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LMAO At Boston


Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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But it now looks like it was one lucky deal

lucky how? His brother was playing like an All-Star before he got hurt. At first it was thought we fleeced the Grizz but time sure can paint a different picture. No one expected us to land Pau and we did so when you go around clamoring that we're screwed don't bet on it. Even if it's Jim Buss running the show.

I'll never be surprised by any moves we make especially when it comes to the lure of LA for FA's and those we trade for...never.


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love their Popcorn Chicken....that would explain the franchise lackluster run from about '86 to '08.

I remember now that I used to call him "John Y. Clown."

But at least he was willing to pay good players at the going rate. He was never the miser Jeremy Jacobs was when
he ran the Bruins. Thank goodness, as I'm sure I've said elsewhere, his sons seem to have learned from their father's mistakes now that they're making the important decisions!


Watch out for Berniedoodles and Trumpers
Apr 17, 2013
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Ownership was the key change. We saw it with the Patriots, Bruins and the Red Sox. Finally, we got that change with the Celtics. Boston dominates the sports scene because of these owners, their friendships with each other and their understandings of how each other created deep organizations.

It starts at the top. If that is dysfunctional, it will go south.

To my LA posters, you can put all the lipstick on the last 3 or 4 years of deals you want, make excuses for the bone head decisions, defend how they acted with Phil and Dwight, you can state to make yourself feel good that everyone wants to play in LA , but the truth is, the deals were bad, and the best center in the nba, a rare free agent, left as fast as he could, despite being begged. But to then trash him, that was where it became truly comical.

LA is not an attractive destination for this generation of players, and Dwight made that clear!


Fuck CBS
Apr 17, 2013
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Yet, Love has LA on top of his list.

When tf did Dwight become the poster boy for free agents?


Apr 18, 2013
Los Angeles
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Ownership was the key change. We saw it with the Patriots, Bruins and the Red Sox. Finally, we got that change with the Celtics. Boston dominates the sports scene because of these owners, their friendships with each other and their understandings of how each other created deep organizations.

It starts at the top. If that is dysfunctional, it will go south.

To my LA posters, you can put all the lipstick on the last 3 or 4 years of deals you want, make excuses for the bone head decisions, defend how they acted with Phil and Dwight, you can state to make yourself feel good that everyone wants to play in LA , but the truth is, the deals were bad, and the best center in the nba, a rare free agent, left as fast as he could, despite being begged. But to then trash him, that was where it became truly comical.

LA is not an attractive destination for this generation of players, and Dwight made that clear!

One marquee free agent turned down the Lakers and all of a sudden the Lakers are no longer an attractive destination? Get your head out of your ass LogicMan. The funny thing is you thinking Love would want to stay in Boston if traded there.


Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Boston dominates the sports scene because of these owners, their friendships with each other and their understandings of how each other created deep organizations.

based on your assertion, then I would counsel the Bruins/Sox/Pats ownership to show the Celtics brass how to win championships. You can count on one hand how many your Celtics have won in 30+ years: a whopping 4.

I'll take a stab and guess that you were only able to enjoy a couple of them, ex watching them on TV/in person, right?


Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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To my LA posters, you can put all the lipstick on the last 3 or 4 years of deals you want, make excuses for the bone head decisions, defend how they acted with Phil and Dwight, you can state to make yourself feel good that everyone wants to play in LA , but the truth is, the deals were bad, and the best center in the nba, a rare free agent, left as fast as he could, despite being begged. But to then trash him, that was where it became truly comical.

and to my Boston posters, how does it feel to only win 1 title since '86?? We had some legitimate excuses since '10, what are yours in 27 years??

This I can't wait to read LogicMan....


Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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the title of this thread has merit after all, LOL


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Jul 2, 2013
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based on your assertion, then I would counsel the Bruins/Sox/Pats ownership to show the Celtics brass how to win championships. You can count on one hand how many your Celtics have won in 30+ years: a whopping 4.

I'll take a stab and guess that you were only able to enjoy a couple of them, ex watching them on TV/in person, right?

You are apparently one more non-New Englander unaware that John Y Brown, former owner of the franchise, was not even remotely a worthy successor to his predecessors.

Fans of the Celtics and the other California based teams would LOVE seeing the Lakers acquired by someone as basketball-ignorant as John Y Brown was. Laker fans would HATE it, PASSIONATELY!


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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Come on now Logic. Pretty ridiculous to conclude that the Lakers only hope is acquiring Lebron. I would love to have him, but he isn't the only player in the NBA.

I agree that the Lakers fucked up not resigning Dwight. That was the start of the rebuild/reload plan. That has set them back a few years. It's not going to be as quick of a process as hoped.

With the way things are going this season, the Lakers will be in position to draft a potential superstar player. In the summer of 2015, they have cap room for possibly a top PF (go ahead and trade for Love Danny boy. He ain't resigning in Boston). In the summer of 2016, they'll have the cap room for another star. I could easily see a big 3 of Love, Westbrook, and Wiggins starting the 16/17 season.

Deep in the valley now, but the peak will be in reach again.

You'll have to excuse Logic. He thinks Danny Ainge is a better GM than Jerry West. It appears that Logic also can't count or something. He acts like the Lakers just signed Kobe to a 10 year deal or something when it was 2 years. There is still enough cap space for a max FA this year or next and another after Kobe retires.

