My Week 13 Picks Sure to Go Wrong
Ram sticks a filet knife in Chef's plans
Face upsets Steelers in the battle of 3 Rivers
Fuzz pulls out a win over Treff
Lefty ruins tlance's run at another playoff birth
Milky slaps Bandit
Joe squeaks out a win vs TKO
I simply picked all of the teams with losing records.
Ironic how they all play winning records this week.
We have not seen an appearance by Opposite George all season long.
I am afraid.
"I'm back, baby!!!"
The Hoop really needs to add a "I feel your pain" emoji.
I don't deserve to make the playoffs like this. Extreme garbage time production from Britt could be the final nail in my coffin. Will Treff survive Brees' suckage? Going to be close.