Sam Sportboy
Can't all be winners kid
Who was one4?
One 4 Golf
Who was one4?
One 4 Golf
O yeah.... I remember him. His avi was a cartoon golfer dude, right? My recollection of boomer is hazy. But I remember the handle.
Hey, do you guys remember that when we joined CBS, under your avi was a designation like "amateur" or "superstar" based on the total number of your posts? When some joined CBS and saw their status was "amateur" they were offended. Especially if someone of the "superstar" designation was critical of their opinion.
Wow, I've been using the time machine a lot lately.
To go even further back what was got the whole thing started?
Before that.
Don't think there ever was a before that. The One grand league that Foot proposed was the first mention of a league that I recall
Was 1k a joke??
Scape's right - I think Foot started a little pick 5 at each position for the last few weeks of the season before the MBBRL; I ended up keeping track of it.
Request for Wil of MBBRL History: Just out of curiosity, what is the worst record in our history? Last year, there were three A league teams that went 5-9.
This sounds familiar. Didn't we just discuss this recently?
And I'm thinking if inserting Dixon vs the Jets over Gio vs Ravens (Ravens have been very stingy vs RB.) Crazy?