Well-Known Member
Do any of you guys have a league(s) on sleeper app? It seems to have good reviews free, decent customization options, simple to use UI, and responsive customer support.
Was kinda thinking about starting a superflex league on there probably just redraft as a test run, but if things go well maybe switching to keeper or dynasty next year if there is any interest.
never even heard of it Stomp, but not actively looking into new sites/formats to figure out!
Same as Monkey. Never heard of it.
Actually trying to cut back on leagues. So I'm not looking for other options either.
as the others stated i havent looked into anything new for a while. Im like the others trying to cut back on leagues. HOwever my personal money league, that I have run for lord knows how long, I am not running next year. Only one person knows that Im not running it. So if someone else steps up, then we can re do that. But I doubt it. And the one person who knows im not running my league, is not running THEIR money league next year, so im down my two bigger involvement leagues. SO im saying no, but i can be convinced as bandit did into his star wars league, milked my money, and i finished almost last