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LMAO At Boston


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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Truly not Trojan. Articles on the arguments i raise about LA management have been made by LA writers. Even in your own Lakers site within this site many LA posters in the threads have similar opinions. For some reason when the topic hits the main board you get all testy.

The fact that its a celtic writing it is what gets your jimmies going.

There is no way around rebuilding. No team has ever built through free agency alone. Every free agent of value is acquired via picks and assets being traded , even Lebron, Gasol, Nash , etc

Its all well documented

Oh, I see. So because it's L.A. writers, that makes them correct? They are writers. They are trying to attract readers. In L.A., you do that by writing about the Lakers and if you can write something controversial about them, so much the better. No one takes L.A. sportwriters seriously except people outside of L.A.

I just read an article this morning where the writer lays the current situation at Dr. Buss's feet and contends that the current situation was unavoidable. It's also probably the closest thing to correct that I've seen as it lays out exactly what direction Dr. Buss wanted the franchise to go and why D'Antoni was hired (Dr. Buss's call, not Jim's or Mitch's). In fact, it appears that the current situation is exactly what Dr. Buss expected and it is his plan that is being implemented. So, when the Lakers told Kobe they have a plan, it is Dr. Buss's plan they are using.

I expect that you'll understand if I put my faith in the Lakers rather than in some message board poster who thinks Ainge>West.

Additionally, no one is saying that the Lakers will be re-building through free agency alone. Like the current Heat, it will likely be mainly through fee agency. The Lakers have a couple of players on the current roster who are draft picks and will likely have a high draft pick in this draft. They will add max FA's to get back into contention.

As for my "jimmies being rustled", with your recent posts and inability to grasp a rather simple plan, you don't have enough credibility left to rustle my jimmies. You pretty well lost all of it with your "Ainge is better than Jerry West" comment and claiming that C's fans weren't calling for his head prior to the gift from McHale.
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Watch out for Berniedoodles and Trumpers
Apr 17, 2013
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I never said Danny s better than Jerry West. Once again, I never said that. YOU WROTE THAT

I merely discussed how Jerry West built his teams, and the methods are similar to how Danny is doing it.

Secondly, Miami gave up 6 picks, four were first rounders to acquire Bosh and Lebron. SIX PICKS


They also had to give up trade exceptions .

I am sorry for bold but its a fact that NBA deals are documented. You cant change the facts


Watch out for Berniedoodles and Trumpers
Apr 17, 2013
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So Trojan, research the deals before feeling confident they came without trading picks and high quality players. No player comes without chips being dealt. Even Pat Riley knew that.

Shaq was a unique situation.

Learn, read...............


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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I never said Danny s better than Jerry West. Once again, I never said that. YOU WROTE THAT

I merely discussed how Jerry West built his teams, and the methods are similar to how Danny is doing it.

Secondly, Miami gave up 6 picks, four were first rounders to acquire Bosh and Lebron. SIX PICKS


They also had to give up trade exceptions .

I am sorry for bold but its a fact that NBA deals are documented. You cant change the facts

Actually, you did say that. And who the hell said anything about the Heat other than the Lakers using a similar blueprint? Please try and stay on topic.
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Watch out for Berniedoodles and Trumpers
Apr 17, 2013
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And this is why I ask, how does LA rebuild those chips?


Watch out for Berniedoodles and Trumpers
Apr 17, 2013
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Nope, never said it. I said what West did was Danny esque. Similar methods.

West accumulated picks. Genius. Knew how to barter


Watch out for Berniedoodles and Trumpers
Apr 17, 2013
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Trojan, I think we respect each other, once again. the debate is mute. Lets see how LA management does their rebuild versus Boston. we will know alot in the next 12 months


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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And this is why I ask, how does LA rebuild those chips?

It's been explained to you ad nauseum. The problem is that you are either incapable or unwilling to understand.

The Lakers plan is pretty simple and it is the plan Dr. Buss laid out prior to his death. I'll explain it as simply as I can starting with why D'Antoni was hired.

D'Antoni was hired (by Dr. Buss) because Dr. Buss wanted a return to Showtime. That style of play is the direction the league is headed and D'Antoni's offense is very similar to the Showtime era offense. So, even if D'Antoni wasn't hired, the Lakers would have likely hired a similar coach. The league has moved away from the "slow down, walk the ball up the floor" style of the 90's to 00's. The mistake here was letting it get out that the Lakers even spoke to Phil.

Bringing in Dwight and Nash was a "no-brainer" and an attempt to prevent what the Lakers are going through now. This deal was also approved by Dr. Buss. It was essentially a "Plan B" that didn't work out. However, it was something they had to do if they could and virtually every other team would have done the same if they had the chance. As happens sometimes, the plan didn't work and they had to go back to "Plan A".

The Lakers knew they were looking at a down season or 2 because they have to "re-make the roster" and get players more conducive to D'Antoni's style. So, they signed younger, more athletic players to one year deals. Some of these players will earn spots with the Lakers, some may latch on with other teams and some will be out of the league. The one's who stay will be role/6th man type players.

The Lakers will likely have a high draft pick and will look to add a very good/great player in the draft. I expect that Pau will likely be traded closer to the deadline for some combination of players/picks.

In the off-season, the Lakers will make a very attractive offer to Lebron. In the unlikely event that he becomes a Laker (I'd say 20-25% chance at best) , the re-build just became greatly accelerated. In the more likely event that they don't, they will likely look to add a couple of solid veteran players who fit D'Antoni's system and they will go with that next year (the 1st year of Kobe's 2 year deal).

After next season (assuming no Lebron), they will go after Kevin Love who has the Lakers at the top of his list (apparently Dwight doesn't speak for all future FA's after all). In the 2nd year of Kobe's deal, they will have Kobe, Love, a high draft pick player in his 2nd year and some pretty solid role players. There's no way of knowing at this time if that will be a contending team or not, but it should be a pretty solid playoff team.

