be to get the crowd really into it...and nothing more.

DeeHawkz, I'm not all that surprised that your team won last night, although it's still inexcusable by the Heat. I hate Joakim Noah with a passion, but I have to give the man the respect that he deserves. You've also found your replacement for Deng when his contract is up. That guy Jimmy Butler is the real deal.

I've lost alot of respect for D. Rose after this season. I understand taking your time for coming back from a knee injury like that. But I compare him to Iman Shumpert who's been balling since January while Derrick is simply looking out for his.


Still a Heat fan
Apr 16, 2013
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seriously guys... who cares.. we lost game 1. it's the playoffs.. we weren't going 16-0. the bulls aren't as good as us, we will win tomorrow. I am certain of this. as certain as I am the sun will rise tomorrow, we will win.

remember last year and the panic that set in during the pacers/Celtics series? or how OKC may sweep us after game 1? just chill. we got this.

Miami plays hard.. they wouldn't have won 41 of 43 or whatever ridiculous amount it was before the other night. Miami hadn't played in 8 days they were rusty. I want to say it was 2001.. somewhere in there LA Lakers beat the 76ers in the finals in 5. 6ers won game 1. La Lakers had like 8 or 9 days off before that first game. I view this series similar to that... Chicago is not on our level. Heck I hope Rose does come back.. less minutes for nate.



Apr 16, 2013
lodged between 2 cornfields
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DeeHawkz, I'm not all that surprised that your team won last night, although it's still inexcusable by the Heat. I hate Joakim Noah with a passion, but I have to give the man the respect that he deserves. You've also found your replacement for Deng when his contract is up. That guy Jimmy Butler is the real deal.

I've lost alot of respect for D. Rose after this season. I understand taking your time for coming back from a knee injury like that. But I compare him to Iman Shumpert who's been balling since January while Derrick is simply looking out for his.
Heatles...I was never a big Noah fan either..but he has really stepped up this season. I think the Bulls feed off of his intensity..especially on the defensive end. Butler...hey sometimes a team gets lucky. Watching him and Lebron battle down the stretch was pretty damn awesome...but I don't see that continuing....after all it is Lebron James.

Yeah, Rose has let me down too. My worry is that he may never get back to where he was. In golf they call it the "yips". I hope I am wrong...but time will tell. Great comparison to Shumpert...pretty sure they got hurt on the exact same day...SMH Derrick Rose!


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Heck I hope Rose does come back.. less minutes for nate.

:lol: I was actually thinking the same thing. Rose was primarily the reason we won that series back in 2011 since Lebron forced him into bad shots while Rose was playing ISO.


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Heatles...I was never a big Noah fan either..but he has really stepped up this season. I think the Bulls feed off of his intensity..especially on the defensive end. Butler...hey sometimes a team gets lucky. Watching him and Lebron battle down the stretch was pretty damn awesome...but I don't see that continuing....after all it is Lebron James.

Yeah, Rose has let me down too. My worry is that he may never get back to where he was. In golf they call it the "yips". I hope I am wrong...but time will tell. Great comparison to Shumpert...pretty sure they got hurt on the exact same day...SMH Derrick Rose!

Rose hurt his in game 1 of the 6ers series. Shumpert hurt his knee in game 2 of our series last season, so roughly the same timeframe.


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I think its lauhable to think we win this series in 5 games... Even more so that it comes from someone who thought that all these days off for Miami would work in their favor... Anyone who has watched this team with any amount of consistency should know that a lot of rest only means bad things for this team... They just dont know how to take advantage of the situation. They dont have the mental strength for it.

As I said last night, the first couple of minutes of the game of the game will be very telling if the coaching staff and the team made the necessary adjustments.. They need to be in attack mode from the start. We shall see how it goes.


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So, what happend to the Pacers in the 4th quarter?


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I think its lauhable to think we win this series in 5 games... Even more so that it comes from someone who thought that all these days off for Miami would work in their favor... Anyone who has watched this team with any amount of consistency should know that a lot of rest only means bad things for this team... They just dont know how to take advantage of the situation. They dont have the mental strength for it.

As I said last night, the first couple of minutes of the game of the game will be very telling if the coaching staff and the team made the necessary adjustments.. They need to be in attack mode from the start. We shall see how it goes.

More Heat and less Bulls dribble penetration. More physicality from Bosh. Box Noah out. Dont give Bulls 3 point opportunities. The Heat will prevail. By the law of averages, the Heat players should provide more offense. Most assuredly, Nate would not be scoring in the 20s next game. And no second shot opportunities 5 feet fron the Bulls rim.

Peter Gozintite

NO!...but yes.
Hoopla Pickems Staff
Apr 18, 2013
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Heat will probably rebound after the last game. It seems most teams try to rest too much with those long breaks, instead of getting some rigorous practices in. The Heat especially seemed like they were not sharp at times, especially at the very end, and Chicago was hungrier.
Nate will not put those numbers up every game, obviously, but he can at any time, and when its not him, its been someone else.

This Bulls team though is no more reliant on any one player, than any team in these playoffs.#bet


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So Spoelstra finishes a distant second behind George Karl for COY. Given the trend of coaches who win COY and don't win a title I'm ok with it. That ring means so much more, people only associate the 11 titles that Phil won and not the COY awards.

Still though, I would've considered Doc Rivers or Mike Woodson a more likely candidate to win if they weren't going to give it to Spo.


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Heat will probably rebound after the last game. It seems most teams try to rest too much with those long breaks, instead of getting some rigorous practices in. The Heat especially seemed like they were not sharp at times, especially at the very end, and Chicago was hungrier.
Nate will not put those numbers up every game, obviously, but he can at any time, and when its not him, its been someone else.

This Bulls team though is no more reliant on any one player, than any team in these playoffs.#bet
Peter, the Heat are certainly one of those teams who rest too much during long breaks as opposed to getting in some hard practices in and working on their game as needed. This is why, unlike most people, I had a bad feeling about how they would respond to the time off - and I was right in how they would respond after all the time off.

Now, in order for them to win the series, they will need at least 5 games if they can go on a 4-game streak - Lets see how much rest they get between this series and the next which is now tied at 1.. Hopefully not too much rest will be available before the next round starts for the Heat because they just wont know what to do with it.

Some have said that this team responds and thrives when faced with adversity... I would say its 50-50 in that regard... Sometimes they thrive in the face of adversity, other times they absolutely fall flat on their face as they did in game 1.

They are obviously currently facing adversity being down 0-1 in the series, so lets see tonight how they respond.

Here is a stat that I just found on the Miami Herald
### Troubling: Shane Battier's shooting accuracy has sunk to 24 percent in postseason (7 for 29).

“There’s nothing like the morning after a playoff loss,” he said. "When I retire from this game, I'll never forget this feeling. It's not a fun feeling. It's not a fun feeling for anybody, for my dogs, for my kids, for my wife, for my teammates, for the coaches."


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Still very tragic Spo didnt win the award. Still getting no credit for his efforts.


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I expect the Heat to come out with guns blazing tonight.. they should be up by double figures by the end of the 1st qtr. and never look back....


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Still very tragic Spo didnt win the award. Still getting no credit for his efforts.

Indeed, although Mark Jackson made one helluva case for himself. Personally though I think Spoelstra's fine with not getting the reward given an article that was posted (don't have the link). I'm sure he's content with winning another title as opposed to getting the award. Besides, second isn't all that bad.


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Spo pretty much will never win COY. If he can't win it when his team finishes the season by losing 2 games since FEB 1st then there's no way he will ever win it