I just wish Servishit wouldn't wait so friggin long before he takes action. It's like he so often waits until the shit is hitting the fan before he gets off his dead ass and does what he should have done 10 pitches before!! 

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I am not a computer guy, but I did turn on my pop up blocker and rebooted but it still comes up. I have an Apple and am not real familiar with it. Never had this problem for all these years I have been on this site.
I ike the profile pic!!! well played. Go M's!Oh well, a W is a W I guess. Gotta have all the stuff trying to close it out. YUK!! See y'all tomorrow for maybe a sweep?? knock on wood.........Gotta get the broom out I guess.![]()
Yea and from what im hearing Servais and Dipoto didnt want this, the original plan was nixed by upper management to thisSo we send down Heredia while a 44 year old Ichiro stays as a link to the past minus the productivity.
This is why the M’s are who they are, pathetic.
So you heard the front office is responsible for Heredia being shipped to T-town? Curious where you heard that info. I pretty much believe that but just curious where you got your info is all.Yea and from what im hearing Servais and Dipoto didnt want this, the original plan was nixed by upper management to this
So you heard the front office is responsible for Heredia being shipped to T-town? Curious where you heard that info. I pretty much believe that but just curious where you got your info is all.