I'm just here to troll everyone
Not sure if I have the story completely correct, as I started posting (very minimally) and mostly lurking in 2003. I think the "Mules" as they are affectionately called started posting in 2000 or 2001. So in any event, take this story with a grain of salt, but I think it's relatively close to accurate. Anyway the term "mule" came about by a poster named "castacore" (who a lot of people think is cazic). Castacore was a very doom and gloom poster who was always predicting imminent failure. Two of the more popular posters around that time were ram9198 and ILDoyle. Anyway, those two used to always go at it with Castacore telling him he was a pantshitter. The rest of the Giants board agreed with ram and IL that the sky wasn't falling and that Castacore was just a chicken little. Then the rest of the board basically would just belittle Castacore and call him a pantshitter as well. Castacore basically called the rest of the board "mules" for blindly following anything ram said. He called ram "teh Mule God" and anything ram said would be backed by ILDoyle and then the rest of the mules would blindly agree no matter what.
The boards back then were very entertaining to read. I just never posted because even though it was fun to read it was very clique-ish. You kind of had to "put in your time" so to speak before you could be considered a respected poster. A lot of times if you posted in a thread or even started a thread it would just be ignored until you were "worthy". At least that's how it seemed to me. A lot of the posters on the board back then had been posting together for years so there were a ton of hilarious inside jokes and back and forth banter.
I figured it was something like that just curious about the details. Seems like Tito was a 'respected poster' back then.