You fell victim to one of the classic blunders.
Okay A-leaguers, the wait is over - Taliaferro is available on waivers.
Wil? What in the world is up with this set of picks?

Okay A-leaguers, the wait is over - Taliaferro is available on waivers.
Wil? What in the world is up with this set of picks?
Tlance over Wilduff in the toilet bowl- I actually like my matchups this week for a change.
Lefty over TKO- This pick assumes that Jeffrey and Allen both play
Fuzzy over Joe- Fuzzy's team looks really strong
Sam over Bandit- Matchups are tough both ways, but I think Sam's RBs go off and Peyton has a slow day in Sea
Treff over Barilko- Tough luck Barilko takes another close loss.
Monkey over Ram- Not sure why. This could go either way.
i can only hope its close Oh Julio..i love ya in my keeper but im not much of a fan when Treff smokes me with him
i can only hope its close Oh Julio..i love ya in my keeper but im not much of a fan when Treff smokes me with him
Almost forgot my pick em picks!
Bandit over Sam-even if Sam inserts Forset for Foster, I still go Bandit
TKO over Lefty-too many question marks next to Lefty's WR corp
Joe over Fuzzy-I think Rodgers has a massive day, no idea why ESPN is so down on him
Treff over Barilko- still no flex inserted for Bar, but I like my chances over all the options currently on the roster
Tlance over Duff/Will-Romo gets it going, and I now have a vested interest in cheering for R. Jennings..ughh
Ram over Monkey-a game that's currently projected as a tie..I put the edge with Ram because Monkey started a Raiders player
Good luck to everyone today!
In light of Foster's injury status, I change my pick to Bandit. Sorry Sam, but Foster and Murray were pretty key for you.
Since I still have O Brother Where Art Thou in my head, there's a theme in my picks:
Joe "bona fide" over Fuzzy
TKO "mixaphorically speaking" over Lefty
Treff prevails over the "hopeless negativism" of Barilko
tlance is the "paterfamilias" over the WilDuffbeast (almost used a noun as a verb there)
Ram is "goin' apey" over Monkey (you knew that one was coming)
And in the game of the week - the battle of the undefeated:
Bandit puts an "ob-stackle" on Sam of Sport
If my picks end up being abysmal, I'm going Opposite George next week.
Okay Wil. You've dangled that Taliaferro bait in front of me for too long. I looked around at our teams, and realized there's no trade value with Rudolph. Might as well throw a dart and see if it sticks.
With our short benches, I've been wondering why you're carrying said player. Thought you would have moved on that. Oh well, now he's free.
In light of Foster's injury status, I change my pick to Bandit. Sorry Sam, but Foster and Murray were pretty key for you.
i can only hope its close Oh Julio..i love ya in my keeper but im not much of a fan when Treff smokes me with him
So here's my wonderful starting money league line up now................
Bench is full of lotto tickets (McKinnon,Adams,Randall,Gordahn) and hurt dudes (Foster, Martin, Nicks)
Was tempted to start Adams and Cobb but I think Hurns has a shot at a long one.............I will admit I'm (kinda) happy thet the Texans sat Foster today and let him get better.