Yet, somehow in Logic's mind, this will lead to the Lakers matching the C's 20 years of irrelevance.

I agree about Dwight, but that wasn't a Lakers screw up, it was a Dwight issue. The Lakers had the opportunity to make that deal and they did (as would virtually every other team in the league). It didn't work. It also didn't set the re-build back. Trading for Dwight was an attempt to avoid the re-build that everyone has known was coming as soon as the new cba was approved.

Agree about the draft. It's supposed to be deep and the Lakers should be in the top 10.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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and to my Boston posters, how does it feel to only win 1 title since '86?? We had some legitimate excuses since '10, what are yours in 27 years??

This I can't wait to read LogicMan....

:omg:Haven't you heard?

It's all Rick Pitino's fault!!:laugh3::laugh3:


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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You are apparently one more non-New Englander unaware that John Y Brown, former owner of the franchise, was not even remotely a worthy successor to his predecessors.

Fans of the Celtics and the other California based teams would LOVE seeing the Lakers acquired by someone as basketball-ignorant as John Y Brown was. Laker fans would HATE it, PASSIONATELY!

Wait!! What?!? All this time you guys have been blaming Rick Pitino!! Now it Colonel Sanders fault?:noidea:


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Jul 2, 2013
Boston, MA
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based on your assertion, then I would counsel the Bruins/Sox/Pats ownership to show the Celtics brass how to win championships. You can count on one hand how many your Celtics have won in 30+ years: a whopping 4.

You don't seem to understand what I've said before, so I'll try rephrasing it.

For too many of those years the Celtics suffered under the dumbest owner in Boston!

John Y Brown, thankfully, is long gone! I don't know if he's even still alive, but if he is I hope he buys the Lakers and shows Californians what a nitwit he is!


Watch out for Berniedoodles and Trumpers
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Brahm is right guys. You see it all changed for the celtics when Paul gaston, mr marketing, sold off the celtics to groups beck and partners. Boston had a solid organization until Paul's dad died. Paul proceeded over a 10 year period to destroy the teams assets and management talent.

It was not until 2003 that the celtics finally got sold to a owner who could build a winning organization. First he hired a competent GM in Danny. Danny then within 2 years identified his coach of the future . Then, he and Danny set about drafting and developing talent. That talent and other picks were later traded for Garnett. Within 4 years from the start of the change in ownership , the mojo was back.

It's not lost on many nba peeps that this is exactly the situation in la. You have a son of a great owner who is worried about image and marketing, not the product. Some la fans are buying the kook and, some are not. Dwight was not.

La will turn around when the same cycle takes hold . It will require a new GM, a new coach, a. Few years of accumulating assets. When the product is the focus, la will be back on top. Until then, some fans will be angry, and some will instead assume the past guarantees the future. It's going to be a hard long lesson.

Those 20 tough years are for these reason. Your 4 years in, and your already at least 5 more years away, maybe more. The delay by being mediocre with Kobe, and also having few picks will come back to haunt.


Watch out for Berniedoodles and Trumpers
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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But I will say this, there is one hope in the next few years, one, and that is Lebron. I really believe la will push super hard for him, maybe even giving him some ownership. They will be desperate


Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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But I will say this, there is one hope in the next few years, one, and that is Lebron. I really believe la will push super hard for him, maybe even giving him some ownership. They will be desperate

it would remind Lakers fans how "desperate" we were when we landed Shaq....we're not in the business of waiting 20+ years for the next title


Watch out for Berniedoodles and Trumpers
Apr 17, 2013
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Exactly BAM. LA saw an opportunity to build around a young big man in SHAQ and that management team gave Shaq his demands, and struck hard.

Today, under a new owner, new GM and coach, they had a rare chance again, remember that superstars rarely get to FA, and in the end they got nervous and capitulated on that rare chance again with Dwight

Your making my point


Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Your making my point

Lakers have always gone after top FA's, money has never been an issue and they've landed the big fish more times than not. Are the Celtics gearing up to sign a Lebron or Carmelo? Is this ownership willing to spend the $$ or rely on drafts/trades to rebuild team?


Watch out for Berniedoodles and Trumpers
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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BAM, I dont think Boston will want Lebron or Carmelo, especially not Melo

I think they will go after Love or another promising / rising big man and will shower Minnesota/others with picks. They still will have picks after that, plenty of them. They will use Wallace contract and /or trade exception as well to get that piece.

They will rebuild by resigning key vets, trading picks for a big man, keep developing AB and Sully, and with Rondo at point draft periphery studs with their other lottery picks in the 3/4 position.

Its very cool


Watch out for Berniedoodles and Trumpers
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Is this ownership willing to spend the $$ or rely on drafts/trades to rebuild team?

They have the assets to do both now. Guys like Love wont get to FA. Somebody is going to give Minnesota assets if Minnesota cannot resign him. There looks to be 5 or 6 teams well positioned with Picks if Minnesota decides they cant get a deal done.

Remember, all those FA's you want always require a team to give up assets, like the Nash deal, the Gasol deal, etc. Getting Dwight required assets to be given away.

What and how will LA create the assets to horse trade with Minnesota or other teams impending FA's?