Hmm, ok well then scratch my really bad excuse for them. That is some in depth crap that I didn’t know about, I knew the pension but had no clue about the health coverage nor the team contributes to a 401k.Those early offers actually aren't spending they are cost savings for ownership. Yes it is a risk like in White's case, but in general ownership saves millions over the next 4 to 5 years on these deals. And even if they player doesn't work out, they only lose a few million which is more than made up for with the lack of big veteran contracts that they don't give out.
It's a numbers game I guess is what I am saying. You don't win on all of them, but the one's you do the savings is monumental. Of course the player gives up money for guarantees, health insurance, and they become part of the pension program.
MLB players are eligible to receive monthly pensions and other benefits if they’ve got at least three years of service.
A “year of service” is not really a full year or season when it is accumulated. Whether he played or not, a player can only be under contract for at least one game in a given season.
A player only needs to be on the roster for 43 days to earn a lifetime pension. One day in MLB will give the player lifetime healthcare coverage. The minimum pension payout is $34000/yr, growing to $100,000/yr after ten years. Teams also contribute to an individual’s own retirement (401K) plan.'s to late for know.on arraz
The guy we should have sold out for. I said it after game 2 of the season last year. He was the guy we needed.
I have always liked ..Shannon's.opininion..Great recap by Shannon, on why the offense is struggling... Nice to see her start to all a spade a spade...
What's wrong with Seattle Mariners' bats? A look at biggest issues
Seattle Mariners insider Shannon Drayer detailed the most pressing problems for the team's scuffling offense when she joined Brock and
Servais can.. manage.a we saw..Not on this team. Not on any team that can only hit when their pitchers have GIVEN UP.
And that's what we ended up doing the whole damn series!
Wake me when Servais is finally gone.