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Looks like Mark Jackson is gone


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Sep 26, 2011
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And you know this how? The team in GSW was never a title contender and you can thank management for that. Jackson did the best you could do with the roster he had. This team will never get out of the 2nd round barring major injuries to the teams above them. They will always be a 5-7 seed and best case scenario is to make it to the 2nd round.

How can you say he will never get you to the promise land if he had a team that NOBODY ever considered as title contenders. When he coaches a title contender and gets eliminated in round 1 and 2 then you can make that ridiculous statement:lame:

5-7 seed? You mean 3-6 seed bud. And because I watch the games? That's how I know. This team is a 52-56 win team reruns year with the roster they have. Mjax did not get the best out of this roster period.


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Just look at the talent they have on the roster the great passing and shooting. SVG would get a lot out of this roster. This team is a top 4 seed easily with a better coach.


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Just look at the talent they have on the roster the great passing and shooting. SVG would get a lot out of this roster. This team is a top 4 seed easily with a better coach.

Who are they better than? You're not better than OKC, SAS, LAC, or Houston. Injuries happened. SVG would win more than 51 games in the west with this roster when your starting SF/Best defensive player missed 23 games, your starting PF missed 13, and your starting C missed 15 games.

SVG is an avg coach. You're delusional. This roster is a 1st round knock out or at best 2nd round knock out every year. You're not winning a title or getting to a western conference final with this roster.

Remind me how great the Warriors without Jackson. If they keep the roster intact their wins will decrease and they will struggle to make the playoffs with the new coach

This franchise been shitty for the past 20 yrs and the guy max out his team the last 2 yrs and he's a bad coach.


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5-7 seed? You mean 3-6 seed bud. And because I watch the games? That's how I know. This team is a 52-56 win team reruns year with the roster they have. Mjax did not get the best out of this roster period.

So he was one win off? Nice

Enjoy ya shitty franchise for another 20 yrs. Steph is leaving in 3 yrs when his contract expires.

The GM and owner basically admitted the firing HAD NOTHING to do with Jackson coaching and now you want to come in here act like he was such a bad coach. I cannot wait for the Warriors to miss the playoffs next yr.


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Apr 16, 2013
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The Warriors organization is a fraud and the owner/gm are both full of shit . All of sudden the fact that he lives in LA is such a big deal? He made it clear to them that he would be living in LA from the start but all of sudden it's a big deal but it wasn't a deal breaker back when you interviewed him 3 years ago right? As he said Doc lived in Orlando while coaching Boston. GS is a 55 MINUTE FLIGHT FROM LA.

Jackson summarize it best here-
"I think it's unfortunate because if it was true, you don't encourage media to come do a piece on my church, on my ministry, the work on my faith," he said in the interview. "Don't do it when it's convenient and you're searching for something. I never went around beating people in the head with a Bible."

"When they hired me they knew I wasn't living here," he told 95.7 The Game. "It wasn't part of the job description. It wasn't a demand, and [Warriors owner] Joe Lacob said even yesterday, if he had to go back he probably would say that or he definitely would say that. That's fine. We can't go back to three years ago. And maybe I don't take the job if that's part of the description. But Doc Rivers coached in Boston living in Orlando. The coaches that I played for lived other places.

"I'm one of the first ones in the office, and I'm one of the last ones to leave, if not the last. So don't look for excuses. Just say it didn't work. Just say it didn't work and let's move on like grown folks. Because there's nothing that you said to do from day one that I did not do. And if you want me to live here, well, buy my house in L.A. and buy me a house here. Doesn't that make sense?"


"Duff Man…Oh Yeah!"
Aug 10, 2010
Sonoma County
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5-7 seed? You mean 3-6 seed bud. And because I watch the games? That's how I know. This team is a 52-56 win team reruns year with the roster they have. Mjax did not get the best out of this roster period.

You're saying he should have gotten one more win?

To be fair, I understand the move now…although I'm not sure if I entirely agree with it. But some of the arguments being raised against Jackson (including some made by the "management" of this site) are simply ridiculous.

The guy taking over as head coach has big shoes to fill. Will he do better than Jackson? Time will tell, but it won't be easy.


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Sevs or quick chek
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Who are they better than? You're not better than OKC, SAS, LAC, or Houston. Injuries happened. SVG would win more than 51 games in the west with this roster when your starting SF/Best defensive player missed 23 games, your starting PF missed 13, and your starting C missed 15 games.

SVG is an avg coach. You're delusional. This roster is a 1st round knock out or at best 2nd round knock out every year. You're not winning a title or getting to a western conference final with this roster.

