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Mark Dantonio only wants conference champs in play-offs...


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Also how do you rationalize saying that a bowl game result isnt relevant in determining who was more deserving but then in the next breath say that a conference title game IS relevant?? Not sure I understand the disconnect there. If 10-2 Louisville beating 11-1 Florida is not relevant then how is 10-2 South Carloina beating 12-0 Alabama relevant??


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I knew the B1G was bad but I didn't see anything in the ACC to say they were "By Far" better.

The results of this past weekend indicate they were much closer than I initially thought. I will say the ACC had performed better up until last week.

The Authority

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Using a bowl game outcome to determine who is a better team is a slippery slope though IMO.(Outside of the title game) Especially when one as highly ranked as Florida was playing a team as lowly ranked as Louisville.

Not sure where you are going with this. Two teams played. One team lost and lost big.

What other determination is there?


Huskers 24/7 365
Apr 16, 2013
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The results of this past weekend indicate they were much closer than I initially thought. I will say the ACC had performed better up until last week.

No worries, it is what every troll on this site has been doing.

There are 4 spots and 5 Conferences. Everybody is out for blood to disprove as many teams and conferences as possible while trying to prop up their team and conference as world beaters.

God forbid anybody wait to see things play out, let's all get our panties in a bunch in Week 2, 3, and 4 and start making statements of fact that haven't even come close to playing out.

Really sad to see so many influenced so greatly by the media with an agenda. But hey, shock journalism sells. I mean hell, why would a dip shit like Paul Finebaum ever be considered to be on a college football show titled "The Experts"?


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Also how do you rationalize saying that a bowl game result isnt relevant in determining who was more deserving but then in the next breath say that a conference title game IS relevant?? Not sure I understand the disconnect there. If 10-2 Louisville beating 11-1 Florida is not relevant then how is 10-2 South Carloina beating 12-0 Alabama relevant??

Iowa getting blown out in the 2002 orange bowl didn't mean they were any less deserving of playing in that game based on the entirety of their regular season. It's just how I've always looked at things. And bowl games and CCG are completely different things. Especially one that is a glorified exhibition game that doesn't mean nearly as much to one team as it does to the other. I'm not sure comparing bowl games to CCG is the best thing to do. One game affects your resume while the other one does not. That's like saying a 12 seed was deserving of a 5 seed in the NCAA Tournament just because they upset the 5 seed.


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Not sure where you are going with this. Two teams played. One team lost and lost big.

What other determination is there?

Using a game with nothing on the line is hard at least for me to fully say that it means the world. Also motivation is a factor. Plus it happens all the time in the regular season where a team beats a team but still isn't considered better than them. And that is because other results during the entire season would indicate even though the team lost the head to head that they are still better than the team they lost too. It's not just this singular game. There are a ton of bowl results where the better team didn't win.

The Authority

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Using a game with nothing on the line is hard at least for me to fully say that it means the world. Also motivation is a factor. Plus it happens all the time in the regular season where a team beats a team but still isn't considered better than them. And that is because other results during the entire season would indicate even though the team lost the head to head that they are still better than the team they lost too. It's not just this singular game. There are a ton of bowl results where the better team didn't win.

All the more reason why being a CC should be a criteria.


Huskers 24/7 365
Apr 16, 2013
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None that have a legitimate chance.

And at this point in time last year, Florida State was ranked 8th while Auburn and Michigan State couldn't crack the top 25.

Good to know after 4 weeks this year that so many people have it all figured out once again.


^^ Privileged ^^
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Do you think there is a better team than Michigan State in the b1g?

A simple yes or no will do.

I think 99% of cfb fans would agree that MSU is the best in the b1g.

They are the reigning champ and look pretty tough.


They have yet to play a Big 10 game this season.

There is no simple yes or no answer when their only wins are Jacksonville St and Eastern Michigan. Their loss is to Oregon who struggled to beat Washington St. who typically couged.


^^ Privileged ^^
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So hypothetical for this year

11-1 Bam loses the Iron Bowl to undefeated and now number 1 Auburn. Bama has an SOS of 15, 5 top 25 wins.

12-1 Oregon loses the P12 title game to 12-1 and now number 3 ranked UCLA, Oregon has an SOS of 21, 5 top 25 wins

11-1 Oklahoma wins the B12 conference, their only loss is to 10-2 number 8 Baylor. Sooners have an SOS of 17 with 5 top 25 wins

Assuming Auburn, UCLA and Florida State are your top 3 who is your 4th team you choose for the playoff amongst the 3 options and WHY do you take them. ( yes I know there would be more criteria to look at potentially but just play along )

Alabama because they are in the SEC which is a tougher conference.


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None that have a legitimate chance.

I dont know man, Im hard pressed to see a way a 13-0 Nebraska doesnt make the playoff. Aslo dont rule out MSU yet. Yeah they lost already but a 12-1 MSU would likely be a top 4 team in the rankings by years end. Does that mean they make the playoff?? Not sure but to discount them is silly.


thewhite_00 ESPN board
Apr 30, 2012
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I dont know man, Im hard pressed to see a way a 13-0 Nebraska doesnt make the playoff. Aslo dont rule out MSU yet. Yeah they lost already but a 12-1 MSU would likely be a top 4 team in the rankings by years end. Does that mean they make the playoff?? Not sure but to discount them is silly.

Nebraska going 13-0 is beyond unlikely. We can sit here and talk about the what ifs and possibilities, but clearly the only people seriously thinking Nebraska goes undefeated is Nebraska fans. I have 0 problem with a 1 loss Michigan State team getting in because that is a possibility. There is a decent chance that we do see a 1 loss Big 10 team make it in, but feeling the pulse just from this tread with all of the Big 10 members saying conference champions should be in speaks for itself that they see how weak the conference is. Lets be honest here, with this ridiculous system in place anything can happen when it comes to the teams that are deemed 'good enough' to make it in.


^^ Privileged ^^
Jan 10, 2010
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Nebraska going 13-0 is beyond unlikely. We can sit here and talk about the what ifs and possibilities, but clearly the only people seriously thinking Nebraska goes undefeated is Nebraska fans. I have 0 problem with a 1 loss Michigan State team getting in because that is a possibility. There is a decent chance that we do see a 1 loss Big 10 team make it in, but feeling the pulse just from this tread with all of the Big 10 members saying conference champions should be in speaks for itself that they see how weak the conference is. Lets be honest here, with this ridiculous system in place anything can happen when it comes to the teams that are deemed 'good enough' to make it in.



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Aug 27, 2013
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meh I think B1G RED has a good shot. They are better this year than last, and I think they are going to surprise people. A lot of talent in Lincoln this year.

Don't know about undefeated because the B1G is full of teams that could take LSU to the wire and beat Missouri... :whistle:


thewhite_00 ESPN board
Apr 30, 2012
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meh I think B1G RED has a good shot. They are better this year than last, and I think they are going to surprise people. A lot of talent in Lincoln this year.

Don't know about undefeated because the B1G is full of teams that could take LSU to the wire and beat Missouri... :whistle:

LSU isn't a very good team this year period, so if that was suppose to 'get me' good one.


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LSU isn't a very good team this year period, so if that was suppose to 'get me' good one.


Everyone says the SEC west eats planets from top to bottom though.


thewhite_00 ESPN board
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The Tigers probably would be a middle of the road PAC 12 team this season. PAC 12 defense without the PAC 12 offense.


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I think LSU is pretty good to be honest, and that divsion is very tough. Don't see anyone coming out unscathed.

I really only think FSU and maybe the Sooners go undefeated this year in conference play. The rest are going to drop at least one.