After Kobe retires, the Lakers will use that cap space to land another max level FA.

Obviously, the above scenario can change at any time given how things play out around the league over the next 2-3 seasons.

That's as simply as I can explain things. The current cba has things set up to where teams and players have to be flexible and open to changing direction at a moments notice. One player changing teams unexpectedly (i.e. Lebron leaving Miami) can change things for virtually every other team in the league.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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Trojan, I think we respect each other, once again. the debate is mute. Lets see how LA management does their rebuild versus Boston. we will know alot in the next 12 months

I know and I'm glad you and I can make "smartass" comments towards each other with neither getting upset. Makes for some fun conversations. It's why I have always had utmost respect for C's fans.

My guess is that we will have a better idea in 12 months, but that it will ultimately take 2-4 years before we truly see which plan works best.

Honestly, I think both teams plans can work well for each. There's more than one way to get to the same destination.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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For all Lakers and C's fans:

On TWCS there is a show called Laker Legends: Showtime Re-Visited. It has Kareem, Worthy, Byron Scott and Michael Cooper talking about the Showtime days and telling stories from that era.

Recently they were talking about the games with the Celtics at the old Boston Garden. They were telling some great stories about playing there and how bad it was. Things like a small cramped locker room, a shower area with 8 shower heads, but only 4 worked and it was cold water. In the summer, the windows in the locker room would be sealed shut, but they'd be open in the winter, etc. They also talked about the fans and how rabid they were.

Funny thing is, they all sounded like they miss that stuff. They were laughing and sounded pretty nostalgic.


Watch out for Berniedoodles and Trumpers
Apr 17, 2013
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Trojan, it remains the greatest rivalry in the sport. Its Arsenal vs United, Red Sox Vs Yankees, and today, Brady vs manning


With regards to your other comments, your plan looks unlikely to play out well. History does not support its success, and if I owned the lakers I would fire anyone who thought that plan was best for the team.

The plan is best for only one person. KOBE

Many teams have cap space, many have assets to barter, and this new generation of players are not driven by the highest offer. They go where they will feel loved. LA depleted themselves and have no young quality players signed as chips nor do they have many draft picks.

But yes, I do think Lebron can change it all. Its a shot in the dark strategy IMO

Dantoni is a joke, even among LA posters. experiment comes to an end at year end


Watch out for Berniedoodles and Trumpers
Apr 17, 2013
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As we close down the season no thread better emulates the season and the predictive nature of LM.

Predicted 25 wins for my team- got it
Also predicted that Lakers Management would continue to fumble- got it
(Even I tho could not imagine the silly Kobe deal)
Noted the importance for even Lakers to build through the draft- LA fans now on board and excited

I did get one thing wrong. I really thought they would have delt Bass for a pick. Still dont understand that move, but then again, Ainge turned the Crawford scrap heap deal into a 1st rounder. So I suppose a wash there.

The pick at 17/18 was slightly better than the expected 20/22 range.

Overall, a critical year for Boston.

I guess its time to predict the next moves, but the ping pong balls need to fall first.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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As we close down the season no thread better emulates the season and the predictive nature of LM.

Predicted 25 wins for my team- got it
Also predicted that Lakers Management would continue to fumble- got it
(Even I tho could not imagine the silly Kobe deal)
Noted the importance for even Lakers to build through the draft- LA fans now on board and excited

I did get one thing wrong. I really thought they would have delt Bass for a pick. Still dont understand that move, but then again, Ainge turned the Crawford scrap heap deal into a 1st rounder. So I suppose a wash there.

The pick at 17/18 was slightly better than the expected 20/22 range.

Overall, a critical year for Boston.

I guess its time to predict the next moves, but the ping pong balls need to fall first.

Hate to break it to you, but Lakers fans figured before the season started that they were likely looking at being in the lottery and have been increasingly excited about the prospect as the season wore on. It has nothing to do with anything you have posted.

Nice try at giving yourself credit though.:lol:
Dec 18, 2013
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Why is a Lakers fan laughing at this? They will be in a better position for the future than LA. Boston will win under 30 games and get a top 10 pick pick while the Lakers will either barely make/miss the playoffs and will have a pick between 15-20 most likely.

Come again?


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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Come again?

To be fair, at the time bks made his prediction, that was how things looked. Most figured that when Kobe came back, with Nash and Gasol, the Lakers were looking at a 7 -10 seed.

Getting decimated by injuries may have been a blessing in disguise as the Lakers now have a top 10 draft pick and cap space. They have also found some nice, young role players who should be able to help in the future.


Apr 18, 2013
Los Angeles
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Noted the importance for even Lakers to build through the draft- LA fans now on board and excited

The Lakers have a first round pick this summer. They may use it. They may trade it. The majority of the rebuild will still be done through free agency. So, you're not quite right there.


Apr 18, 2013
Los Angeles
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For as sucky as a season as that was, the Celtics still sucked more. :lol:


Watch out for Berniedoodles and Trumpers
Apr 17, 2013
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Hate to break it to you, but Lakers fans figured before the season started that they were likely looking at being in the lottery

Nope, not true, but ...............some posters did. Some thought an 8th seed or even better. But thats not my point.

My point in this thread and others was stating the importance of the draft in teams rebuilding, including the lakers. Now your all (not just some) starting to rally around the lottery pick, and you should.

Good smack. I know you all think the Lakers get back in contention first, and I dont. I think the celtics (barring you sign LBJ), are well behind.


Watch out for Berniedoodles and Trumpers
Apr 17, 2013
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Oops, I mean ahead. I had a logic fart, something your org is familiar with.

Its all good boys..let the balls fall next!