Remind me how great the Warriors without Jackson. If they keep the roster intact their wins will decrease and they will struggle to make the playoffs with the new coach

This franchise been shitty for the past 20 yrs and the guy max out his team the last 2 yrs and he's a bad coach.

Better than Houston and Portland. You're being to much of a mjax tard IMO


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Sep 26, 2011
Sevs or quick chek
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The Warriors organization is a fraud and the owner/gm are both full of shit . All of sudden the fact that he lives in LA is such a big deal? He made it clear to them that he would be living in LA from the start but all of sudden it's a big deal but it wasn't a deal breaker back when you interviewed him 3 years ago right? As he said Doc lived in Orlando while coaching Boston. GS is a 55 MINUTE FLIGHT FROM LA.

Jackson summarize it best here-
"I think it's unfortunate because if it was true, you don't encourage media to come do a piece on my church, on my ministry, the work on my faith," he said in the interview. "Don't do it when it's convenient and you're searching for something. I never went around beating people in the head with a Bible."

"When they hired me they knew I wasn't living here," he told 95.7 The Game. "It wasn't part of the job description. It wasn't a demand, and [Warriors owner] Joe Lacob said even yesterday, if he had to go back he probably would say that or he definitely would say that. That's fine. We can't go back to three years ago. And maybe I don't take the job if that's part of the description. But Doc Rivers coached in Boston living in Orlando. The coaches that I played for lived other places.

"I'm one of the first ones in the office, and I'm one of the last ones to leave, if not the last. So don't look for excuses. Just say it didn't work. Just say it didn't work and let's move on like grown folks. Because there's nothing that you said to do from day one that I did not do. And if you want me to live here, well, buy my house in L.A. and buy me a house here. Doesn't that make sense?"

They had no problem with where he lived it's just all media garbage


"Duff Man…Oh Yeah!"
Aug 10, 2010
Sonoma County
Hoopla Cash
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Just look at the talent they have on the roster the great passing and shooting. SVG would get a lot out of this roster. This team is a top 4 seed easily with fewer injuries.


And a better bench (something that management should be blamed for, not Jackson)


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Sep 26, 2011
Sevs or quick chek
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So he was one win off? Nice

Enjoy ya shitty franchise for another 20 yrs. Steph is leaving in 3 yrs when his contract expires.

The GM and owner basically admitted the firing HAD NOTHING to do with Jackson coaching and now you want to come in here act like he was such a bad coach. I cannot wait for the Warriors to miss the playoffs next yr.

Never said he was a bad coach he's just not a good enough one. If you were paying attention they actually did say that. It's not your fault though, you're not a Oakland fan and that's understandable on why you're so confused.


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2011
Sevs or quick chek
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And a better bench (something that management should be blamed for, not Jackson)

Yep. But I have full trust that they have a plan to get a better bench now. I don't know why bk keeps saying we aren't that talented. We were 4th in the nba in point differential. All those bad home losses cost us a 3-4 seed IMO


"Duff Man…Oh Yeah!"
Aug 10, 2010
Sonoma County
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Yep. But I have full trust that they have a plan to get a better bench now. I don't know why bk keeps saying we aren't that talented. We were 4th in the nba in point differential. All those bad home losses cost us a 3-4 seed IMO


Can you guess the team below who suffered the following "bad home losses"?

Boston Loss 111-110

Detroit Loss 107-97

Brooklyn Loss 96-95

Denver Loss 111-107

Minnesota Loss 122-121

Brooklyn Loss 88-87

BTW: I believe the Warriors are a top 7 team in the NBA with Jackson as the coach. What would they have been with Kerr or Van Gundy this year? BEtter? How much better? Worse?


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Those are home losses this year by my Miami Heat


"Duff Man…Oh Yeah!"
Aug 10, 2010
Sonoma County
Hoopla Cash
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Those are home losses this year by my Miami Heat

Yes sir.

They really should have been the 1 seed right? Should Spoelstra be fired?!?

I'll say it again: I understand why Jackson was fired. I just find that I am turned off by 95% of the arguments supporting the firing.


"Duff Man…Oh Yeah!"
Aug 10, 2010
Sonoma County
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Yup I agree 1000%. They still have not replaced Jarret Jack

The young guys needed to develop this year. That's a lot to bank on, given that the bench was/is VERY young.

Did Barnes struggle because the coaching staff didn't develop him? I guess we'll see. I'd say Green's development under Jackson was very good. Barnes' sophomore year was horrific.